[Adventure]: The Missing Professor (DM: H.M.Gimlord, Looking for a Judge)


GM: OK. Retconned. I said I would keep rolls and moves, with the possibility of switched targets. I did not, however, say that I wouldn't take advantage of the new situations to add rolls and moves where allowed :devil:.

I'm aware that this is an unfair match, but there is method to this. Don't know if that's encouraging or not, but there you have it.

I also re-posted the story synopsis, so, in case any of you are up late, in need of some REALLY EXCITING BEDTIME READING (Sorry. A little sarcasm there), it might enhance your enjoyment of the adventure and provide some logistical, if not mechanical, benefits.

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First Post
OOC: Oh, things aren't nearly as bad as they appear. I think you may have overlooked a couple subtle, but important, factors:
  • I have resist 10 until the end of my current turn thanks to spending my AP.
  • I had 12 thp.
  • I have a +2 item bonus to defenses against cursed enemies, which with concealment gives me AC 28 against Astrix's melee attacks.
So the first attack does 36-10=26 damage, of which only 14 gets past my thp. The second attack actually misses, so I'm still standing in P4. Oh, also, curse damage is once per turn (rather than round), so Astrix takes an additional 9 damage.

Haruka doesn't allow herself to be distracted by the pain of Astrix's first blow, which gives her the presence of mind needed to twist out of the way the second one. She grins in Astrix's direction, "You're right, sirrah. We all have our surprises. Some of us have more than others." Haruka punctuates her statement with a wave of hellish green fire that washes out all around her. The flame disperses before it can cause serious damage, but in its wake the ground is cracked and blighted, hungrily draining energy from Haruka's foes. She laughs as she appears near Seraph before flinging a shaft of painful light at one of Astrix's thugs. The light pierces the man, acting as a beacon for further attacks.

[sblock=Actions]Start of turn, take 15-10=5 force damage
Minor: Hellfire and Brimstone, creating a zone in a close burst 2 centered on P4 that lasts until the end of my next turn. Everyone takes 7 fire damage (sorry Max, lizard), and while in the zone, enemies take a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls.
Move: Ethereal Sidestep to M3, retain concealment.
Standard: Cruel Bounty against Bodyguard 2, using Fell Scorn. Hits Fort 34 for 18 radiant damage, and my allies gain a +2 power bonus to attack and damage rolls against him until the end of my next turn.

Saving throw vs ongoing force: 17. The shadow disappears, since I didn't sustain it.[/sblock]

OOC: Guys, it probably makes sense to attack Bodyguard 2, since Astrix is currently invisible. Also, I just realized that once Astrix notices that he missed with his second attack, he can push me out of that ideal Hellfire and Brimstone position. Well, maybe he won't, because I'm a ranged fighter and he wants to keep me close, especially since he's immobilized. If he does, then I won't use H&B, instead cursing Bodyguard 2 after my move to deal +3d8 damage to him.

[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats]Haruka Sato human Warlock/Adroit Explorer 12
Initiative: +7 | Passive perception: 25 | Passive Insight: 25
AC: 24 | For: 21 | Ref: 24 | Will: 25
HP: 63/82| Bloodied: 41 | Surge value: 20 | Surges: 8/8
Resist: 10 fire, 5 necrotic
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used | Fell Scorn: 0
Melee Basic Attack: +19 vs AC, 1d4+8 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +15 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage
Powers: Eldritch Strike, Gift to Avernus, Hand of Blight
Hellfire and Brimstone, Cruel Bounty, Deadly Attention of Delban, Pain to Pleasure, Sorcerer-King's Decree
Malicious Shadow, Flames of the Smoking Crown, Curse of Black Frost
Heroic Effort, Beguiling Tongue, Dark One's Own Luck, Ethereal Sidestep, Destined for Greatness
Incisive Dagger, Armor of Dark Majesty, Periapt of Cascading Health, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves

+2 to all defenses vs Cursed enemies

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GM: Dang! I simply have to do better at keeping track. Actually, Vythdar did push you 2 to N2 on his miss, so he'll have to deal with Haruka's ranged attacks, and BG2 takes 3d8 damage (go ahead and roll). Since that was the MO at the beginning, I'm keeping it thus.


First Post
OOC: Retconning the action. Draglin has 0 AP by the way (you list 1) :)

Gloom! Draglin cries. Villains, you shall pay for that! he shouts, rushing over and cleaving the bodyguard with a sword edge.
Move: Virgil: P7 around OA.

