[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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GM: Reposted the check info below for your convenience. Keep in mind that Karananak already pointed out the loose brick and toyed with it, although you didn't see anything obvious change when he did.

As a reminder to Vertexx, Karananak did hear a very quiet click when he pressed the brick.

[sblock=Perception 22]You find a loose brick in the north part of the wall the hallway is on. (note: it isn't sticking out of the wall at all, it's just loose. If you are running your hands across the wall without pressing down, you would feel it jiggle a bit as your hand went over it.)[sblock=Perception 28]You can see a niche in the lock and tiny holes around the safe edges. This looks like part of a trap on the safe lock. Revealing this information to someone attempting to pick the lock before they make the attempt will grant a bonus to the lock-picking attempt, as they will have some idea what to avoid.[sblock=Perception 30]In the rear corner of the room (square O1) there appears to be some very fine cracks in the wall and a loose brick that you didn't notice at first. It's possible this is some sort of hidden door.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]

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Kaelen, did you find anything? This is all so frustrating, who builds a room with no exit! Thalin calls to his elven companion.

OOC: This still going? It's been almost a week and nothing...


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"Dis ere stone done made uh clickin soaned when it been pushed trute. Mayap dare bean a lock dat might be not so much bein no den?" Karananak points out the brick that is no longer loose as he also indicates the rest of the room only one entrance/exit.
[sblock=Translation]"This brick made a clicking sound when I pushed it. Maybe there was a hidden lock that is now open?"[/sblock]


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GM: Honestly, I'm getting really tired of people only posting once every week or two. I still check this 1-2 times a day and continually see no action. I don't have the time or the patience for the slow pace at which this is moving. I said in the beginning that if you couldn't post at least once every 48 hours you needed to let me know. Instead, people just keep disappearing. I find that disrespectful to myself and to your fellow players.

If people are no longer interested in continuing this, then I will simply zap to the end. I don't want that, but I don't want to drag things out unnecessarily either. As it is, I've only got 4-8 weeks to wrap this up before the baby comes (you know, depending on how timely she is), after which time I have no idea what kind of time I will have to check on this.


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OOC: I check daily but I can not see any action for my character to take that will move the action forward, he has checked the room and didn't find anything. He's not really designed to search and find things. Sorry.


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OOC: Um you just found everything a perception check could find with your 38 result. Karananak told you he heard the click which probably unlocked the locked map door or something which you have to tell him about since the druid wasn't there when you found it. Karananak is also trained in thievery, so can try to pick the trapped lock if you tell him about it.


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GM: Actually, Otakkun rolled the 38.

I understand, turtle, I do. I don't blame you for waiting on the people with the information. I probably would in your position too, but that doesn't change the fact that we've got one player who hasn't posted since the beginning of December and one who seems to post only once every 1-2 weeks. That's not acceptable. In the meantime, nothing else is going on. Y'all aren't even asking questions of those people, so I'm not sure if you're still checking in or not. It's very frustrating for me.

If this is still totally motionless in another few days, I'm just going to start NPCing people and likely end up needing to cut out part of the adventure that I had planned in order to resolve this in a timely manner for everyone.


"Very well people, it seems we've found something here", with that the elf points towards the rear corner of the room, where he points towards some very fine cracks in the wall and a loose brick that are actually quite hard to notice.

"I'd say that if there's a secret door in here, this should be it. Now, let's try and see..."

Thievery (1d20+7=10)


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Karananak perks up when a wall safe is mentioned. "An where bein dis safe place den? Did yuh be noticin anytin I an I shood be knowin boat it fore I an I go openin it?" Once the give monk give him the info about the holes in the side and he shoos everyone back out of the cloud radius, the druid takes the picks from the monk and slowly tries his woody hand at opening the safe.

Thievery (1d20+6=18) + whatever bonus the knowledge of trap holes grants should get me over 20. [sblock=Translation]"And wheres this safe hidden then? Did you notice anything I should know about it before I try to open it?"[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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