[Adventure] The Jade Ring (DM: Dimsdale)

[sblock=DM notes: please ignore]
The necromancer, breaks away from his ritual as the tide of battle has turned in
The priest chants can be heard louder and with more
strain in their voices as the remaining priest have to work double the load as three
of their own have died in battle. More gaps in the mist appear where the fallen
priest once stood. The force field however still holds strong.

The priest and guards do as ordered by their leader. All three priest throw globs
at the heroes, two at Haaku and one at Leather. The globs miss the targets, perhaps
distracted by the lethal combination of attacks by Leather as well as strong attacks from
the others. On guard takes a swipe at Torqua, but the surprising quickness of the
sorcerer evades the attack. Fhangrim is not so lucky as the other remaining guard
moves away from his original target and charges him. Although the attack cause minor
damage the force of the attack knocks Fhangrim to the ground.

The necromancer begins to chant louder and a wicked smile appears on his face.
YES! YESSSSS! The body on the alter begins to rise, now almost 2 feet of the ground.
The bright glowing orb above the body begins to pulsate, changing color from bright
yellow to grey to black. The spirit of the sacrifice can clearly be seen being sucked
into the black orb.


[sblock=priest attack]
Mote of Corruption (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
The priest hurls a black glob of necrotic filth.
10; +7 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4

priest 3: Attack vs Haaku reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss (@Jbear still provokes an OA from Leather: go ahead and roll it)

priest 5: Attack vs Leather reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss

priest 6: Attack vs Hakuu reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss

High Priest:
action: stops...then continues with final part of ritual

Shift to present location:
Powerful Strike vs Torqua AC: 1d20+10 for 1d10+3 damage and target knocked prone: Miss
Torqua is still marked by G1

recharge power: yep

G4: Shift to curent location and attack with basic attack 1d20+10 vs UX AC: miss
Move to L9: (@Son of Meepo This provokes an OA from UX: go ahead a roll it)
Attack: Charge to M6 1d20+10+1(charge) vs Fhangrim AC for 1d10+3 damage: Hit (24) for 6 and Fhangrim is knocked prone
recharge attack: yep

GM: Note that in the map the lighter shade of grey designates the existing force field. The
darker shade of grey represents the necrotic mist. Please note that because P3 is still alive
that Leather will take 5 necrotic damage at the start of his turn.

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The necromancer, breaks away from his ritual as the tide of battle has turned in the heros' favor. YOU MUST HOLD ON! THE RITUAL IS ALMOST COMPLETE! HOLD OR I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF! The priest chants can be heard louder and with more strain in their voices as the remaining priest have to work double the load as three of their own have died in battle. More gaps in the mist appear where the fallen priest once stood. The force field however still holds strong.

The priest and guards do as ordered by their leader. All three priest throw globs at the heroes, two at Haaku and one at Leather. The globs miss the targets, perhaps distracted by the lethal combination of attacks by Leather as well as strong attacks from the others. On guard takes a swipe at Torqua, but the surprising quickness of the sorcerer evades the attack. Fhangrim is not so lucky as the other remaining guard moves away from his original target and charges him. Although the attack cause minor damage the force of the attack knocks Fhangrim to the ground.

The necromancer begins to chant louder and a wicked smile appears on his face. YES! YESSSSS! The body on the alter begins to rise, now almost 2 feet of the ground. The bright glowing orb above the body begins to pulsate, changing color from bright yellow to grey to black. The spirit of the sacrifice can clearly be seen being sucked into the black orb.


[sblock=priest attack]
Mote of Corruption (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
The priest hurls a black glob of necrotic filth.
10; +7 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4

priest 3: Attack vs Haaku reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss (@Jbear still provokes an OA from Leather: go ahead and roll it)

priest 5: Attack vs Leather reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss

priest 6: Attack vs Hakuu reflex 1d20+7 for 1d6+4 necrotic damage and target is weakened (save ends): miss

High Priest:
action: stops...then continues with final part of ritual

Shift to present location:
Powerful Strike vs Torqua AC: 1d20+10 for 1d10+3 damage and target knocked prone: Miss
Torqua is still marked by G1

recharge power: yep

Move to L9: (@Son of Meepo This provokes an OA from UX: go ahead a roll it)
Attack: Charge to M6 1d20+10+1(charge) vs Fhangrim AC for 1d10+3 damage: Hit (24) for 6 and Fhangrim is knocked prone
recharge attack: yep

GM: Note that in the map the lighter shade of grey designates the existing force field. The
darker shade of grey represents the necrotic mist. Please note that because P3 is still alive
that Leather will take 5 necrotic damage at the start of his turn.
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OOC: Brother Navio didn't take his turn ... I thought he might like to use Sacred Flame on P3? :D With a +12 to hit he is likely to finish him and be able to grant a saving throw to Haaku.

