[Adventure] The Seeds of Chaos - Judge Needed


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"Oh yes, very funny, sir. It is to laugh." Torqua says, dusting herself off. "I've counted 4 bodies, means there's 5 still unaccounted for. With any luck they're still alive."
The wide witch then notices the rest of the search party is still up on ledge. "What are you guys waiting for? The fall isn't that high." Torqua suddenly begins to puff up like a balloon until finally, she breathes out a great gust of wind, carrying her up to the top of the ledge. "Are you coming along or would you rather I carry you down?"
Torqua asks, deflated back to normal size.

OOC: Using Sorceress Sirocco to get back to the top of the ledge. It's an Encounter utility that allows her and one ally to fly for a turn.

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Leather begins taking a look around down below taking note of entrances and exits. He draws his blade, tense and uneasy. "Hurry up" he growls.

Wife Of Meepo

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Ilex would have missed the hole entirely if not for other sharp eyes in the group. She was busy clearing her mind of the maddening thoughts that are trying to take her sanity. Once the hole is widened and others have .. ehem... reached the bottom, Ilex instructs Noctua to climb down the wall moving a bit spider-like her self. Noctua climbs down without incident leaving Torqua to aid Fhargrim in his descent. Once at the bott
dungeoneering (1d20+6=7)
regain some sanity, if not cleanliness (1d4+8=11)
MINOR:Spidersilk Mantle +1 (Encounter Minor )Effect: Ilex gains a climb (spider climb) speed equal to her speed until the end of her turn.
Standard: convert to second move action
MOVE: Double move to lower section of sewers
Noctua: double move to bottom
Noctua Climb down (1d20+6=23)

[sblock=status][sblock=Ilex Cassine - Hammadryad Witch 3]
Sanity Points (max 29) Current 27
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 15, Fort 14, Reflex 16, Will 18
HP 32/32 Temp HP Bloodied 16, Surge Value 8, Surges 7/8
Speed 6, Initiative +1
Action Points: 1, [ ]Second Wind
At-Will Powers:
Stone Blood,
Mage Hand

Encounter Powers:

[ ]Chameleon's Mask,
[ ]Hamadryad Aspects,
[ ]Glorious Presence,
[ ]Herbal Healing,
[ ]Color Spray,
[x]Spidersilk Mantle

Daily Powers:

[ ]Augury,
[ ]Healing Word,
[ ]Arcane Whirlwind,
[ ]Feyswarm Staff,
[ ]Flute of the Dancing Satyr
[ ]Cloth Armor of Sudden Recovery +1
[sblock=Luna - Moon Wisp Familiar - Status: (x) Passive , ( )Active ]
AC 17, Fort 15, Reflex 17, Will 19
HP 1/1
Constant Benefits: Ilex gains +2 to Arcana and Nature
At-Will Powers: Moon Wisp Radiance
Milestone Power: [ ]Moon Bite[/sblock]
[sblock=Noctua Ursus - Young Owlbear Companion (x)Summoned]
Ferocious Companion: Aura 1 - Allies gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 19
AC 16, Fort 18, Reflex 14, Will 18
HP 8/16 Temp HP Bloodied 8, Surge Value 4
Speed 6, Initiative +1[/sblock][/sblock]
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First Post
"Well, ready for your first flight?" Torqua asks Fhargrim. She inflates once more, until she breathes out two blue tornatos, picking up the two adventurers and carring them down to the lower level.

"See, nice and easy!"

While the group climbs down the wall to the level below, they hear more strange animal sounds coming from the tunnel to the North, and a large gush of water pushes its way into your current room from that same tunnel, pushing the bodies of humans and rats toward the South wall, where a two-foot grated drain sluggishly empties the room of its nastier contents, and for the span of about five seconds, the lot of you are nearly knee high in the waste-filled waters.

When the flood subsides and the group finally continues through the North tunnel, they find themselves at a crossroads of sorts. A large circular room pools water in its center, collected from the angled ramps leading toward this circular room from the North, East, and West. You notice that every few seconds a volume of brackish water enters from one or more of those ramps and mixes with the water in the central portion of the room. After a few passes back and forth from the east and the west ramps, the north ramp releases a larger flood of water that pushes the rooms "collection" through the tunnel to the south, and into the draining room where you entered this level.

After observing this for a while, you hear a few mottled gurgles, and then the return of the animal sounds, and it seems to come from all directions!

Please visit the gdocks map I created HERE and place yourself anywhere in the tunnel between J13 and L20. [/sblock]


First Post
"I tell you, next adventure I go on, it will be some place sunny with plenty of fresh air. Maybe a tropical island somewhere needs help eatting all their delicious fruits and roasted pigs..." Torqua goes on and on, never seeming to run out of breath. She leads from the front, staying close to the wall as it's the shallowest part of the tunnel.

OOC: Torqua is in L13

Son of Meepo

First Post
Just watch out for that pool, no telling how deep it is girls.

OOC: Fhangrim (F), Ursa Maximus (UX), Ursa Major (UM) and Ursa Minor (Um) placed. Remember that while you are adjacent to UM, you gain +2 to all defenses. Also remember that there is no requirement for conjurations to be on solid ground. So if someone else wanted to be up front, Ursa Maximus could be 1 square up.


First Post
Haaku frowns (the others can see his brow darken, furrowed) at the filth staining his pants and soaking his shoes. His frown deepens when the corpses float into view. "Be ready for another psychic attack," Haaku spits, his voice dripping with distaste.

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