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[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)


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OOC: Where have Gil and Keaysari been during all this? Last I heard [MENTION=1642]BenBrown[/MENTION] warned about someone outside.

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Papolstaanas yawns very loudly as Tristan is speaking, then abruptly tries to stifle it (too late). "I suppose I can keep going, if it's necessary," he mumbles.

OOC: Ben's still having tendonitis problems so he hasn't been posting. He may not be able to continue.

Papolstaanas, despite his apparent unwillingness, can go either on a tracking expedition or can keep a watch on the courtesan's place while Eloan visits, whatever the group thinks best.


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OOC: Where have Gil and Keaysari been during all this? Last I heard BenBrown warned about someone outside.

OOC: Well, I didn't see you guys do anything with it, so I assumed that you just returned to the safehouse.

So the plan appears to be tracking the hunter (one group) and another group going to speak to the courtesan? Perhaps Kaeysari could keep watch outside the courtesan's home for whomever is going there?


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OOC: no worries, thanks for the clarification.

Is there any tea here? asks Gil of Ryado. I wonder how wolfsbane does as a tea? May need to strip some of the toxic bits out, but I'm sure it could be tasty. Anyway, after a spot, I wouldn't mind helping track Thorin down.


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"Fine. I would like at least a backup while I go see the courtesan. Just in case I attact unwanted attention.

But I want to be sure to understand, you visit a crime site and found the courtesan card in there. Which crime site it was? Who was teh victim? Where was it? And have you found anything else?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I will go with you. I can remain hidden or help the interrogation
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"It was the last victim--the elf information seller," says Papolstaanas, yawning again. "I mean, the elf who sold information, not, you know, a seller of information about elves. Although I guess he would have sold information about elves if he were paid, wouldn't he? Unless there's some sort of special secret about elves that even an elf professional wouldn't, um--" he looks around vaguely at the expressions of the others. "Anyway, it was only a little house and the front was locked, but Tristan found a secret entrance at the back. It was kind of a mess. But with soup, not blood. And that little card was on the floor, I think. Tristan found it."


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OOC: Mewness is correct. I am suffering from tendonitis (actually diagnosed as a mild case of carpal tunnel) so I've been trying to avoid typing outside of work. This puts rather a crimp in my on-line life, but unfortunately, it's necessary if I want to get through this without surgery. I think I'll have to try to withdraw gracefully here. Thanks much for all the fun, guys.

Lord Sessadore

Tristan nods at Papo's explanation. "I found the paper underneath the oven, partially hidden," he says.

"I'll help track the hunter. Do we know where he was seen last?" The elf keeps his words short, not wanting to expend excessive energy while not actively on the hunt.
[sblock=OOC]Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been keeping tabs on what's going on, but with some extra hours at work the past couple weeksI haven't had much internet time after family time. ;) Should be returning to normal in a couple more weeks at most, but I'll make more of an effort to post more often.[/sblock]


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Ryado does have some fresh herbal tea, although at the prospect of a wolfsbane tea, the man chuckles, "That would be one way to get rid of a pesky mother-in-law".

At Tristan's questions, Eloan recalls from his conversation the prior night that the dwarf had left out of the west of the town towards a forested area there, wild and untamed.

OOC: Ok, so I have the following groups, I'll post an update likely tomorrow (today's a bit busy, maybe I'll get it though):

1) Track Thorin (the hunter):
i) Tristan
ii) Gil
iii) Papo (I think?)

2) Speak to the half-elf:
i) Eloan
ii) Illarion
iii) Kaeysari (to be NPC'd until story allows him an out)
[MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] hasn't been on since 7/22 (and I don't remember seeing any absence notifications). I think for now 7 Rabbit will stay behind and if JNC comes back in the next couple days he can jump in with whomever

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