Standard:MBA against bodyguard. 39 vs AC 27 cold damage and he is marked and has 5 cold vulnerability EONT.

Minor:Rain of Steel
Until the end of the encounter, any creature that starts its turn adjacent to Draglin takes damage as long as Draglin can make OAs.

Bodyguard 2: 14 damage this turn.

[sblock=Draglin's Stat Block]
Draglin, Dragonborn Fighter/Shock Trooper 12
Passive Perception 21, Passive Insight 16
AC 28 Fortitude 25 Reflex 24 Will 17
HP 82/96 Bloodied 46 Surge Value 24, Surges 10/10
Speed 6, Initiative +11
Action Points: 0
9 fire resistance (wile hold Frost Brand Double Sword +3)

Basic Attack Short Sword; +21(+3 with CA), 1d8+19(+2 w/ CA) creature is marked hit or miss, if used because of an OA from movement the creature stops moving (but may take another action to move again).

Damage Summary:+6 from STR, +2 power bonus from Virgil's aura, +2 item bonus from iron armbands, +3 feat bonus with a cold weapon from Silvery Glow feat, +2 with CA from Light Blade Expertise (enemies in Virgil's aura grant CA to Draglin), +3 from weapon enhancement, +2 from gloves of cold, +1 with Two Weapon Fighting, +2 from tempest technique=23 and +5 when they have vulnerability to cold because of lasting frost.

Combat Challenge: At Will Immediate Interrupt Melee
Trigger: When a marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include Sir Draglin.
Effect: Sir Draglin makes a melee basic attack against that enemy

Footwork Lure
Dual Strike

Combat Challenge
Summon Virgil

Come and Get It
Off-hand Strike
Grit and Spittle
Rain of Blows

Shocking Twister
Kirre's Roar
Dragon Breath
Feral Hide Armor +2
Amulet of Life +1

Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind
Backlash Tatoo

Villian's Menance
Rain of Steel
Bedeviling Assault
Quick Short Sword +2

Mighty Surge
Assault Footwork

Effect: Rain of Steel
[sblock=Virgil the Lizard Fey Beast Companion (Young Owlbear)]
Virgil Player Luinnar Lizard (Owlbear) Fey Beast Companion (Unaligned) Level 12 (XP As Draglin) Initiative As DraglinPassive Insight 16 Passive Perception 23; Senses Darkvision
46 Bloodied 24 Surge Value N/A; Surges Per-Day Draglin
25 Fortitude 27 Reflex 23 Will 27
6 Size Medium
Str 20 (+5) Dex 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Con 17 (+3) Int 2 (-4) Cha 6 (-2)
Racial Abilities
Aura 1:Allies gain +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in aura. Enemies in aura grants CA to Draglin.
Basic Attack +17, 1d12+6
Languages Owlbear


First Post
OOC: Lucky you, you don't need a natural 20 to spend a surge. Just 20 or higher

ooc: ha ha...just got done looking that up just to be sure.

Max, prone, bloodied to a pulp, eyes almost swelled shut, regains consciousness again, refusing to die. He shakes his head to clear the cobwebs, then grins I'm still here boys and girls.

Max, Male Human Bravura Warlord (Dragon Slayer) 11
Bloodied and prone
Passive Perception:17, Passive Insight:17
AC:27, Fort:27, Reflex:24, Will:22 -- Speed: 5
HP:21/85, Bloodied:42, Surge Value:21, Surges left:4/8
Initiative +7, Action Points:1
*At Will Powers:
**Commander's Strike
**Brash Assault
*Encounter Powers:
[x]Heroic Effort
[x][ ]Inspriing Word 2
[ ]Battefront Shift
[ ]Vengence is Mine
[ ]Grit and Spittle
[x]Second Wind
[ ]Walk it Off
[ ]Warlord's Strike
[x]Lion's Roar
[ ]Armor power: Demonscale
[ ]Marial vigor
[ ]Flattening Charge
[ ]Beast-Surrounding Maneuver
[ ]Takedown Strike
*Daily Powers:
[x]Concentrated Attack
[ ]Stand the Fallen
[ ]Denying Mark
[x]Davros Elden's Hasty resurgence
[ ]Shield Power
[ ]Boot Power
[ ]Sword Power
[ ]Strength of Conviction

