Adventure: Three Queens in Allaria (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Covaithe)


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"You could try for the ants nest," Ismene says, "If we knew where it was. All I know is that it's somewhere up in those mountains."

"I... I might be able to find it," Ekris says. "I can't be sure, though."

GM: so, go meet the delegates, or try to find the ant nest?

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OOC: BenBrown, real life has intervened, and I am going to have to be travelling for the next few days. Until at least Sunday night. I probably will not have internet access, so you can NPC me until then. I'll try and log in if I can, but I may not be able to. Sorry, and thanks!


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[sblock=Clarification] So delegates and ants aren't interrelated? Or are the delegates in possible danger from the ants? Meaning we'd safely escort them to camp and then hunt down the source of the threat in the mountains and exterminate it.[/sblock]


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GM: Sorry about the delay. Work zaniness and tendonitis have cut into my computer time at home. I am working on the next encounter.


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About halfway to the bridge, the path comes to a small cliff, with a steep switchback trail going up to the top. Threading their way through the tall trees, Our Heroes come within sight of the cliff, when they hear a sound from atop the cliff. A closer view reveals a small knot of large apes of some sort, led by a big bull ape. They hoot aggressively at the party and bare their teeth.[sblock=Initiative]Sound of Stone: 10(1d20) +7 = 17
The Cursed One: 14(1d20) +3 = 17
Enemies:8(1d20) +6 = 14
Tyris: 7(1d20) +6 = 13
Spider: 1(1d20) +7 = 8
Zardi: 3(1d20) +2 = 5
Pharodeys: 2(1d20) +1 = 3

Sound of Stone and The Cursed One get to move before the enemies.[/sblock][sblock=map]
Trees (big brown circles) are impassible, and can provide cover. They are climbable with a DC 20 Athletics check.
The cliffs are also a DC 20 athletics check to climb. Going up the ramp requires no check, but is difficult terrain.[/sblock][sblock=perception 25]There are some dark shapes hanging in the foliage of the trees at L17 and at O6[/sblock][sblock=status]Pharodeys M9 36/36, surges 9/9, AP unused, second wind unused
Sound of Stone K11 44/44, surges 8/8, AP unused, second wind unused
Spider L10 45/45, surges 10/10, AP unused, second wind unused
Tyris L13 39/39, surges 7/7, AP unused, second wind unused
Zardi K9 60/60, surges 11/11, AP unused, second wind unused
The Cursed One J10 39/39, surges 11/11, AP unused, second wind unused

Bull Ape D10 No Damage Taken
Ape #1 E6 No Damage Taken
Ape #2 D8 No Damage Taken
Ape #3 D12 No Damage Taken
Ape #4 B11 No Damage Taken[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Bull Ape
[sblock=combat stats]AC 17 Fort 19 Ref 15 Will 17
HP 75
:bmelee: Slam +8 vs. AC, 2d10+5 damage and the target grants CA until the end of the ape's next turn.[/sblock][sblock=Nature DC 15]Silverback Ape
Medium natural beast
Level 5 Brute[sblock=Nature DC 22]Does not provoke OA when climbing.
Has a Fling ability that recharges (forced movement/knock prone)
Beats its chest (encounter) to aid its allies.[/sblock][/sblock]

Other Apes
[sblock=combat stats]AC 18 Fort 18 Ref 16 Will 16
HP 55
:bmelee: Slam +9 vs. AC, 2d6+5 damage.[/sblock][sblock=Nature DC 14]Great Ape
Medium natural beast
Level 4 Skirmisher[sblock=Nature DC 21]Does not provoke OA when climbing.
Can attack on the run (during shift or climb 3)
Can slam twice on a single target and knock it prone (recharge).[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]


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Boris moves with surprising speed at the first sign of aggression from the apes, drawing his blade and stepping up beside one of the trees for safety in a single fluid movement. Unprepared to be the aggressor in a fight he may yet not need to fight, he eyes the creatures, calculating their heights and the angles of the strikes needed to hit their vitals. But for now with deadly calm he waits to see if indeed the creatures will be brave enough to attack.

Free Action: Blade of Crimson (Iaijutsu); Trigger: TCO rolls initiative
Shift 1 to I9 to protect a flank; Higher initiative than all enemies so TCO scores a critical hit with Melee Weapon attacks on an 18-20 on his first turn.
TCO delays to see if the apes are going to attack or not. I probably should have just got stuck in, but it didn't seem right to start annihilating apes shaking their fists at us from their hilltop just because ... [/sblock]

[sblock=The Cursed One]
The Cursed One aka Boris
Human Hybrid Paladin | Warlock 3
Passive Perception/Insight 10
AC:19, Fort:16, Reflex:15, Will:16, Speed:5
HP: 39/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:11/11
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1 (encounter):


MBA: Eldritch Strike +9 vs AC, 1d12+5 damage

Divine Challenge:
Warlock's Curse:
Eldritch Strike, Ardent Strike, Dire Radiance
Helm of Seven Deaths: Souls Captured 0/7

Blade of Crimson: Currently Active
Valorous Smite:
Otherwind Stride:
Helm of Seven Deaths: Unavailable
Second Wind

Crown of Stars:
Bless Weapon:
Fullblade of Defense:
Dazzling Plate Armour:
Helm of Seven Deaths: Unavailable

Potions of Healing: 1/1
Augmenting Whetstone: 2/2

Combat notes:
Dazzling Plate: TCO gains +2 to all defenses vs Charm, Fear and Psychic attacks.
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: TCO gains 2 THP when he hits with an arcane attack.
Fullblade of Defense: Resist 1 vs All dmg;
TCO will use his Fullblade of Defense Daily power to halve damage of an attack will reduce him below 0.
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OOC: Note that the Cursed One is affected by Pharodeys's Cast Fortune power, and the next 3 rolls he makes for attacks, skill checks, or saving throws will be 17, 17, 12.

Link to the original rolls here.

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