[Adventure] The Jade Ring (DM: Dimsdale)

Haaku risks his own skin to get in position, and then attacks with extreme precision. He knows that if they wanted to bring down this barrier and interrupt the ritual in time, they'd have to make every fraction of a second count. His measured cuts slay one priest and bring the other to his last breath.

[sblock=Actions]Sacred Flame Save vs Weakened: SUCCESS
Move: ->E7 (provokes OA from P6, who is marked)
Minor: Quarry P6
Standard: Twin Strike HITS P6 AC 18 for 20 damage, and HITS P5 AC 20 for 12 damage
Result: P6 takes 20 damage and P5 takes 12 damage, and then they both take 6 more at the start of their turns, killing P6

[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 5
Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 26, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21 Fort:19 Ref:20 Will:16
HP: 40/45 Bloodied: 22 Surge value: 11 Surges/day: 6/8
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d8+11 (off-hand)
Equipment: +1 Rhythm Blade Short Sword, Chatkcha, Javelins(2), Potions of Healing (2), Adventurer's Kit
Notes: +3 damage vs bloodied targets

Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort[], Sohei Flurry[], Off-hand Strike[X], Rain of Blows[X], Invigorating Stride[], Jaws of the Wolf[X], Rain of Steel[X][/sblock]

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Spotting the final priest in the cloud of unholy smoke, Torqua takes a step back away from the guard attack, ducking under his vicious weapon. Her feet glowing with lightning runes, she then leaps and lands with a mighty clash of thunder, sending a magical shock wave at the priest.

Move: Shift to K5.
Standard: Storm Walk. Shift to K6 before I attack.

Attacking P5 against his Fort. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4361725/]1d20+6=15[/url]

He takes 10 Thunder damage if I hit.


Both priest feeling the fury of melee weapons and spells while one of the priest feels. One of the priest is rocked by the sorcerer's shock wave and is then pierced by a bolt of sacred flame from Navio causing him to collapse to the floor. The other priest, on the verge of death from brutal attacks by Leather and Haaku, manages to release a blob of necrotic filth one last time at Haaku, but misses. After the attack the priest falls to his death a loud thunderous boom resonates throughout the room. With an instant the necrotic mist as well as the force field vanishes into thin air. The high priest, as a result of the blast, loses his concentration on the ritual for a brief moment, which is all it takes for it to fail. The Sam's body collapses back to the alter with a thud and the mysterious glowing orb, hovers for a moment, then floats toward the ground not too far from the alter. Once it hits the ground the tiles for which the orb contacts burst into pieces. The orb itself vanishes into the ground below it. All of this proves too much for the guards to handle. They look at each other for a moment, then nod and moves slowly backwards from combat, drop their weapons an bolt for the door.

NoooOOOOOOOOO!!! You will pay for that! As the necromancer speaks his hand swirl and then point to one of the dead priests. Slowly the priest body melts into a puddle of necrotic flith, only to reform into a hideous undead form. As it stands, the area around it begins to freeze. The necromancer, pleased with his creation, smiles wickedly. No one comes between me and my rituals. The penalty is death!!!

priest 6: Attack vs Hakuu reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss

G1: shifts back from melee and runs

G4: shifts back from melee and runs

High Priest:
Summons Chill Zombie.

GM: IC is down. I took the liberty of Brother Navio finishing off the final priest so that we could move ahead with finishing this encounter. Uh...you guys are going to get a boat load of XP when this is done.

Haaku wastes no time, ignoring the necromancer's creation, circling around, and finally pouncing on the prey that had been denied him so long.

[sblock=Actions]Move: ->H4 (provokes OA from P6, who is marked)
Minor: Sohei Flurry HITS Necro AC 25 for 15 damage
Standard: Twin Strike HITS and MISSES Necro AC 23, 13 for 17 damage
Result: Necro takes 32 damage, and then takes 5 more at the start of his turn from Rain of Steel

[sblock=Statblock]Haaku - Male Human Ranger|Fighter 5
Initiative: +6, Passive perception: 26, Passive Insight: 16
AC:21 Fort:19 Ref:20 Will:16
HP: 40/45 Bloodied: 22 Surge value: 11 Surges/day: 6/8
Speed: 6 squares, AP: 0, Second Wind: unused, Temporary HP: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d8+11 (off-hand)
Equipment: +1 Rhythm Blade Short Sword, Chatkcha, Javelins(2), Potions of Healing (2), Adventurer's Kit
Notes: +3 damage vs bloodied targets

Powers:Twin Strike, Footwork Lure, Hunter's Quarry, Heroic Effort[], Sohei Flurry[X], Off-hand Strike[X], Rain of Blows[X], Invigorating Stride[], Jaws of the Wolf[X], Rain of Steel[X][/sblock]

No one comes between me and my rituals. The penalty is death!!!

"Sorry, I have a feeling you're going dropping those charges!" Torqua says, elbow dropping the ground in front of her. From the wide witch's impact, a magical blue shock wave ripples through ground towards the necromancer. It hits him with a mighty boom, sending flying back. "Now it's high time someone threw the book at you!" She adds, standing up and reading her arcane staff.

OOC: Using Thunder Slam on Necromancer vs his Fort.


Thunder Damage: 26, Necromancer is pushed back to E3

Leather steps in behind the necromancer and strikes the evil man hard with his axe as his other hand sends his hand axe flying towards the freshly risen chill zombie. His hand axe however defelcts harmlessly off the creature's icy skin and returns to his hand where he sheaths it swiftly. The zombie however does turn its head towards Leather. "C'mon you ugly sunnovabeech, come over here and I'll put you out of your misery!"

[sblock=Actions] Move to flank with Haaku
Standard: Cleave with CAdv 28 vs AC=Hit for 17 dmg and Necromancer is Marked TENT
Free: Deft Hurler feat to make RBA vs Chill Zombie 18 vs AC=miss but marked TENT
Minor: Sheath hand Axe

WTH. This is the second round in a row that my post has mysteriously disappeared. Fhangrim and his girls moved a bunch, but magic stones missed everything with a couple of 4s on the d20s.

The two fighters and the sorcerer unleash brutal attacks against the distraught necromancer. This...this is not supposed to be happening!!!! He swings his staff at Haaku, but misses, clearly not used to melee combat. He attempts to run.

GM: @jbear Leather has marked him. Roll your cc. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but if Leather misses and the necro is allowed to move, Haaku will get an OA. Let's resolve all of this before I finish the rest of the post...

GM: High Priest:
attack: miss with staff attack vs Haaku
movement: move to current location on map (not moved yet until the CC has been resolved)

Summons Chill Zombie.
attack: pending...

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