MBA: +17 vs. AC, 1d12+11 damage
[sblock=Notes]*Action Surge Feat: +3 bonus to attack rolls when spending an AP
*Leand Meat Feat +1 bonus to ally attack rolls for any power granted by a warlord power
*Armored Warlord Feat: +1 to amount of healing surges
*Human Perserverence Feat: +1 to all saving throws
*Improved Bravura Feat: When an ally uses Max Bravura Presence, that ally gains either a +1 bonus to the attack roll or a +1 bonus to speed for the move action (ally's choice)
*Stubborn Survivor Feat: +2 bonus to all saving throws when Max has no AP.
*Belt of Vigor: +1 bonus to healing surge value
*Bracers of Mighty Strike: +2 Damage bonus when using a basic melee attack
*Circlet of Indomitability: +1 to Will
*Badge of the Berserker: When Max charges he doesn't provoke OA's

[sblock=Spending an AP in the Presence of Max: Please Read]

Battlefront Leader Power

Any ally within three squares of max can shift 1/2 movement speed as a free action.

Bravura Presence

When an ally Max sees spends an action point to take another action to use it as an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll.

If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, then the ally can choose to do the following after the AP action:
* make a basic attack +1 to hit (due to feat: improved bravura)
* make a move action as a free action +1 added to ally's speed for movement (due to feat: improved bravura)

If the AP attack misses, the ally grants CA to all enemies TENT.

Clearly worth the risk :)

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
"This one also looked upon the face of Apoli," she says, running her sword into one of the bodyguards and watching him writhe in burning pain. The light of fanatical devotion lights her face as she watches him die. She turns almost with reverence to the last few foes. "And these few still challenge the Lord of All Light?"

OOC: Summary:
Serras is in O6, while adjacent to him enemies grant CA to all PCs, PCs gain +1 defenses.
Seraph is in N5 at 3+83/97hp, +1 defenses(Serras), enemies have -2 to attack her(Astral Splendor), +2 saves TenT.
Bodyguard 2 takes 10(15)cold+necrotic followed by 48 radiant damage and 5(10) ongoing cold+necrotic(save ends) - which makes him dead at the start of his turn to ongoing and Rain of Steel by my count.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Seraphine moves to L5, Serras moves to O6.
Standard: Charge to O6, Virtuous Strike, taking 6 THP damage for +6 damage, triggering Dread Smite, Bodyguard 2 takes 10+5(cold vuln) necrotic and cold damage:
1d20+20+1(charge)+2(CA, Serras)+2(Haruka)=30 Reflex, hit, 1d8+1d8+1d6(charge)+14+6(Vice)+8(CA)+2(Bloodied)+2(Haruka)+2(Virgil), rolled twice=48 radiant damage and 5(10) ongoing cold and necrotic damage(save ends). Seraph shifts back to N5, gains +2 to saves and 3 THP.
Minor: -

[sblock=Seraph's Statblock]Seraph, Female Human Blackguard(Rogue)/Adroit Explorer 12
Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 32, Fort:26, Reflex: 27, Will:29, Resist 6 Ongoing -- Speed:5
HP:3+83/97, Bloodied:48, Surge Value:24, Surges left:9/13
Initiative +8, Action Points: 0
MBA: +20 vs Ref, 1d8+14 radiant damage, +2 saves, 3 THP, enemy vulnerable 5 Radiant. RBA: Range 5/10, +10 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.
Powers: Virtuous Strike, Dread Smite x 2, Mocking Smite x 2, Virtue, Vice's Reward, Shroud of Shadow, Reactive Surge, Destined for Greatness, Sneak Attack, Second Wind, Majestic Halo, Glorious Charge, Servant of Vice, Astral Splendor
: Summoned Armor, Apoli's Sun Blessing, Madstone x2, Healing Potion x2, Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2, Symbol of Scorned Fate, Apoli's Sun Blessing, Vanguard Weapon, Ring of the Radiant Storm
Notes: *Charge attacks don't provoke OAs, deal +1d6+1d8 damage, and can shift 1 after the attack *Roll radiant damage twice and take the highest *+8 damage with CA *+2 damage vs bloodied *1/round take 6 damage while have THP to deal +6 damage on next attack *+5 power bonus to next attack roll against first enemy to bloody *DR 10 TenT on AP *Save vs daze/stun at start of turn *Gain CA first round of combat

Serras, Spirit Tiger (Displacer Beast) Companion
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 29, Fort:23, Reflex: 27, Will:27 -- Speed:7
HP:48/48, Bloodied:24, Surge Value:12
MBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage and gains concealment TenT.
Notes: *Allies adjacent to Serras gain +1 defenses *Enemies adjacent to Serras grant CA[/sblock][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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