Adventure: The Power of Knowledge (DM: Fragsie, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Bruno snarls at the adventurers, "Fools! How dare you interrupt your betters! I will make an example of you all!" But while his cronies are able to land a couple blows, Bruno's attacks are rather ineffectual.

Skalisss: -10
Andrec: -13
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1: -35, bloodied, marked
Ganger 1:
Slasher 2: -7, marked
Bruno: -14

Skalisss actually crit the Slasher, dealing 22+6=28 damage.

Gangers 1 delays.

Ganger 3 moves up and attacks Andrec. He crits!. Pity he's a minion. Andrec takes 5 damage.

Ganger 4 also attacks Andrec, missing.

Slasher 1 moves around and double attacks Skalisss, hitting AC 28 for 10 damage.

Ganger 1 chooses to act now, attacking Skalisss. He misses, then shifts a square.

Slasher 2 moves in to flank Skalisss and double attacks Skalisss, missing by 1! Curse that circle!

Bruno shifts south and targets Growl and Andrec with a Withering Blast, but misses both! Oh dear...[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Seeing Andrec in trouble and Skalisss with the situation in hand, Growl shifts back to his warforged form and moves to where he can help both of his allies. Once there, he blasts a cold wind at Bruno and a ganger. The ganger resists, but Bruno is toppled off the platform.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Wild Shape into humanoid mode, shifting to N1.

Move action - Move to I5.

Standard action - Chill Wind (burst 1, centered on D4) against Bruno and Ganger 3.

Chill Wind (burst 1, centered on D4) against Bruno and Ganger 3. (1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=8, 1d6+1=2)

Hits Fort 23 for 2 cold damage against Bruno, and hits Reflex 8 for 2 damage against Ganger 3. On a hit, slide the target 1 square. I'll try sliding Bruno to F5 and off the platform. Here's his save vs falling:

Bruno's Save vs Falling (1d20=5)

Unless he has a very large bonus to saves, Bruno falls to F5. I'll let THB roll the damage, as I'm not sure how far that is.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]

Surrounded, Skalisss tries to take down the wounded goon first and prays to the Sea King for Healing.

Standard Action: Valiant Strike on Slasher1

Move Action: Shift to N5

Minor Action: Healing Word on himself.


[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 45/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 10/11
AC:24 within circle Fort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: not used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite
Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Lay on Hands x2
Healing Word USED
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Seeing Bruno go over the edge, Andrec begins slowly stepping backwards, his attention on the two men now before him. As they begin moving to close the widening gap, he springs forward, lunging at the thug to his left. Slow-witted perhaps, but not so slow in footwork the gang member quicksteps back out of reach. Andrec uses the distraction to gain a few more feet, placing himself closer to the center of the platform.
[sblock=actions]melee basic, miss.
Shift to D6[/sblock]
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The tide seems to be turning against the adventurers. The thugs are able to land a couple strong blows, one of which staggers Andrec. Bruno laughs as he raises his rod and drains the vitality from Growl and Skalisss. He appears to almost transform, becoming more savage and intimidating before your eyes.

"How can you think to stand against me, when your strength is mine for the taking?!"

Skalisss: 20/45, bloodied
Andrec: 14/31, bloodied
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1: -35, bloodied, marked
Ganger 1:
Slasher 2: -7, marked
Bruno: -23, feral (+2 to damage), unyielding (+2 to all defenses)
Growl: 29/35

Ganger 3 shifts to D5 and attacks Andrec. Nat 1, but he can still shift to E6.

Ganger 4 shifts to C6 and attacks Andrec, hitting AC 23 for 5 damage. Andrec is bloodied.

Slasher 1 double attacks Skalisss, hitting once with a 25 vs AC for 10 damage. He'll then shift to P5

Ganger 1 shifts away from Skalisss and charges Growl. Another miss.

Slasher 2 shifts to N5 and double attacks Skalisss, and rolls terribly.

