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[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


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In the Office

Garry searches the barrel thoroughly, finding it full of exotic (and valuable) dyestuffs imported from the Imperium. It bears a label indicating that it was confiscated due to the importer's inability to pay Customs duties. It does not however contain anything useful to the task at hand.

Verloc, having finished filling out the form, picks it up and moves into the shadowed corner where the goliath stands. Bann-ur grudgingly steps out of the way, as per the rogue's sarcastic request.

On the Street

Ferris' ruse of running off to fetch a guard himself seems to satisfy the dim-witted lad, and he starts heading north with Jezebel and Alnar in the direction of the Hanged Man. Unfortunately just as the group is heading northward, Garry's sunord "flashlight" happens to be pointed in the direction of the front window, allowing bright light to spill out onto Carenvale Blvd.

The young guard blinks in confusion and says loudly (loud enough to be heard in the office), "Hey! What's this? Is there a light on in there? What's a demon want wif lights?"


[sblock=New Round]Round 15


Garry: You're up!

Bann-ur: You're up!

Joox/Verloc: You're up!

Ferris: Waits for Alnar, Jezebel, and the guard to move out of sight and earshot. He is located just south of the light cast by the southern streetlamp. It will take him 2 rounds moving at a run to reach the office.

Alnar: You're up!

Jezebel: You're up!

Alnar and Jezebel will need to make another successful Bluff and Intimidate check vs. DC 15 between the two of them to ease the guard's puzzlement about lights in the office. If successful, it'll be the fourth such success with no failures, and the guard will be out of the picture, buying the group inside time to act unimpeded once Ferris gives them the news.

Garry may want to do something about the light. Verloc and Bann-ur can act as normal, but they will take a -2 to all non-knowledge skill checks, due to the darkness.

Items found:
Group Failures: 0/3


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That is the eyes of the Oni glowing! Alnar says in a panicked voice. Hurry to the tavern!

[sblock=23 bluff, 13 intimidate.] Rolls
Could use an aid another in intimidate please :)[/sblock]


"Quit asking questions! If you don't want your soul sucked out into that demon's eyes, you'd better avert your gaze and follow us."

She does seem to be losing her patience. Surely the poor tiefling must just be scared about the oni.

[sblock=intimidate 26]Roll here.[/sblock]


First Post
On the Street
"Quit asking questions! If you don't want your soul sucked out into that demon's eyes, you'd better avert your gaze and follow us."
"Oh-oh-okay missy. Whatever you say. I sure don't want my soul sucked out," the young man seems thoroughly cowed by Jezebel's sharp words.

He sets off northward along the street at a brisk clip with Jezebel and Alnar, muttering worriedly to himself, "Dratted job. Can't believe there's a demon in the office. Should have listened to mum. She says, 'Now Festus, be a good lad, march yourself down to the docks, and ask for a job helping the fish monger just like your father did. That's good work that is.' But, did I listen? No I didn't. My uncle he says, 'Festus, got a great job for you son. All you gotta do is stand around all night minding my office, and you won't have to go home smelling like fish!' But now there's a stinking demon come out of some infernal hole in the office, and he's gonna suck my soul out and kill the pretty young lass. Rotten luck, that's what it is..."

The jabbering guard eventually shuts up after a withering look from Jezebel and the trio make their way toward the Hanged Man.

In the Office

Before he can put out his light, Garry sees Jezebel, Alnar, and the Customs guard come jogging by the front window. Amazingly, though his sunrod shines brightly out onto the street, the young guard pays it no notice, and in fact seems to keep his gaze purposefully averted.


Round 15


Garry: You're up!

Bann-ur: You're up!

Joox/Verloc: You're up!

Ferris: Waits for Alnar, Jezebel, and the guard to move out of sight and earshot. He is located just south of the light cast by the southern streetlamp. It will take him 2 rounds moving at a run to reach the office.

Alnar: Successfully Bluffs the guard. Runs to B(2).

Jezebel: Successfully Intimidates the guard. Runs to A(2).

Congrats on successfully bamboozling the guard! Your party has effectively bought yourselves 10 rounds to finish investigating the office before the young man's jabbering about an oni in the Customs Office attracts suspicions and brings someone in to investigate.

As Ferris has stayed behind he can join the party inside after 2 rounds to help search and/or clean up.

You are no longer limited to moving your character's speed on your turn.

Items found: 2/3


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First Post
DM said:
Before he can put out his light, Garry sees Jezebel, Alnar, and the Customs guard come jogging by the front window. Amazingly, though his sunrod shines brightly out onto the street, the young guard pays it no notice, and in fact seems to keep his gaze purposefully averted.
" Guys, you won't believe what just happened... ", and he turns around to face the others with a huge wolfish grin. " I just saw the goat lady and Alnar walk away with the guard! Now it's time to get busy, we don't know how much time we have ".

Waiting for the rogue to finish his business with the door, Garry takes a one last look at the goodies in the barrel. " I sure wish we could ste... I mean borrow these things indefinitely... " he says with another completely innocent smile. " Well, lets see what's in the other room "

Standard: Makes sure that the barrel is exactly as it was before he searched it
Move: moves to f7 when Verloc has opened the door


Ferris waits till Alnar, Jezebel and footsteps fade, peeks out after them, and if the coast is clear lopes back to the Customs House to inform the rest of the group as to what has transpired, helping them as he may.


First Post
In the Office

Garry reseals the barrel of dyestuffs and moves over to the rear door, providing light for Bann-ur and Verloc.

On the Street

Ferris waits till Alnar, Jezebel and footsteps fade, peeks out after them, and if the coast is clear lopes back toward the Customs House to inform the rest of the group as to what has transpired, helping them as he may.

updated map

[sblock=actions]Round 15 (10 rounds remain)


Garry: Closes barrel, moves to F7, and provides light for Verloc and Bann-ur at the rear door.

Bann-ur: You're up!

Joox/Verloc: You're up!

Ferris: Run 10 squares to O2.

Alnar: Successfully Bluffs the guard. Runs to B(2).

Jezebel: Successfully Intimidates the guard. Runs to A(2).

Still need actions for Verloc and Bann-ur.

Items found: 2/3[/sblock]


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First Post
" Guys, you won't believe what just happened... ", and he turns around to face the others with a huge wolfish grin. " I just saw the goat lady and Alnar walk away with the guard! Now it's time to get busy, we don't know how much time we have ".

Verloc continues towards the door and deftly picks the lock. He then turns around, looks Bann-Ur in the eyes, and says: "Now my big friend, it is time for you to see what is in that room", while stowing away his lock picks.

move: to E9
action: pick lock on door. Rolled a 30.
Minor: Put away thieves' tools


First Post
Nodding to Verloc as he passes, Bann-ur opens the door and moves into the room. By the light shining into the room from Garry's rod, Bann-ur searches the most likely looking spot for the remaining item that they need...

Perception check (1d20+5=23)

Move: into room towards most likely spot to search
Minor: to open the door if needed
Standard: Perception check as above, result=23

Voidrunner's Codex

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