First Post
The monk's fiddling with the lock on the safe just triggers the poison gas again.
[sblock=Mechanics]Poison gas vs. Fort on Kaelan - 1d20+6=8[/sblock]
After a brief conversation regarding the dynamics of the lock, the druid finally manages to click it open. Inside, you find several folders of paper and some other sundries.
Parcel 1: 840gp (Level +0 gold parcel)
Parcel 2: 1x Alchemist's Spark, 1x Clockwork Bomb, 1x Acidic Fire, 355gp (cost equals 840gp for a Level +0 gold parcel)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mechanics]Poison gas vs. Fort on Kaelan - 1d20+6=8[/sblock]
After a brief conversation regarding the dynamics of the lock, the druid finally manages to click it open. Inside, you find several folders of paper and some other sundries.
Parcel 1: 840gp (Level +0 gold parcel)
Parcel 2: 1x Alchemist's Spark, 1x Clockwork Bomb, 1x Acidic Fire, 355gp (cost equals 840gp for a Level +0 gold parcel)[/sblock]