Bruno shouts in pain as the burning coals pour onto him and set his clothes alight. As Andrec looks behind himself back towards the room, he sees another pair of gang members who had previously been hidden in the alcoves.
Most of the gang attempts to bring down Skalisss, but to no effect. Enraged, Bruno brandishes his rod at his attackers. Black lighting arcs out to Skalisss and Andrec. The former shrugs off the attack, but Andrec feels something of himself being drained away. Indeed, Bruno looks taller and more inspiring, even as he frantically beats out the fires.
Andrec: -8, granting CA, weakened until the end of Bruno's next turn.
Ganger 1:
Ganger 2:
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1:
Slasher 2:
Bruno: -14, allies get +2 to attack rolls
Bruno takes
9 fire damage from the brazier, and 5 ongoing fire, save ends.
Gangers 1 and 2 charge Skalisss,
both miss. But even missing with a mba allows these guys to shift a square, so they'll do so.
Ganger 3 will double move to his current location.
Ganger 4 will charge Andrec,
but misses badly.
Slasher 1 charges Skalisss,
Slasher 2 moves up to flank Skalisss and attacks twice,
but still can't get through the armor..
Bruno targets Skalisss and Andrec with a Withering Blast,
hitting Andrec with a 22 vs Fort and missing Skalisss. Andrec takes 8 necrotic and lighting damage and is weakened until the end of Bruno's next turn. In addition, Bruno becomes Inspiring, giving his allies a +2 to attack rolls until the end of his next turn. He
passes his save vs fire. I put two rolls in there by accident, but they were both 16.[/sblock]
[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4
AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]