[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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OOC: I thought that this was the whole point because we are stuck unless we can make the insanely high and fully aided long perception check? everyone has already made their own check in this room previously.

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GM: Edit: I see what happened. You rolled one of them with a D12. It looked to me like you rolled both an additional perception check AND rolled to aid Otakkun's perception as well. Obviously, since one of them used the wrong die, that's wrong. I hate that dice roller. ><
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Having been unsuccessful at either locating anything useful or opening the safe, 354b is uncertain how to proceed. Looking around to the others, "directive," he inquires.

OOC: I'm not certain what to do, if we are doing the careful time consuming search 354b will help with it. His perception is a +7.


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GM: If you are looking to aid the search, you need to roll an "Aid Another" check. This is just like rolling a normal perception check, but you label it "Aid Another on Otakkun."


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OOC: Yah that was my 1st attempt using the built in dice roller. I accidentally hit the "save and continue" button and got all confused when it didn't roll the dice.


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Thalin pauses his searching to look at 354b, Kaelen, and Colgrave. Well, spread out and start searching, I don't want to spend more time in this fog than I need to, but there HAS to be something here. They didn't build that crazy hall just to protect a dead-end.


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GM: Hornedturtle was the only person still in the gas. Since he's taken the time to roll a search roll, I'm just going to assume he moved out of it before it dissipated. Consider the gas gone.

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