[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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The monk's fiddling with the lock on the safe just triggers the poison gas again.

[sblock=Mechanics]Poison gas vs. Fort on Kaelan - 1d20+6=8[/sblock]

After a brief conversation regarding the dynamics of the lock, the druid finally manages to click it open. Inside, you find several folders of paper and some other sundries.

GM: Please note that each of these things represents one parcel. Although there is gold & small items listed here, it is meant as a parcel and not to be divided, although you are certainly free to do whatever you like with it, it will count as one person's parcel for this level. All alchemical items are actually items, not recipes for how to make them.

Parcel 1: 840gp (Level +0 gold parcel)

Parcel 2: 1x Alchemist's Spark, 1x Clockwork Bomb, 1x Acidic Fire, 355gp (cost equals 840gp for a Level +0 gold parcel)[/sblock]

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[sblock=judge action]
GM: Please note that each of these things represents one parcel. Although there is gold & small items listed here, it is meant as a parcel and not to be divided, although you are certainly free to do whatever you like with it, it will count as one person's parcel for this level. All alchemical items are actually items, not recipes for how to make them.

Parcel 1: 840gp (Level +0 gold parcel)

Parcel 2: 1x Alchemist's Spark, 1x Clockwork Bomb, 1x Acidic Fire, 355gp (cost equals 840gp for a Level +0 gold parcel)
This loot is approved, although I think I need to specifically approve how it is divided up amongst everyone.

Even with the "parcel" abstraction, my suggestion to the group is to split the loot as evenly as you can - although you are certainly free to divide as you see fit. My request to all of you, though, is to please state clearly what you are taking so that it can be summarized in a single post (by me or whoever wants to), and then I can officially "approve" that post. That will be a nice summation that is easy to link back to for your character sheets.[/sblock]


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[sblock=judge action]
This loot is approved, although I think I need to specifically approve how it is divided up amongst everyone.

Even with the "parcel" abstraction, my suggestion to the group is to split the loot as evenly as you can - although you are certainly free to divide as you see fit. My request to all of you, though, is to please state clearly what you are taking so that it can be summarized in a single post (by me or whoever wants to), and then I can officially "approve" that post. That will be a nice summation that is easy to link back to for your character sheets.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rebuttal]It should be noted that two people (three if anti returns) will be getting magic items as their parcel for the level upon completion of the adventure. This was part of the price negotiated for the adventure. Which two people that will be is based on who claims these two parcels. That is why I said they need to be claimed each by one person.

If the person doing the claiming feels like giving part of his parcel away, that is his choice, but he will not be getting another parcel at adventure end. As such, I don't personally recommend dividing this evenly; but again, you all may do as you wish.

Please claim the parcels so that I can note the claim in the OP before continuing with the adventure.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Oh I see what you mean - well, however folks divvy up the loot, let's put it in one post so I can approve a single post. Just for bookkeeping's sake.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Options]Or I can have Thalin temporarily collect all the items and GP, and add them to the final rewards. Then we can divide the rewards for the entire adventure in one fell swoop. I have no problem taking one of the parcels, but others may want to delay their choice until we know what the other options are...?[/sblock]


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GM: I would prefer if you didn't do that, since I intended to base the items given at the end on who still needed to receive their parcels.


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OOC: Thalin’ll take parcel #2 then.

Thalin examines the gold and trinkets, Interesting… he mutters, these don’t show immediate possibilities, but as a bard, interesting things are always useful. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I used a nightflower to… his voice trailing off as he realizes that this is nether the time nor the place for such a story.

This is an awful lot of gold for one of us to carry. 354b, you carry this amount, and I’ll keep this bit here. This way the money is split so if one falls we don’t lose everything. Now, should we see where that secret door leads to? Kaelen or Karananak should probably take point, with me backing them up. Shall we?

[sblock=Parcels]So 354b gets Parcel #1 and Thalin gets Parcel #2. Is that acceptable to everyone else?[/sblock]


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OOC: It definitely works for Karananak as he has a very specific wish list of items in place, and couldn't carry that much weight even if he wanted to. Considering the limited amount of treasure we get in LEB, having a wish list on your sheet and making sure the DM knows it's there will keep you from becoming underpowered later in your character's adventuring career.

Karananak nods and explodes back into his swarm form before peering into the hidden passage.


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With some effort the group gets the secret door open, after collecting the items from the safe. Looking inside, the druid sees naught but darkness leading up a staircase.

GM: A couple things:
1. Who, if anyone, grabbed the folders of paper, or did you leave those as being uninteresting?

2. I'm sorry about adding more delays on this, but I couldn't access the site yesterday and I'm going to be quite busy this weekend. It's likely I won't be able to post anything major before Monday.

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