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[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


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OOC: Sorry. I've been slow this week. Kids are all home for spring break and time on the compy is at a premium.

Bann-ur moves over to the bookshelf on the south wall and inspects it for any interesting items.

[sblock=Actions/Stat block]Start=
Move= to I 11
Standard= Perception check (1d20+5=25) Woot! Crit!
[sblock=stat block]Bann-ur- Male Goliath Warden 1
Conditions: none Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +10, Init: +0
AC: 17, Fort: 16, Reflex: 10, Will: 12 -- Speed: 6
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used, Milestones: none
:bmelee:Basic Atk: Maul +7 vs AC, 2d6+5 dmg (Crit = 17 dmg)
:branged:Ranged Basic Atk: Crossbow +2 vs AC, 1d8 dmg, Range 15/30 (Bolts: 20/20)

Powers- Warden's Fury, Warden's Grasp, Earth Shield Strike, Strength of Stone
Stone's Endurance, Thunder Ram Assault,
Form of Winter's Herald
Combat notes: -Markings of the Victor feat: Roll twice for first attack of each encounter and use either result.[/sblock][/sblock]

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In fact, it kinda seems like we should wrap up the skill challenge at this point, seeing as how the guards are gone, we have 2/3 successes, and no failures. Can we just take 10 or something to find the last piece of the forgery equipment?
Agreed. We should definitely speed things along. I'm going to go ahead and drop the turn-based structure at this point and cut to the chase.[/sblock]

Bann-ur makes a thorough search of the shelf, finding it full of past years' Customs Ledgers, and volumes of Compiled and Annotated Dauntonian Maritime Statutes. Unfortunately none of these items prove to be of immediate use for the task at hand.

Verloc though, momentarily distracted from Garry's whispered challenge by his keen eye for pilferage, marks the lockbox next to the large, expensive desk as a likely place for a customs officer to securely store an important item, such as an official seal.

[sblock=Verloc]If you'd like to open the lockbox, please make a Perception and a Thievery check both versus DC 16 (I found a backup of your character sheet here if you need to reference it).

Also, we'll need to know how Joox/Verloc reacts to Garry's demand for half the loot from the desk.[/sblock]

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Verloc hears Garry's request and in his head he quickly runs through the pros and cons of giving the intensely staring man half of the loot. Thinking quickly, he takes one quarter of the coins from the table and puts them in Garry's palm. "Here you go friend, but not a word to the others", he whispers, convincing Garry with an intense stare that it is indeed half the coins. Bluff check: 14

Taking no time to hear an answer, he spots a lockbox which surely might contain the seal needed to finish the forgery. He takes out his lockpicks and moves towards it saying not a word to the others. He gets down on his knees and starts working his magic. Unfortunately he is way to distracted thinking about how Garry might react to actually get the lock open. Perception check: 3 Thievery check: 13

What is happening? Just rolled two 3's and a 2!

To DM: I'm glad you dropped the turn-based system for now, though we should be able to handle it, things have definitely moved a little slow lately, and I'm not without fault myself. I used to check it every day, but since there was such a long time between my turns I seemed to skip a day or two... and later found out it was actually my turn!

So what I'm saying is: I'm still here and sorry if it has been a little slow lately, I sure hope all of us will get back to it after easter so this game can get running. Don't be afraid to NPC Verloc for a turn though, I won't take any offense.

And lastly: I'm really looking forward to where this adventure might take us, I have a feeling it could get really interesting with our different backgrounds and the DM'ing of Pacdidj.


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Moving with stealth and economy, Ferris tidies up in the front office as best he can. Despite his unfamiliarity with urban spaces, and the darkness of the room, he is fairly confident that he has managed to restore the place to a less suspicious state.

"Here you go friend, but not a word to the others"

Unconvinced of Verloc's sincerity, Garry's brows furrow and he emits a low growl. Before he can react however, the rogue moves to inspect the sturdy lockbox.

Taking out his picks the rogue sets to work, but in his preoccupation with how best to deal with Garry, Verloc misses a simple, but effective theft deterrent embedded in the lock. Just as its first tumbler clicks into place the lock begins to hiss, and immediately thereafter Verloc is enveloped in a cloud of dark purple, acrid-smelling gas.

The vapor quickly dissipates to reveal Verloc sprawled unconscious on the floor. Stunned by this turn of events, Garry is momentarily speechless and at a loss for what to do...

[sblock="Streetwise 12"]Verloc has fallen afoul of a common theft deterrent device known as a Thiefsnare. These devices contain a single dose of a powerful knockout gas that renders its victim unconscious for a full twelve hours (usually enough time to allow for the discovery and arrest of a would-be thief).[/sblock]



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Jezebel continues leading the guard to doors of the Hanged Man with Alnar. When the group arrives, Jezebel enters and immediately takes a sit at the bar. She motions for the guard to sit beside her then orders "Something strong, to calm my nerves."


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Alnar sits down next to the guard being sure to put the guard between him and Jezebel. One pint each of your strongest drink he says to the bartender.


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At the Hanged Man

Arriving at the Hanged Man with Jezebel and Alnar, Festus the Customs guard breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh good. I heard there's lots of em adventuring types what hang about this place. Should be able to find someone as to help us wif this oni. Now we can get down to business and finish that ritu..." Festus breaks off his blathering abruptly as he sees the sorcerer and the paladin sit down at the bar to order drinks.

"What's this then? You're drinking!? What about the ritual? What about the oni? Can't just leave that thing bashin about in the office. My uncle'll kill me!"

His outburst begins to attract puzzled stares from the other tavern patrons...

At the Customs Office

Shaking off his momentary befuddlement, Garry moves to inspect what happened to Verloc. He crouches by the rogue's prone form, listening for and sniffing Verloc's breath, then lifting one of his eyelids and examining the pupil for a moment. He says to Bann-ur, "Think I've heard of this before, they call it a thiefsnare, its supposed to knock any would be thieves out long enough that they can be discovered and hauled away by the authorities. It's certainly snared our light-fingered 'friend' here. He'll be alright, but he's going to be sleeping hard till morning." As if on cue, Verloc begins to snore lightly.

"You'll probably have to carry him out of here Bann-ur, but in the meantime, we should try to open this lockbox. There's got to be some reason our hapless cutpurse wanted to look inside. Maybe they keep the seal in there."

Pointing at Verloc's lockpicks the wolfman says to the goliath, "I've got no idea what to do with those things, and you don't look like you've got the fingers for them. But maybe you could break the box open? At this point we just need to get the papers stamped and get out of here before someone comes looking."

"Or maybe the healer has another idea. Ferris!" Garry says in a whisper just loud enough to be heard in the next room, "Get in here. We could use a little help."

[sblock=ooc]Garry's rolls: Thievery = 2, Streetwise = 18

No map update this time.

Either Ferris, Bann-ur, or both can attempt to open the box if they'd like. It'll take a successful strength check versus DC 14, or Thievery versus DC 16. Aid another is fair game here.[/sblock]
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