[Adventure] The Jade Ring (DM: Dimsdale)


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[sblock=Item]Staff of Tongues +2 (Level 7)


"You're a very positive person, Leather."
Torqua comments, brushing herself off. "But yes. Perhaps it would be best if you explained what is going on, Brother Navio."

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OOC: @dimsdale We killed Mr Sams, he was the usurper. This fellow who the ritual was being performed on must be Mr Blue, the guy we were looking for originally.

GM: thanks jbear. Don't know what I was thinking there. Storyline from hear on out will reflect that.

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The human turns his head towards Leather to speak, but it is the cleric that speaks first. Everyone... this is the infamous Vlastoes, a powerful wizard who specializes in death. For the last ten years he has been terrorizing the citizens of Daunton by organizing goblin hordes to kidnap folks who took the roads East and South of the city. They were held at ransom. It was one of these raids where the wizard learned of a powerful artifact in the possession of one whom was kidnapped. I sent a party of adventurers out to find him. Eventually the person and the artifact was found. However, the also learned that Vlastoes was also communicating with the dreaded black dragon Bosch. It was Vlastoes who coordinated movements of the dragon's invading horde to destroy the city of Daunton. The dragon sought revenge for the city not willing to give a young lass Lerrick up for sacrifice.

Brother Navio takes another breath to speak more but at this time the wizard interjects with his calm intellectual voice. I would like to take over from here if I may cleric. He turns to Leather You have every right to be cautious of me, but lend me your ear for a few minutes to hear what I have to say before your strike me with your weapon. Yes, it is true what the cleric states. I did all of those things. I was in line to gain a large some of money to fund my studies of the necrotic arts. Any yes, I did learn of the artifact that the traveler had in his possession. The artifact that the cleric speaks of was part of a shield which, when used against the holder of an ancient but powerful relic, in this case the black dragon Bosch, could render the relic useless. The relic that Bosch had was an amulet which in effect, prevented him from taking any physical damage for melee weapons and also gave him high resistance to magic. I know that the party that discovered and broke up my goblin enterprise also had in their possession had this shield. I intended to take the shield for myself and then defeat the black dragon Bosch with it. In turn, I was going to claim his treasure for myself. In my attempt to ambush the party I prepared a powerful spell...and this I believe caused my death. You see, the spell consumed me. The last thing I remember before fading into darkness is the sound of sinister voice stating that it owned my soul. From that point on until now I have no idea what had happen to me or how long I've been gone.

The human stops to pounder what to say next. After an unpleasant moment of silence Brother Navio speaks again. I can shed some light on this matter. After you were consumed by the spell you aparently turned into a lich. It was was your lich form that stood in front of the party with the shield. After a a brutal battle you...errr...you were defeated. You soul was transferred back to its body...which tomb must have been hidden beneath us where the necrotic orb vanished. It is my guess that the soul seeking orb which was in the act of taking and devouring the soul of Mr. Blue, but because we disrupted the ritual, the orb sought elsewhere. It found you Vlastoes.

And now I live again...but I'm not what I once was...You see, the orb brought me back to life, not with the soul I once had, but with the soul of the one you call Mr. Blue. His heart is pure and good. I no longer have the lust for power or material items. I am bound to Mr. Blue, whose sole purpose is to help those who have nothing. I still posses vast power, but now wish to use them for purposes of good. Perhaps there is something that I can do for you?

The party stands in silence as the Vlastoes waves his hand towards his old tomb. The tomb levitates out of the hole and floats to a spot on the floor next to the party. I was buried with these. Perhaps they could be of use for you. He moves aside so that the party could see whats within the broken tomb. Besides sacks of gold coins you see a staff, a throwing axes and a set of strange goggles.

While you observe the treasure with in the tomb Mr. Blue stands and looks at everyone around him.
What...what happened to me? Why am I here?

GM: xp coming soon.
The gold you see is the time gold that you have earned.
Gadgeteer Googles Lvl 8 (Fhrangrim)
War Axe Dwarven Thrower Lvl 7 (Leather)
Staff of Tongues +2 Lvl 7 (Torqua)

Keep role playing until I get it to you in the next couple days

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Leather takes the axe and tosses it into the air. He catches it again, obviously impressed by the perfect weight of the dwarven creation. "Aye, this will stay my hand long enough to listen. I am not too sure what all that story you told means. You were a bad person and you had your soul stole. Now you stole Mr Blue's soul. So ... whose soul does Mr Blue have?" Leather's comment is flippant, as he clearly does not register the significance of what he is saying. He tosses his axe in the air again and it spins and lands in his hand perfectly again. He tosses it past the newly risen necromancer. It whirls end over end, hanging a few feet from the man's skull for a moment before roaring back throught the air. He catches it cleanly with a grin. "Awwhahaw ... this is good ... very good."


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GM: okay everyone...here's the xp for monsters and time xp and time gold

xp and time gold

GM: After you advance your characters we have a question to answer. I know that
my posting has been slow. As a player I get frustrated by that. I determine when I'll be able to post but I'll do the best I can. The question now is...Do you want to continue with the adventure? Let me know. I'm understand either way
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Son of Meepo

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GM: After you advance your characters we have a question to answer. I know that
my posting has been slow. As a player I get frustrated by that. I determine when I'll be able to post but I'll do the best I can. The question now is...Do you want to continue with the adventure? Let me know. I'm understand either way

I think L4W is pretty much dead and I don't really see a new game starting up ever. So I'm fine with continuing with this one as long as it will go. I think the XP will take me close to level 8, but not quite. Are you ok with me spending a few of my remaining DM credits to get over the hump? If anyone else is close to leveling up I can toss a credit or two their way.


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I think L4W is pretty much dead and I don't really see a new game starting up ever. So I'm fine with continuing with this one as long as it will go. I think the XP will take me close to level 8, but not quite. Are you ok with me spending a few of my remaining DM credits to get over the hump? If anyone else is close to leveling up I can toss a credit or two their way.

ooc: where did everyone go. At one point enworld had 5 to 10 adventures going. Go ahead and bump him up to 8.


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OOC: Definitely keen to continue the adventure.

Leather is just short of level 7. Technically w should have received xp for the 4 guards even though we didn't kill them. They were a viable threat and we won the encounter so they count as XP. You could probably say the same for the chill zombie. We may have also completed some type of minor quest in ending the ritual in the alloted time? That would probably be enough to bump Leather to lvl 7.

I can easily level him with DM credits to 8 if that will balance the group. I doubt I will ever get another chance to use them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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