[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)

Papolstaanas nods sleepily, uncorking one of the potions and almost drinking it down before waking up a little and realizing that it's a healing potion and he doesn't need it right now. He looks around sheepishly and corks it up again.

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The parties meet at the safehouse, the hunter's let the others know what happened and the Speakers fill in the others on the details of their encounter with the half-elf.

After the catch-up, the sun is setting and the outline of a full moon is visible peaking from behind the hills. An eerie howl echoes through the streets....

Both 7 Rabbit and Kaeysari stay behind to guard the safehouse in the event the others need to retreat.

At the sound of the howl, Tristan dashes to the window and looks outside to see the moon. "Time to find our judge, sounds like time is of the essence. Shall we start at her home?"

If that is the most likely place the judge will be, then yes. says Gil as he follows Tristan. Keep in mind, everyone wants a proper trial on this one. Try to keep him alive...

Confident that Brotherhood will not be found on remote island, Illarion steps forward.

"I have something to share. Please don't be alarmed. And don't talk too much about this either.

Maybe we can set up a trap, although I would need some clothes from the judte for the smell."

Illarion drops his staff and looses his robe standing in tight fitting tunic in the middle of the room.

His blind eyes focus on each member of the group as his hair changes color, his eyes get irises and his shape flows into that of the woman.

"For my own survival I have to hide who I am even in metropolitan Daunton. Please don't hold it against me."

OOC: I believe we saw the judge when we scouted around the office and home? If not, I'll just change the shape to that half elven escort

"Ok, you are a spellcaster that know a shapechanging spell, and what? That is rare but not unusual." suddenly, Eloan understand what Illarion is meaning. "Oh! OK... I can tell you in the Watch, all shapechanger are the same, you just made us paranoid. But it's true your skill will be useful tonight."

Tristan's face clearly shows he's suspicious, but after a few moments the look goes away. "Yes, it will be useful tonight." The elf doesn't offer any more words on the subject at the moment, turning his attention back to the hunt.

"Now, which way did that howl come from ..."
[sblock=OOC]Perception - where did the howl come from? (1d20+14=25) If I can get a good enough idea of what direction it probably came from, I'll indicate it to the group. At least that way we'll have a better idea which way Vilk will be coming from.[/sblock]

Whatthe... Gil doesn't recover from the shock, instead he begins closely scrutinizing the changeling. How do you do that? How can I tell someone with this ability from anyone else? Does it hurt? Is there anything you can't look like? Does your weight change? Can I learn how to do it? What would you look like if you didn't look like something else? badgering on for a moment more, Gil readies his pencil and notebook eagerly awaiting the answers.

Whatthe... Gil doesn't recover from the shock, instead he begins closely scrutinizing the changeling. How do you do that? How can I tell someone with this ability from anyone else? Does it hurt? Is there anything you can't look like? Does your weight change? Can I learn how to do it? What would you look like if you didn't look like something else? badgering on for a moment more, Gil readies his pencil and notebook eagerly awaiting the answers.

Illarion takes his natural appearance of gray humanoid with dead white eyes.
"This is how I look. I have a brand of vile Brotherhood of necromancers which are still looking for me.

As for your questions, it is natural to me, I can do it at will, you have to be very observant, there are some who rarely change shape so they can be noticed. For those trained in such, it would take someone very good at observing and reading people. My weight does not change and I cannot take form of halfling, kobold, ogre etc. only beings of approximately same size."

Illarion changes into Gil, copying his scribing movements in the air
"No, it doesn't hurt."

He changes back to judge form.
"Let's see if we can convince the judge that I make better judge then herself."

"For the smell...?" Papolstaanas echoes, looking at Illarion with a worried expression as he transforms. "Oh, to fool the wolf, of course. Let's try to get some clothes then, quickly. Um, how are we going to tell you apart from the real judge if we get separated?"

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