[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)

The group encounters nothing untoward on the stairs. Eventually, you reach the top of the stairs. At first it looks like you've hit a blank wall, but that clearly can't be. Why would a staircase lead to nowhere? After a moment of careful evaluation, Kaelan manages to find the release that opens the door. He cracks it carefully, and peeks outside. Seeing nothing, he opens the door a bit farther. It appears to lead into an alley behind a building.

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"Whale dot bein dee ting boat dem dare idden dours don cha know? Yuh canna be seein em til yuh be commin oat dee oda side oaf em. Was dat it den? Was what we was lookin fa in dees ere paypas?" He removes the papers from his backpack and shuffles through them, looking to if the notebook with the symbol on the cover is among them.
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"I guess this is it then. Nothing else to find. Let's hope these papers where worth all the pains we went through to get." mumbles the elf as he coughs a bit, remembering all the poison gas inside the building

Thalin looks around, a look of confusion washes over his face. Didn’t you guys look around the building when we first got here? Didn’t you see this opening? He then walks to the nearest entrance to the alley and looks around, trying to find his bearings.

OOC: Perhaps I am reading too much into it, but Ladylaw says “alleyway behind a building” not the building. Ya’ll scored a 30+ to search the first building, I would be amazed if you hadn’t spotted a secret door. Perhaps we are behind a different building? We did go down a underground hallway over 100 feet long. Did the building seem that big when we got here?

GM: For the record, I'm still paying attention here. I am trying to make a decision about the way I had planned the next step for you. I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon that will potentially help me with that decision. (Or she could be useless. It's been known to happen. XD)

In the meantime, Mezegis is correct. You are not behind the same building you entered through.

The druid sifts through the papers and does note that several of the folders are marked with the symbol they were looking for. Several of the others have different emblems. You aren't at all sure what any of them mean.

GM: Ok guys, I'll be honest with you. There was supposed to be one more fight in this adventure. However, due to factors surrounding my pregnancy and the posting frequency of the adventure's participants, I don't feel comfortable running it. I'm too afraid that I would end up going into labor and dropping out in the middle. As much as I hate to gyp you out of the fight, I would feel much worse cutting out in the middle of it.

I in no way thought that it would take this long to run such a short adventure, so I apologize. I hope that you can all understand. I will write up the adventure's finish tomorrow afternoon.

OOC: Your health is what's most important Ladylaw. And we do have a judge that could run the last encounter so we get full credit for the adventure. I'm sure Evilbob can handle it, so just put your feet up and relax for a bit ;)

OOC: You would also be losing your leader as my priorities will be taking care of mom and baby. While slightly anticlimactic, I think wrapping it up would be better than losing half the remaining people suddenly.

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