Adventure: The Power of Knowledge (DM: Fragsie, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

[sblock=Shifty sneaks] The gangers can shift 2 squares when they hit with an attack, or 1 square if they miss.[/sblock]

Skalisss lands what is clearly a lethal blow to one of the gang members. The man staggers back a step, then starts to spasm violently. A second later he explodes in a mix of gore and pungent mist. His nearby ally swallows nervously at this display. He attempts to cut down Skalisss, but he appears quite shaken. On the other side of the hall, the other thug continues to press Andrec.

Bruno snarls at his remaining allies. "Imbeciles! Fools! Kill them!" he screams as he raises his rod to the ceiling. A wave of dark energy washes out from it, but rather than attacking the intruders, it focuses in on the thugs. They attack with unnatural vitality and speed, and Skaliss is badly injured as a result. But this new strength fades quickly, leaving one of them nothing more than an empty husk. Bruno seems unconcerned.

Skalisss: 21/45, bloodied
Andrec: 22/31
Slasher 2: -21
Bruno: -23
Growl: 29/35+7

When Skalisss kills Slasher 1, he explodes in a close burst 2, missing Growl but hitting Skalisss with a 24 vs Fort for 11 damage.

Ganger 4 moves up and attacks Andrec, hitting AC 20 for 5 damage.

Slasher 2 double attacks Skalisss, missing with a pair of 17s.

Bruno moves to his current location and uses Aberrant Inspiration, allowing each ally within 10 to make a basic attack at +2 to hit and damage. The Slasher hits Skalisss with a 27 vs AC for 12 damage. Skalisss is bloodied. The Ganger misses Andrec. Then, each ally who attacked takes 5 damage, which kills the ganger.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Growl places a protective ward on Skalisss, then charges to attack the last of Bruno's lackeys. He's claws go well wide, however.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Barkskin on Skalisss. Until the end of my next turn, the target gains a +4 power bonus to AC.

Move action - Move to N8.

Standard action - Charge to N6 using Savage Rend against Slasher 2.

Savage Rend Slasher 2 (CA, Charge) (1d20+5+2+1=10, 1d8+5=7)

Hits Reflex 10 for 7 damage against Slasher 2.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 29 + 7 temp/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]

Skalisss again calls upon the healing powers of Netari and continues to assail the remaining gang member.

"Good work, my friendsss. Ssstay close ssso we can work together" he says.

Standard Action: Bolstering Strike on Slasher2
This hits, Skalisss gains 2 temp hit points.

Minor Action: Lay On Hands: Skalisss, gain a healing Surge +4

Move Action: Divine challenge on Slasher2


[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 37+2 temp/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 8/11
AC:27 within circle due to BarkskinFort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite USED
Dragon Breath USED
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Lay on Hands x2 2 USED
Healing Word USED
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Andrec charges down the stairs, landing a heavy blow on Bruno. In response, the latter steps away and attempts to siphon more power from his enemies. Andrec shrugs off the attack, and Growl is able to avoid most of it.

The other ganger stabs furiously at Skalisss. Amazingly, one of the thug's long knives manages to work its way past the paladin's defenses.

Skalisss: 14/45, bloodied, +4 to AC
Andrec: 22/31
Slasher 2: -28, bloodied, Challenged
Bruno: -36, Feral
Growl: 25/35

Andrec's charge hits Bruno for 13 damage.

Slasher 2 double attacks Skalisss, missing with one attack and "critting" with the other. Sadly, even a natural 20 isn't high enough to get through Skalisss's AC, so he only deals 7 damage.

Bruno shifts to his current location and targets Andrec and Growl with a Withering Blast. Andrec is missed, Growl is hit with a 27 vs Fort for 11 necrotic and lightning damage. Bruno gains +2 damage until the end of his next turn.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Growl claws uselessly at the last slasher.

[sblock=Mechanics]Standard action - Savage Rend against Slasher 2.

Savage Rend Slasher 2 (CA) (1d20+5+2=8, 1d8+5=7)

Hits Reflex 8 - Natural 1 misses - for 7 damage against Slasher 2.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 25/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]

[SBLOCK=HP] Skalisss is at 32 + 2 temp [/SBLOCK]

Skalisss prays to Netari for a killing blow on the last gang member.

Minor Action: Channel Divinity: Divine Strength: +4 Damage on next attack this turn.

Standard Action: Bolstering Strike on Slasher2
This hits, Skalisss gains 2 temp hit points.

Minor Action: Divine challenge on Slasher2


[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 32 +2 temp/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 8/11
AC:27 within circle due to BarkskinFort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite USED
Dragon Breath USED
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle USED
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength USED
Lay on Hands x2 2 USED
Healing Word USED
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Andrec charges into the ganger in order to help his friends bring the man down. The thug, seeing that the odds are truly stacked against him, swings wildly at Skalisss, but the paladin is more than able to deflect his clumsy blows.

Bruno's well of power seems to be running dry as well, as the draining blasts aimed at Skalisss and Growl go wide of their targets.

Skalisss: 32/45+2
Andrec: 22/31
Slasher 2: -49, bloodied, Challenged
Bruno: -36
Growl: 25/35

Andrec charges the slasher, hitting for 11 damage damage.

With what will probably be his last turn, Slasher 2 double attacks Skalisss, but not very well. Brutes don't like getting stuck on defenders. He has 6 hp left, by the way.

Bruno targets Skalisss and Growl with a Withering Blast, missing both with some terrible rolls.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Growl returns to his warforged configuration, slipping away from the slasher in the process. He then hurls a ball of dancing light that envelopes Bruno. Finally, he steps back to disctract the last slasher from Skalisss.

OOC: Wanted to get Faerie Fire, which isn't party friendly, on Bruno before you two melee types closed on him.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Return to humanoid form, shifting to M7 as part of the effect.

Standard action - Faerie Fire against Bruno.

Faerie Fire Bruno (1d20+5=23)

Hits Will 23 against Bruno. Bruno is slowed and grants combat advantage, save ends both. Once Bruno makes his save, he takes 3d6+5 radiant damage, and then grants combat advantage until the end of my next turn.

Move action - Shift to N6.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 25/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 0

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]

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