[Adventure] Madness at Gardmore Abbey

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Despite the fiery demise of the orcish bomb-thrower, Joy's song never faltered. Even as the temporary bath of flame guttered out, she stepped forward and swung her massive curved sword at one of the remaining brutes. As the blade cut deep, Joy felt a renewed surge of energy as her own wounds closed. This time it was her blind elven ally that heard her voice in his head, urging him to fight past his own grievous wounds- and Merri, sensitive as she was to the emotional energy blasting through the area, felt a sudden rush as well.

[sblock= OOC]
>Move: shift to O9
>Standard: Attack OB 1 with Energizing Strike (augmented 2), 1d20+14 (vs. AC)= 23, hits for 17 damage and Joy can spend a healing surge. She does so, and one ally (Merri) gains 5 temp HP. Rolls http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4124378/
>Minor: Majestic word on Illarion, spend surge for surge +6 HP

[sblock= summary for GM, Merri, Illarion]
Hit OB 1 for 17; Joy spends a surge for 14 HP; Merri gets 5 temp HP (not applied yet); Illarion can spend a surge for surge +6 HP (not applied yet)

Son of Meepo

First Post
I'm on vacation next week. I was away this weekend and I've just been busy with work the past few days. I'm going to try again today to get this moving.

Son of Meepo

First Post
Propelled by their rage, the orcs pursue their losing battle to the end. As they fall, the orcs parting shots further wound the heroes, but they survive the encounter with little more than a few cuts and bruises that will quickly heal.

GM: I'm declaring the combat over. The main purpose of the battle was for you to get used to the way I track combat and for me to get used to the way the characters work.

It is important that you keep all the statuses of PCs and monsters up to date when you inflict a condition as I might overlook them otherwise. If something is forgotten and it is too much work to retcon, you may lose the benefit.

One thing I am struggling with is the large number of immediate actions, especially from Pap. I'm wondering if it might work better to abandon the Malenkirk system to a degree and have the monster act on their init instead of in a group. It would make it easier for me (less time consuming) to update monster turns and would allow the PCs to react (or interrupt) those monsters without invalidating a whole bunch of actions from the rest of the monsters that round.

GM: Encounter 0: Into the Fire (Level 6)
2 Bloodspear Grenadiers (level 4 artillery)
4 Bloodspear Krulls (level 5 brutes)
1 Bloodspear Half-Troll (level 8 soldier)

Because it is a longer adventure I will be allowing the PCs to level up at certain points (when it would be expected during the adventure). All xp due to you will be awarded at the end.

OOC: [MENTION=78756]Son of Meepo[/MENTION],

How about you require everyone to have the list of immediates in priority order
See here for an example

If it's not listed, it didn't happen. Period.

Of course, there may be some extra conditions, or maybe someone uses some hit prevention on a minion or something non-standard near the end of the encounter...

If there are reactions that do nothing to the enemy (say invoker divine favor) - then simply let the player declare at the start of his turn that he's using it - assuming you didn't trigger one of his immediates for the round...

The reason for this: you may get busy (it happens) and we will be forced to wait for some random monster (maybe even a minion) to do something each time one their turns come...and even if you follow the thread, with 5-7 monsters the speed will fall drastically as people check, see you didn't do anything, then check again next day ( and the rest have to wait that time too)


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[sblock=ooc]The battlemind is just a pain as regards immediates--I already list out Papolstaanas's immediates but it's extremely difficult to cover all the possibilities with a power as versatile as Lightning Rush.[/sblock]

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Yeah. The thing is Pap didn't get to use it because it always seemed he was in a position where he would have provoked and that was one of your anti-conditions. I kept wondering if there were times where you really would have taken the OA to use your interrupts if we were playing around a table.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I almost certainly would take OAs from time to time at the table, but I'd rather make my conditions simpler just for the sake of (relative) simplicity. Off-turn actions are complicated enough as it is; I nearly always missed something when I was DMing, no matter how careful the players were when laying their actions out.[/sblock]

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