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Adventure: Love Bites


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Atreus sends Hacker an angry look " Don't tell me what to do banjo-man! Start using some real weapons and stop hiding behind that cactus! Show some real courage "

Vicious as hell itself, the assassin moves into position and taunts the dragon " Now, I shall give you one free swipe " and Atreus against all logic channels his dark powers right in front of it, neglecting his defences on purpose.

A dark mist starts to swirl around the revenant and strange echoes of what sounds as distant screams emit from the darkness, pleading for help and forgiveness.

" Now share my pain dragon, feel how it is to die! " The dark mist engulfs the dragon, draining it of its life essence and morale, giving it the illusion it's dying.


Move Action: Move G12

Standard Action: Uses Targeted for Death, daily power, the dragon gets an attack of opportunity since it's a ranged 5 power and if Atreus takes damage, he heals 4 hp from Hackers power since he hits with his daily. Hits will 21 and does 25 damage. Atreus can now shroud it twice each round.

Minor Action: If dragon attacks Atreus and hits with his OA, he activates Armor of sudden recovery. Gains same amount of regeneration as the ongoing damage and negates further damage from ongoing damage, lasts until the end of the encounter.

Free Action: Shrouds the dragon Twice, muahahaha

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Lord Sessadore

Tristan, bleeding profusely and magically rooted to the spot, can do nothing but press a hand to his wounds to try to staunch the bleeding. "Dayna, get me closer to that beast. These guys shouldn't be allowed to have all the fun," he prays under his breath.
[sblock=Actions]I just want to note that being immobilized one square away from the dragon is really, really annoying. If someone could get it adjacent to Tristan next round that would be appreciated. Some healing will also probably be needed.

Standard: Second Wind. Regain 8 hp, +2 to all defenses TSNT
Minor: none.
Move: none.

Save vs. ongoing & immob: 1d20+2-2=7
Save vs. -2 to attacks: 1d20-2=9

Fails both :([/sblock]
[sblock=Tristan stats]Tristan Moonblade - Male Elf Avenger (Dayna) 2
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15; Low-light vision
AC:19(21), Fort:15(17), Reflex:17(19), Will:17(19) -- Speed:7
HP:11/34, Bloodied:17, Surge Value:8, Surges Left:7/9
+2 item bonus to saves vs. poison keyword, weakened, slowed, immobilized.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Bond of Pursuit
Radiant Vengeance

Angelic Alacrity
Avenger's Resolve
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Oath of the Final Duel

Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Tristan gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
+2 to all defenses TSNT
5 ongoing and immobilized (se both)
-2 to attacks (se)


Round 5

Hacker ducks behind the cactus, his words and music soothing Mikara, but failing to upset the dragon.

Mikara is in severe pain from her wounds. With Hacker's help, she recovers from her paralysis long enough to stumble a pace away from the dragon, which gives her room to fire two arrows. One sinks into the beast, and Hacker's shout of encouragement gives her a bit more strength. It also enrages the dragon, who is now bleeding freely. It opens its mouth again and spews acid, covering Mikara and Tristan with the caustic goop. Despite Hacker's aid, Mikara is once again a hair's breadth from collapse.

The same cannot be said for Tristan, however. The fresh bath of acid is too much for him, and he collapses in a heap, the acid eating into his flesh with alarming rapidity. It is clear that if he doesn't get help very, very soon, he will be in Dayna's arms.

Woe, Atreus, and Kathalia encircle the dragon, timing their attacks to perfection. Kathalia strikes first, dazing the huge beast. Atreus plunges his dagger deep into its side, and Woe charges and knocks the beast off its feet.

Dazed and prone, it thrashes violently, missing Woe but wounding Atreus, who feels his legs stiffen into immobility as well.

[sblock=ooc]Last round: Tristan makes his save vs. ongoing acid and immobilized.

Hacker heals Mikara for 8+4=12, and slides her east. Mikara's not bloodied, for the moment. Dissonant strain misses. He saves against the attack penalty.

Mikara takes 5 ongoing acid and 5 ongoing untyped, and becomes bloodied again. She hits once for 7 damage. She heals 4 points from stirring shout. That's the good news; the bad news is that this bloodies the dragon. It immediately recharges and uses its breath weapon. Only Tristan and Mikara are in range; 17 vs. Fort and 16 vs. Fort hits both of them for 5 acid damage. They're both already taking ongoing acid damage and immobilized, so that bit doesn't matter. Actually, Tristan made his save, so the ongoing acid and immobilization goes back on.