Here is a roll for Brother Navioif you like: 16 vs Ref=Hit Minimum dmg would finish P3, meaning no dmg to Leather and a save vs weakness for Haaku.

Will wait for reply before I continue with Leather's turn as [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION] 's decision will decide Leather's next course of action. P.S I tried to PM you but your inbox is full :)

[sblock=OOC] If Brother Navio does not finish P3, Leather fails his OAtk 14 vs AC


OOC: Brother Navio didn't take his turn ... I thought he might like to use Sacred Flame on P3? :D With a +12 to hit he is likely to finish him and be able to grant a saving throw to Haaku.

Here is a roll for Brother Navioif you like: 16 vs Ref=Hit Minimum dmg would finish P3, meaning no dmg to Leather and a save vs weakness for Haaku.

Will wait for reply before I continue with Leather's turn as @dimsdale 's decision will decide Leather's next course of action. P.S I tried to PM you but your inbox is full :)

[sblock=OOC] If Brother Navio does not finish P3, Leather fails his OAtk 14 vs AC


GM: Forgot about old Brother Navio. Yes, I'll take the roll for Brother Navio. P3 is now out of the fight as he collapses to the ground with his body still smoldering from the ray of radiant flame that scored a direct hit in the priest's chest.

OOC: I think the confusing part is how he's attacking twice in the same round.

GM: Ah...went back and looked at my post. When I make an enemy post I copy and paste from the last enemy entry. The first part of G4's attack was a part I forgot to cut before making the new attack. I went back and deleted the post. XU was never attack this round. Thanks for point that out and sorry for the confusion.

Also, with Navio's atack the fog disappears from his immediate area, thus Leather doesn't take 5 necrotic damage at the beginning of his turn. Map has been updated

GM: Forgot about old Brother Navio. Yes, I'll take the roll for Brother Navio. P3 is now out of the fight as he collapses to the ground with his body still smoldering from the ray of radiant flame that scored a direct hit in the priest's chest.

OOC: Leather's OAtk would have actually hit thanks to his +1 on OAtks from Combat Superiority. But thanks anyway Brother N! Hopefully Haaku will make his save!

Leather does not hesitate to close the distance on one of the two remaining priests, changing out his axe for his longsword in a blur of movement as he closes the distance. The blade bites through the priest's flimsy robes and into his soft flesh causing the man to cry out in pain and lose concentration. The warrior would make him pay whatever his next move was. His other hand in the mean time worked independently to flick out his axe at the other priest if nothing more than to distract him from his task as well, although the rebounding weapons does cause a nasty gash across the man's chin. "Flee foolish priests" he intoned, his voice full of lethal calm as he issued his deadly promise. "Both of you will die next. Is your conviction so great? Is your life so devoid of meaning? Run and you may live. Stay, and die a pointless death."

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Swap axe for Challenge Seeking Longsword
Move: 5 squares to G8
Standard: CLeave vs P5 with LSword 23 vs AC=Hit for 15 dmg and marked TENT
Deft Hurler Feat: Forgo extra dmg and make RBA vs P6 (Doesn't provoke OAtk): 19 vs AC=Hit for 7 dmg and marked TENT [/sblock]

Ursa Maximus tries to swipe at the guard but narrowly misses.

Opportunity Attack: Spirit's Fangs (1d20+10=18 Reflex, 1d10+8=18 damage)

Fhangrim stands up but ignores the guard next to him, instead firing some more stones at the other guard and the remaining priest.

Move: Stand
Standard: Magic Stones (G1, P5, P6) (1d20+10+2=24 Reflex, 1d4+8+2=12 damage, 1d20+10=15 Reflex, 1d4+8=10 damage, 1d20+10=22 Reflex, 1d4+8=10 damage)

OOC: Does not provoke due to Staff Expertise. Hits G1 for 12 damage and P6 for 10 damage.

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