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[Adventure] The Cannith Caper (Judge: THB)


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[sblock=ooc] Crud. R1, if he isn't able to move, will you allow a retcon of my turn? I did the blast attack planning WD wasn't there any more. [/sblock]

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Walking Dad

First Post
sorry, missed the second row :.-(. Here is the ret-conned action (in a way that FourMonos had not to retcon his:

Deimos Vrago, Tiefling Wizard (Mage)

Deimos looks up. Unable to move on his own, he mentally moves the sphere and conjures fire with himself as target...: "I hope that hurts you as much as me!!"


Free: Change damage to fire Flame sphere auto damage (1d4+8=12) vs V1 and B2
Standard: Freezing Burst (fire) (Deimos, h5, h6, h3, B1) (1d20+9=20, 1d20+9=16, 1d20+9=22, 1d20+9=26, 1d6+8=13)
Slide Deimos to 9M. No slides on the others
Move: Flaming sphere to 10I
Minor: sustain Flaming sphere
Save: Save (move, stand up) (1d20=1)

My second character. Needs 2nd approval.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Deimos Vrago
Perception: 13 Insight: 20 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 16 Reflex 18 Will 19
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 19 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: fire 6
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 6 / 8
At-Will Powers: Flaming Staff, Magic Missle, Freezing Burst, Beguiling Strands
Encounter Powers: Infernal Wrath, Charm of Misplaced Wrath, Color Spray, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere, Extra fire damage

Condition: prone, cannot shift or stand up (save ends).


[sblock=ooc]Hey guys, sorry I'm slacking. I've asked r1 to NPC me for the moment because I can't catch up in time and frankly the last two pages of posts are darn confusing. :) Gark may need to get written out unless this adventure concludes soon just so I don't slow you all down.[/sblock]


First Post
I'm working on an update today. Just got a whole whack of work though in the last few days + my twins both have sinus infections and have been up all night so I've been pretty inefficient at work, leaving less posting time. I expect to be a bit slow the next week or so and then a large portion of work will be completed. [/sblock]


First Post
The adventurers pay back the punishment in kind and drop another handful of the hobgoblins.

The remaining hobgoblin slashes Gark before stepping next to the prone wizard.

The bugbears flails slam out and knock aside the adventurers.

The bardic hobgoblin's tune continues to assault the mind's of the adventurers, Haltor succumbing to the music and entering the darkness of unconsciousness.

The female shakes her head at the carnage, stepping over the fallen halfling and next to the prone dwarf and stabs him with her curved blade, leaving him with a wicked wound.

Move to N11, mark adjacent foes, Tempest Assault on B2 vs ac; dgm (1d20+11=31, 2d4+7=15) crit for 15 + crit (2d6=9) so 24.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]
h5 - attacks Gark - vs ac(gark) (1d20+12=27) hits for 7 + marked TENT. Shifts to L9

B1: Attacks Gark - vs fort (gark); dmg (1d20+9=19, 2d6+4=14) hits for 14 and knocks prone. Shifts to N9.
B2: Flail Assault - vs ref (talos, tock, haltor, braddock, white-eye) (1d20+9=18, 1d20+9=27, 1d20+9=29, 1d20+9=20, 1d20+9=14) hits Talos, Tock, and Braddock for dmg (2d6=8)+ push (up to) 2 & knock prone Crits Haltor for 12, + push (up to) 2 & knock prone. Only push Talos, but everyone knocked prone. [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION] - (1d20=1) failed save

D1:Move to current spot. Befuddling Burst - vs will (talos, haltor, tock, braddock, white-eye, Gark, deimos) (1d20+8=15, 1d20+8=16, 1d20+8=13, 1d20+8=23, 1d20+8=13, 1d20+8=21, 1d20+8=24) Hits Haltor, Braddock, Gark, and Deimos for psychich (1d8+5=9) This drops Haltor. Also all hit cannot shift or stand up (save ends)

V1: Move: to k12. Scimitar Rend on Braddock - vs ac on Braddock (incl CA & mark); dmg (1d20+12+2-2=30, 1d8+7=12) hits for 12 damage + 10 ongoing damage & target takes –2 to AC(save ends both).

Talos will take the 12 damage from the flaming sphere at teh start of the round. Noted in his hp below.

