The Darkened Stair 2:
After less than a minute, and Eve gets 100ft up the unlit staircase, the Imp vanishes from her location of hovering over the steps, reappearing next to the druid. She hisses and squeaks to him before dropping down onto the crook of his arm once more.
"It bein time fah dee bonesin light majiks again den, ifn yuh be so kind. Eve ere dint see notin fah an undrad feet up dem steps trute." Karananak turns to the elven monk before continuing.
"I an I bein elpin yuh den to be lookin fah dee traps an such ifn yuh don be mindin. An once us lot be gettin tuh where dis ere devil got befer, I an I be sendin her oat again an again." He morphs back down into swarm form before following the monk up the stairs once they have a light source.
Free: Speak
Minor: Wild Shape
Move: up stars to the 100ft mark
Standard: Aiding another Perception.[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]
Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 4;
Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15
(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 45/45,
Bloodied: 22, Surge: 11, Surges left: 8/11
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Chill Wind
Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer*/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws
Summon Pack Wolf
Healing Infusion
Item Powers:
Beast Hide Armor (Encounter: Shift 2 in beast form)
Character Sheet
I love being able to use the invisible flying scout I spent 2 feats to get, finally.[sblock=Translation]Its time for the bouncing light magic again, if you'd be so kind. Eve here didn't see anything for 100ft up the staircase.
I'll be helping you look for traps if you don't mind. Once we get to where she was before I can send her out again if needed.[/sblock][/sblock]