Bruno stands and targets Growl and Skalisss with a Withering Blast, hitting Growl with a 26 vs Fort for 6 necrotic and lightning damage, and hitting Skalisss with a 17 vs Fort for 15 necrotic and lightning damage. Skalisss bloodied. Until the end of his next turn, Bruno gains a +2 to damage rolls and a +2 to all defenses.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Growl again becomes a bear, roars and the ganger in front of him crumples. The warforged then dashes over near Skalisss and attacks both of the slashers flanking him.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Wild Shape into beast mode mode.

Standard action - Swarming Locusts (blast 3, J-L/4-6) against Ganger 1.

Swarming Locusts Ganger 1 (1d20+5=25, 1d8+5=10)

Hits Reflex 25 - CRIT THE MINION! - for 13 damage against Ganger 1. Effect: The blast creates a zone of swarming locusts that lasts until the end of your next turn. While within the zone, enemies grant combat advantage.

Move action - Move to O6.


Standard action - Darting Bite against Slasher 1 and Slasher 2.

Darting Bite Slasher 1 and 2. (1d20+5=16, 1d10+5=8, 1d20+5=12, 1d10+5=15)

Hits Reflex 16 for 8 damage against Slasher 1, and hits Reflex 12 for 15 damage against Slasher 1. If either attack hit, shift to M5 if Slasher 1 is dead and Q5 is Slasher 1 is still alive.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 29/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]

[SBLOCK=OOC]I have Slasher1's damage tally at 54 hit points, 46 from Skalisss and 8 from Growl. This round Skalisss hits him with Righteous Smite dealing another 15. ouch!
Skalisss feels agony from two new wounds but knows not despair, Netari grace is upon him.

"Now we even the oddsss" he says.

Standard Action: Righteous Smite on Slasher1
This hits, Growl and Skalisss each gain 7 temp hit points.

Minor Action: Lay On Hands: Skalisss, gain a healing Surge +4

Move Action: shift to N4.

ACTION POINT: Bolstering Strike on Slasher2
This hits, Skalisss gains another 2 temp hit points.

[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 36+9temp/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 9/11
AC:24 within circle Fort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite USED
Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Lay on Hands x2 1 USED
Healing Word USED
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Trading blows with the man before him, Adnrec finds himself soon surrounded. Holding his sword to one side and his shield to the other, he feints right - a few quick clashes with one man's sword - and then lunges left, his shield taking the other man in the chest. The fall off the ledge breaks the man's neck, and Andrec turns to face the last of his opponents.

Now alone, the thug looks down at Andrec's blood, seeping through the chainmail, and says "Doesn't matter, you won't last much longer."
Andrec glances at his chest and replies "What this? This is no more than a flesh wound!""

The tide seems to be turning against the adventurers. The thugs are able to land a couple strong blows, one of which staggers Andrec. Bruno laughs as he raises his rod and drains the vitality from Growl and Skalisss. He appears to almost transform, becoming more savage and intimidating before your eyes.

"How can you think to stand against me, when your strength is mine for the taking?!"

Skalisss: 20/45, bloodied
Andrec: 14/31, bloodied
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1: -35, bloodied, marked
Ganger 1:
Slasher 2: -7, marked
Bruno: -23, feral (+2 to damage), unyielding (+2 to all defenses)
Growl: 29/35

Ganger 3 shifts to D5 and attacks Andrec. Nat 1, but he can still shift to E6.

Ganger 4 shifts to C6 and attacks Andrec, hitting AC 23 for 5 damage. Andrec is bloodied.

Slasher 1 double attacks Skalisss, hitting once with a 25 vs AC for 10 damage. He'll then shift to P5

Ganger 1 shifts away from Skalisss and charges Growl. Another miss.

Slasher 2 shifts to N5 and double attacks Skalisss, and rolls terribly.

Bruno stands and targets Growl and Skalisss with a Withering Blast, hitting Growl with a 26 vs Fort for 6 necrotic and lightning damage, and hitting Skalisss with a 17 vs Fort for 15 necrotic and lightning damage. Skalisss bloodied. Until the end of his next turn, Bruno gains a +2 to damage rolls and a +2 to all defenses.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]

How does Ganger 3 shift twice? [/sblock]
[sblock=actions]Standard action=Melee Basic agains Ganger 3.
Move action=Shift to E6.
Minor Action=Inspiring Word on Andrec for 1d6+9hp[/sblock]
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