Adventure: The Power of Knowledge (DM: Fragsie, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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You make your way through the old tunnels, aided by the woman's instructions as well as obvious tracks. After maybe half an hour of traversing the twisting paths, you approach the gang's hideout. You can see light coming from the empty doorway that leads to the main room. Every now and then a shadow passes over the light, as though someone were crossing between the light source and the door. In addition, you can hear low voices in conversation, although the speakers are too quiet for you to discern the words.

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"We go in hard and fassst" Skalisss suggests, whispering to his allies. "Braziersss need to be dealt with immediately. I'll tie up the biggessst and strongessst of hisss alliesss, that may give you a chance to deal with the braziersss and get to Bruno quickly. Agreed?"

Skalisss draws his sunblade, willing the light it eminates down to nothing. His shield is readied.


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As you enter the hideout, the first thing that catches your attention is that this clearly was not originally part of the sewers. The room is very large, and the raised platform at the other end would make it quite serviceable as an audience hall of some sort. The cots and bedding spread about the place, however, make it clear that it is used for no such purpose now.

Standing on the platform is a young man. He looks vaguely familiar, and there's something about his imperious pose that reminds you of the statue you found in the professor's manor. He's clutching a rod of metal and ceramic in one hand, and with the other he tends a large brazier, the contents of which you are quite familiar with. A number of other people lounge about the ground in front of him, dirty but armed. The entire room turns to you as you enter, and while they start to rise to their feet, they may not be quick enough.

Ganger 1:
Ganger 2:
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1:
Slasher 2:

Initiative, Skalisss and Andrec are up.

The platform Bruno's on is three squares high. You'll have to go up the stairs around the sides to get up there.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Skalisss moves forward and prays to Netari for protection, a wave of energy washes over the nearby area imbuing him and his allies with warding.

Move Action: move to N5.

Standard Action: Sacred Circle, close burst 3, until the end of the encounter, gives you and allies within it a +1 power bonus to AC.


[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 39/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 11/11
AC:24 within circle Fort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: not used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite
Righteous Smite
Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Lay on Hands x2
Healing Word
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Taking in the situation, Andrec drops into a low posture and explodes into a sprint, moving faster than anyone expected an armored man to run. He puts out a hand and almost careens off the right-side wall, but has no trouble keeping his balance. Taking the stairs two at a time, it looks like Andrec won't reach Bruno in time. Bruno prepares to strike at Andrec as he comes in range, but Andrec does not such thing. Leaping from the top step, Andrec launches himself at the brazier directly, relying on his shield to protect him from the heat as he tries to fling the cloas right at Bruno!
[sblock=Actions]Move action to Run (speed+2) to L10.
Standard down to move to G10.
Action point to Charge to B7. I figure a Bull Rush attack against the Brazier makes sense, right? If so, roll below. My attempt is to knock the burning at Bruno.[/sblock]
[sblock=Absence]Sorry about that, I had my internet go down for a few days.[/sblock]


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Bruno shouts in pain as the burning coals pour onto him and set his clothes alight. As Andrec looks behind himself back towards the room, he sees another pair of gang members who had previously been hidden in the alcoves.

Most of the gang attempts to bring down Skalisss, but to no effect. Enraged, Bruno brandishes his rod at his attackers. Black lighting arcs out to Skalisss and Andrec. The former shrugs off the attack, but Andrec feels something of himself being drained away. Indeed, Bruno looks taller and more inspiring, even as he frantically beats out the fires.

Andrec: -8, granting CA, weakened until the end of Bruno's next turn.
Ganger 1:
Ganger 2:
Ganger 3:
Ganger 4:
Slasher 1:
Slasher 2:
Bruno: -14, allies get +2 to attack rolls

Bruno takes 9 fire damage from the brazier, and 5 ongoing fire, save ends.

Gangers 1 and 2 charge Skalisss, both miss. But even missing with a mba allows these guys to shift a square, so they'll do so.

Ganger 3 will double move to his current location.

Ganger 4 will charge Andrec, but misses badly.

Slasher 1 charges Skalisss, misses.

Slasher 2 moves up to flank Skalisss and attacks twice, but still can't get through the armor..

Bruno targets Skalisss and Andrec with a Withering Blast, hitting Andrec with a 22 vs Fort and missing Skalisss. Andrec takes 8 necrotic and lighting damage and is weakened until the end of Bruno's next turn. In addition, Bruno becomes Inspiring, giving his allies a +2 to attack rolls until the end of his next turn. He passes his save vs fire. I put two rolls in there by accident, but they were both 16.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]
AC 17 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 18
MBA: +9 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage

AC 15 | Fort 17 | Reflex 13 | Will 15
MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d6+4

AC 16 | Fort 13 | Reflex 15 | Will 14
MBA: +7 vs AC, 5 damage[/sblock]


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Growl moves into the room and tries to thin the heard surrounding Skalisss. Unfortunately, they all resist his roar, but they are at least distracted enough to leave themselves open to attack.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Wild Shape into beast mode.

Move action - Move to O1.

Standard action - Swarming Locusts (blast 3, M-O/2-4) against Ganger 1, Ganger 2, and Slasher 1.

Swarming Locusts (blast 3, M-O/2-4) against Ganger 1, Ganger 2, and Slasher 1. (120+5=, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=10, 1d8+5=11) / Corrected attack on Ganger 1 - Swarming Locusts Ganger 1 (1d20+5=8)

Hits Reflex 8 for 11 damage against Ganger 1, hits Reflex 11 for 11 damage against Ganger 2, and hits Reflex 10 for 11 damage against Shasher 1. Effect: The blast creates a zone of swarming locusts that lasts until the end of your next turn. While within the zone, enemies grant combat advantage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]


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Skalisss stabs at the goon to his forward-left then moves back and takes a deep breath, letting loose his crackling breath on the enemies now in front.

Standard Action: Piercing Smite on Slasher1
If hit the target and 2 adjacent enemies are Marked: Slasher 1 and 2 are marked until the end of Skalisss' next turn. Slasher1 takes 12 points.

Move Action: Shift to O5

Minor Action: Lightning Breath Weapon N4-6, M4-6, L4-6 against Ganger2, Slasher1, and Slasher2.
All three are hit for 7 points, enough to drop Ganger2.

[SBLOCK=Skalisss' Stat Block]
Skalisss- Male Dragonborn Paladin (Natural Humanoid) 4 Character Sheet

Initiative: +2 Senses: Normal P-Perception: 14 P-Insight: 19
HP: 39/45 SurgeValue: 12 Surges: 11/11
AC:24 within circle Fort:17 Reflex:15 Will:17

Action Points: not used Second Wind: not used
Resist: none Speed:5
Conditions: none
BasicAttack: - "Sunblade", +10 to Hit vs AC, 1d8+6 damage
BasicRangedAttack: - Javelin, +8 to Hit vs AC, 1d6+4 damage, range 10/20

Valiant Strike
Bolstering Strike
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite USED
Righteous Smite
Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
Lay on Hands x2
Healing Word
Paladin's Judgement
Sacred Circle USED
Healing Surge from Dwarven Plate Armor USED
Motes of Light from Sunblade

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Leaping across the scattered coals, Andrec follows up his attack with a bodyslam aimed to force Bruno off the platform entirely. The force of the blow is unexpected, but Bruno manages to regain his balance before pitching off the edge. He grins wickedly at Andrec, who finds himself surrounded.

[sblock=actions]Move action: Shift to C6
Standard Action: Bull Rush Bruno, pushing him to E4. Hopefully that will throw him off the platform, possibly taking falling damage to boot.[/sblock]
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