First Post
Haaku risks his own skin to get in position, and then attacks with extreme precision. He knows that if they wanted to bring down this barrier and interrupt the ritual in time, they'd have to make every fraction of a second count. His measured cuts slay one priest and bring the other to his last breath.
[sblock=Actions]Sacred Flame Save vs Weakened: SUCCESS
Move: ->E7 (provokes OA from P6, who is marked)
Minor: Quarry P6
Standard: Twin Strike HITS P6 AC 18 for 20 damage, and HITS P5 AC 20 for 12 damage
Result: P6 takes 20 damage and P5 takes 12 damage, and then they both take 6 more at the start of their turns, killing P6
[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 5
Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 26, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21 Fort:19 Ref:20 Will:16
HP: 40/45 Bloodied: 22 Surge value: 11 Surges/day: 6/8
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d8+11 (off-hand)
Equipment: +1 Rhythm Blade Short Sword, Chatkcha, Javelins(2), Potions of Healing (2), Adventurer's Kit
Notes: +3 damage vs bloodied targets
Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort[], Sohei Flurry[], Off-hand Strike[X], Rain of Blows[X], Invigorating Stride[], Jaws of the Wolf[X], Rain of Steel[X][/sblock]
[sblock=Actions]Sacred Flame Save vs Weakened: SUCCESS
Move: ->E7 (provokes OA from P6, who is marked)
Minor: Quarry P6
Standard: Twin Strike HITS P6 AC 18 for 20 damage, and HITS P5 AC 20 for 12 damage
Result: P6 takes 20 damage and P5 takes 12 damage, and then they both take 6 more at the start of their turns, killing P6
[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 5
Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 26, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21 Fort:19 Ref:20 Will:16
HP: 40/45 Bloodied: 22 Surge value: 11 Surges/day: 6/8
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d8+11 (off-hand)
Equipment: +1 Rhythm Blade Short Sword, Chatkcha, Javelins(2), Potions of Healing (2), Adventurer's Kit
Notes: +3 damage vs bloodied targets
Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort[], Sohei Flurry[], Off-hand Strike[X], Rain of Blows[X], Invigorating Stride[], Jaws of the Wolf[X], Rain of Steel[X][/sblock]