Mikara fails her saves.

Kathalia wild shapes, moves to G10 and readies an attack for when Woe moves adjacent.

Woe delays until after Atreus.

Atreus moves to G12, shrouds the dragon once, and readies an attack. (I know you said you wanted to hit first and then shroud, but you can only ready a standard action. You didn't say that you were readying the attack, but your attack bonus includes CA, which you don't have unless you've readied for when Woe flanks. And without CA, you miss.)

Woe circles south and charges with knockdown assault. This causes Kathalia and Atreus' readied actions to fire, before Woe's attack lands. (Doesn't matter this time, but might in the future.)

Kathalia hits with Predator's flurry, for 8 damage, and the dragon is dazed TENT (Kathalia). Kathalia shifts away.

Atreus doesn't take an OA, since the dragon is now dazed. He hits for 25 damage.

Woe's knockdown charge lands now, for 5 damage, and knocks the dragon prone.

Tristan takes 5 ongoing acid and 5 ongoing untyped damage, and falls unconscious at -7. No second wind, sorry. You owe me another save against ongoing acid and immobilized for this round. If you fail that save, and don't get any healing this round, at the beginning of your next turn you'll drop to -17, and then you won't have to worry about those pesky death saves. :)

Wow, that round twisted my brain a bit.

The dragon fails to recharge. It uses slicing fury to attack Woe and Atreus; 23 vs. AC hits Atreus for 13 damage, and Atreus is immobilized and takes 5 ongoing untyped damage (se both). 18 vs. AC misses Woe.

I waffled a bit on this, but I'm going to go ahead and rule that slicing fury (make a claw attack against one target and a tail lash attack against another target) consists of two separate attacks, each with one target, that Woe's mark and combat challenge apply to the attack against Atreus. It still hits, but Woe gets a BMA.


[sblock=Initiative and status]

  • Atreus 29/39 hp, 9/9 surges, 5 ong and immobilized (se both)
  • Woe 46/46 hp, 9/11 surges
  • Mikara 7/34 hp, 4/7 surges, 5 ong acid and immobilized (se both), -2 to attacks (se), 5 ong and immobilized (se both), bloodied
  • Dragon 168 damage, mikara's quarry, enemies heal 4 when hitting, bloodied, dazed TENT (Kathalia), 1 shroud, prone
  • Kathalia 36/36 hp, 7/9 surges, fleet pursuit, wild shaped
  • Hacker 36/36 hp, 6/9 surges
  • Tristan -7/34 hp, 8/9 surges, 5 ong acid and immobilized (se both), -2 to attacks (se), 5 ong and immobilized (se both), dying

Resources Used:
  • Kathalia: Fires of Life, Fleet pursuit
  • Atreus: AP
  • Mikara: AP, Hunter's Bear Trap, Evasive Strike, Elven Accuracy, Cut and Run
  • Hacker: AP, Concerted effort, Stirring Shout, majestic word x1, dissonant strain.
  • Tristan: AP, Luckblade, 1 daily magic item power
  • dragon: APx2, frightful presence


[sblock=enemy stats]Dragon: HP 260, AC 23, Fort 22, Ref 21, Will 21. BMA +10 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage and the target is immobilized and takes 5 ongoing damage (save ends both)
Aura of Terror: enemies within 5 take -2 on saving throws.


The hill near T30 is low, only 5' higher at the top than at the bottom. It could theoretically give cover or possibly improved cover in the right circumstances.

The cactus takes up all of the square that its trunk is in; it can be used for cover or improved cover like any tree.

The rock in M5-N7 is about 3 feet high, and can provide cover.



First Post
The ugly, ravenous beast that is Kathalia jumps into the fray again, but she can't manage to do more than irritate the beast. (Move to G11. Savage Rend with combat advantage Misses. Using elven accuracy to reroll: misses again. Crap).

// I'd like to pause mid-turn to confer briefly with my table mates, since the survival of a PC is at stake here. At this point Kathalia has three choices that I can see a) she can wild shape back to elf form and use an action point to use a healing word on tristan.- b) she can spend an action point to try one more time to push the dragon one square east - if she does this then hacker will have to spend his last majestic word to avoid Tristan's untimely demise, but this way tristan has a good chance of getting in a hit this round, since Hacker would heal tristan for 12 and he will take 10 ongoing damage - if tristan hits the dragon AND makes at least one save, he may even make it to the next round :) c) she can stay put if Hacker has something else up his sleeve, and use her screaming hide to give the dragon a -2 on attacks for a round.

