"This one also looked upon the face of Apoli," she says, running her sword into one of the bodyguards and watching him writhe in burning pain. The light of fanatical devotion lights her face as she watches him die. She turns almost with reverence to the last few foes.
"And these few still challenge the Lord of All Light?"
Serras is in O6, while adjacent to him enemies grant CA to all PCs, PCs gain +1 defenses.
Seraph is in N5 at 3+83/97hp, +1 defenses(Serras), enemies have -2 to attack her(Astral Splendor), +2 saves TenT.
Bodyguard 2 takes 10(15)cold+necrotic followed by 48 radiant damage and 5(10) ongoing cold+necrotic(save ends) - which makes him dead at the start of his turn to ongoing and Rain of Steel by my count.
Move: Seraphine moves to L5, Serras moves to O6.
Standard: Charge to O6,
Virtuous Strike, taking 6 THP damage for +6 damage, triggering
Dread Smite, Bodyguard 2 takes 10+5(cold vuln) necrotic and cold damage:
1d20+20+1(charge)+2(CA, Serras)+2(Haruka)=
30 Reflex, hit, 1d8+1d8+1d6(charge)+14+6(Vice)+8(CA)+2(Bloodied)+2(Haruka)+2(Virgil), rolled twice=
48 radiant damage and 5(10) ongoing cold and necrotic damage(save ends). Seraph shifts back to N5, gains +2 to saves and 3 THP.
Minor: -
[sblock=Seraph's Statblock]
Seraph, Female Human Blackguard(Rogue)/Adroit Explorer 12
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 32, Fort:26, Reflex: 27, Will:29, Resist 6 Ongoing -- Speed:5
83/97, Bloodied:48, Surge Value:24, Surges left:
Initiative +8, Action Points:
MBA: +20 vs Ref, 1d8+14 radiant damage, +2 saves, 3 THP, enemy vulnerable 5 Radiant.
RBA: Range 5/10, +10 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Virtuous Strike,
Dread Smite x 2,
Mocking Smite x 2,
Vice's Reward,
Shroud of Shadow,
Reactive Surge,
Destined for Greatness,
Sneak Attack,
Second Wind,
Majestic Halo,
Glorious Charge,
Servant of Vice,
Astral Splendor
Summoned Armor,
Apoli's Sun Blessing,
Madstone x2,
Healing Potion x2,
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2,
Symbol of Scorned Fate,
Apoli's Sun Blessing,
Vanguard Weapon,
Ring of the Radiant Storm
Notes: *Charge attacks don't provoke OAs, deal +1d6+1d8 damage, and can shift 1 after the attack *Roll radiant damage twice and take the highest *+8 damage with CA *+2 damage vs bloodied *1/round take 6 damage while have THP to deal +6 damage on next attack *+5 power bonus to next attack roll against first enemy to bloody *DR 10 TenT on AP *Save vs daze/stun at start of turn *Gain CA first round of combat
Serras, Spirit Tiger (Displacer Beast) Companion
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 29, Fort:23, Reflex: 27, Will:27 -- Speed:7
48/48, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12
MBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage and gains concealment TenT.
Notes: *Allies adjacent to Serras gain +1 defenses *Enemies adjacent to Serras grant CA[/sblock][/sblock]