[sblock=Unlocked Stats]
V: 23 AC (25 if adjacent to another hob); 21/??/20 F/R/W
h: 23 AC (25 if adjacent to another hob); 20/??/18 F/R/W
B: 20 AC; 18/??/18 F/R/W
D: ?? AC; ??/18/17 F/R/W

V1: -34hp, cursed (Braddock), marked (Talos)
B1: -62hp, cursed , bloodied, used Flail Assault
B2: -35hp, used Flail Assault, marked (Gark), bloodied
D1: -17 hp
h's: minions

Gark: 16/48; 2/9 surges, Shifting (regen 2, +2 damage), cannot shift or stand up (save ends)
Haltor: -4/42; 1/7 surges, bloodied, prone, cannot shift or stand up (save ends), unconscious, dying, death saves 0/3
White-Eye: 20/46; 1 HS used, prone,
Braddock: 13/47, , 9/11 surges, prone, cannot shift or stand up (save ends), 10 ongoing damage & target takes –2 to AC(save ends both)
Deimos: 10/36, bloodied, used Flaming Sphere, prone, cannot shift or stand up (save ends), 6/8 surges
Mal: 37/37, 7/8 surges
Tock: 17/42, prone, cannot shift or stand up (save ends), 4/6 surges
Talos: 19/49, 10 ongoing damage & target takes –2 to AC(save ends both), prone

[sblock=Features of Area]
Pits: These pits were once used to dispose of refuse. They are 20 feet deep (DC 20 Athletics to climb)

Steel Drums: These drums are low (4-foot) obstacles that hold old alchemical reagents and hinder ground movement. A creature can hop atop one as part of a move action with a successful DC 10 Athletics check, treating the square as difficult terrain. A creature can instead use an entire move action to clamber atop one without a check. Otherwise, a steel drum blocks movement into its square.

Arcane Machinery: The machinery is blocking terrain. Each piece of machinery is about 10 feet high


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First Post
“Haltor… In the name of… Snap out of it!” Mal calls out as he strides towards the melee. Raising his glaive he lunges at the woman as she raises her blade to block, he grins. “Dwarf, now.”

Braddock’s hammer comes down remarkably hard on the floor. The damage to the structure is quite impressive actually.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Inspiring Word on Haltor (15)
Move: Walk to P11 then to L11
Standard: Commander’s Strike: Braddock on V1: Roll forthcoming.+11 vs AC; 1d10+9+1d6+8 22vs. AC for 22 damage. Miss
Immediate: Powerful Warning on anyone, really… Priorities to Tock then Braddock.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Just curious, where did the “prone and can’t shift” come from?[/sblock]

[sblock=Anomaly]Anomaly—Male Genasi Warlord 4
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 22, Fort: 16, Reflex: 20, Will: 17 — Speed: 5
HP: 37/37, Bloodied: 19, Surge: 9, Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Commander’s Strike
Direct the Strike
Powerful Warning
Provocative Order
Orchestrated Offensive
Inspiring Word
Inspiring Word (2)
Void Assumption
Knight’s Move

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First Post
The prone was from the bugbears and the can't shift/stand is from the hobgoblin (D1)

Just a note: Braddock's prone so -2 to the attack still a miss


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Forced to the floor by the hobs, the old halfling manages to drag himself to his knees at Mal's word. Blood flowed freely, but all that could be seen was the his spattered hunt-mask. Grunting heavily, he takes a staggering breath and strikes at the hob leader. We don't fall so easily, witch. Will we, dwarf? Even from prone, he manages to cut her deeply in the leg, putting her off balance. He stabs again with a desperate feint, leaving himself open. C'mon! Prove your superiority, gob! Honorless dog! Feckless lickspittle on a human's chain!

Haltor's allies saw the sign: Attack her when she attacks me![sblock=OOC]Use Rub Some Dirt on it to gain 8 thp. Inspiring Word on Braddock (6 extra). Lead by Example vs V1 (w/ CA, cancels prone penalty): Hit (AC 27), 22 hp and all allies can CA vs V1 ENT. Then use AP to use Brash Strike vs V1: Ref 23 (the +3 is from Mal's Resourceful Presence), 14 damage and marked if hit TENT. Regardless if hit, Haltor grants CA to V1 and first attack V1 makes vs Haltor gives OA to Haltor and all adjacent allies to V1.

Makes save.

Immediate Interrupt: Next attack that crits or would drop is subject to Second Chance.[/sblock][sblock=Haltor]Haltor—Male Halfling Warlord 5
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 14, Will: 16 — Speed: 5
HP: 15+8/42, Bloodied: 21, Surge: 10, Surges left: 0/7
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Brash Assault
Wolf Pact Tactics

Diabolic Stratagem
Flattening Charge

Lead by Example
Stand the Fallen

Inspiring Word x2
Second Chance
Rub Some Dirt On It

Dwarven Chainmail +1

White Eye—Female Clawfoot 3
Initiative: +8, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 19, Fort: 16, Reflex: 16, Will: 13 — Speed: 8
HP: 20/46, Bloodied: 23; 0/1 HS

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