[sblock=Kathalia Stat Block]
Kathalia, Elf Druid 3
Passive Perception 22, Passive Insight 15
AC 19, Fort 14, Reflex 17, Will 17
HP 36/36 Bloodied 18, Surge Value 9, Surges 7/9
Speed 8, Initiative +5
Action Points: 1

Current Effects
Wolf Form
Bow at S12
Speed 12 while in wolf form till end of encounter

Encounter Resources
Darting Bite
USED Predator's Flurry
USED Elven Accuracy (+ feat)
Screaming Hide Armor
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Healing Word
Amulet of Resolution
USED Fleet Pursuit
USED Fires of Life


First Post
Atreus laughs at the dragons attack and welcomes the pain " At least I can feel something " he ponders out-loud " too bad for you that I have a nice trinket against such things ". Suddenly his wounds start to mend.

Not wasting any more time, the assassin raises his deadly weapon and strikes the dragon but only inflicts minor damage.

Tactics: I wanted to ask if Atreus might go before Kathalia this round? Unfortunately I didn't see that nerdytenor had posted. Never the less I had the same idea about moving the dragon, but wanted it to be moved further away from Tristan. Moving it closer to Tristan would not be good for Mikara and I am not sure if it would be good for Tristan either since he is even more vulnerable to attacks, thus making Hackers or Kathalias healing not that effective.

Free action: Double Shroud the stupid dragon, he has three shrouds.
Standard Action: uses nightshade kiss power and activates shrouds, hits ref 16 and does only 14 shroud damage.
move action:
minor action: he activates Armor of sudden recovery. Gains same amount of regeneration as the ongoing damage and negates further damage from ongoing damage, lasts until the end of the encounter.


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[sblock=Saving Private Tristan]
Never the less I had the same idea about moving the dragon, but wanted it to be moved further away from Tristan. Moving it closer to Tristan would not be good for Mikara and I am not sure if it would be good for Tristan either since he is even more vulnerable to attacks, thus making Hackers or Kathalias healing not that effective.
I agree, sort of. Though Kathalia’s intentions are good, putting a dragon next to our two most badly wounded members seems like a disservice - Tristan might get a short-lived breather, but Mikara will be lined up for the kill. If, on the other hand, we get them out of the dragon’s breath weapon range, they can both safely recover health & mobility and Tristan can rejoin the fray at his leisure.

We might be able to pull the latter off by combining Hacker’s Blunder (slide 2) with Woe’s Tide of Iron (push 1) & item power (push 2). What do you guys think?

PS. Woe would also prefer to go before Kathalia, if that’s ok (for the sake of combat advantage). :)


[sblock=ooc]First, keep in mind the dragon is prone as well as dazed.

Second, the way that "till end of next turn" effects work with this flexible initiative thing is that everyone (besides Kathalia) gets exactly one turn with the effect in place, regardless of whether they post before or after K. In the presence of readied actions, I'll treat the turn as taking place when the standard action fires. In this case, Atreus and Woe have already acted once while the dazed condition is in effect, so they wouldn't benefit from that even if they'd posted before Kathalia.


First Post
"***** you, Atreus!" shouts Hacker, "Folks, why in the ***** do we have that loser on our team? The only way he's going to hurt the ***** dragon is to ***** it and give it his raging case of syphilis."

"Gawds-*****, Tristan! Get off your lazy butt, and get into the fight! If the ***** dragon breathes again, just shove Atreus down his gullet." [Minor: Majestic Word - Slide Tristan 1 space to J15. Tristan regains Healing Surge + 4 HP.]

"And you, dumb****," yells Hacker at the dragon, "Get the ***** away from my gawds-***** party!" [Standard: Blunder - 1d20+6+2=18 v. Will, AAAAAARGH!]


[sblock=OUCH!!!!!]By my count, only Woe and I are to go. If Woe has any healing power available, even if you have to force a potion down her throat, Mikara would be grateful. Doesn't have to be much. 4 hp or more will do nicely. Otherwise she's K.O.'d at the beginning of her turn.[/sblock]


First Post
// Kathalia's turn is not done. If we think it makes sense, she can use an AP to shapeshift and heal Mikara - otherwise she can use her remaining minor action to give the dragon -2 to hit this coming round.

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