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Adventure: Three Queens in Allaria (DM: BenBrown, Judge: Covaithe)

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First Post
Pharodeys returns to the cart, climbing awkwardly into her seat. She regards Tyris thoughtfully, perhaps noticing his unusual silence for the first time. Thoughts enter his head, unbidden.

[sblock=Telepathy to Tyris]"Do you not speak? You can communicate with me in this manner, if you have no objection, when I am near. Concentrate on the words that you wish me to hear, and I shall hear."[/sblock]


First Post
The sun is just past noon. If unhindered, Sven and one of the drivers will help move the unconscious woman to a place on top the middle cart, then the caravan moves on.
[sblock=ooc]I apologize for the slow pace of posting. I'm fighting a recurrence of tendonitis, so I'm trying to avoid typing as much as possible outside of work. Next post will possibly be saturday--it's a pretty big one.[/sblock]


First Post
Pharodeys returns to the cart, climbing awkwardly into her seat. She regards Tyris thoughtfully, perhaps noticing his unusual silence for the first time. Thoughts enter his head, unbidden.

[sblock=Telepathy to Tyris]"Do you not speak? You can communicate with me in this manner, if you have no objection, when I am near. Concentrate on the words that you wish me to hear, and I shall hear."[/sblock]

Tyris looks up at Pharodeys as words enter his head unbidden, then looks away and ponders in silence for a long time. Finally, after Pharodeys has looked away and moved on to doing something else, a look of concentration crosses his face.[sblock="Telepathy to Pharodeys"]"I took a vow long ago to speak no word until I avenged my parents' deaths. I am...unsure...if this form of communication would fall under that as well, but as it is not actually 'speaking', I believe it to be okay."[/sblock]
OOC: Gogo loopholes. Now I can use the living statue as my own personal speaking tube :p


First Post
The sun is just past its noon point when the caravan gets moving again. Warily, the group makes its way through an ever thickening forest. Soon, the road starts descending slowly, and the sound of rushing water can be heard ahead. A clearing, perhaps indicating a river is visible ahead through the trees, but the road is cluttered with debris. There is a gap through the trees to the right, and well-trod earth with wheel ruts reveals that the path leads the old road here. It only goes a hundred feet or so before cutting back to the left. As the first cart rounds the corner, a bridge comes into view, going across what looks to be a deep gorge. Off to the left, the remains of the old stone bridge can be seen, collapsed into the canyon below. The new bridge is a suspension-type bridge, made of heavy rope and stout planks. This is the point of the caravan's expected rendezvous, but there is a major snag: the bridge is swarming with giant ants!

What's more, they appear to be intent on eating it, or at least tearing it down. The two closest ants are rather bulky specimens. Behind them are a pair with large snapping mandibles. Then six smaller ants, and finally two more of the ones with the big mandibles. The ants are currently intent on the bridge, giving the party a chance to react.[sblock=Initiative]
Pharodeys: 10(1d20) = 10
Sound of Stone: 19(1d20) +7 = 26
Spider: 10(1d20) +7 = 17
Tyris: 13(1d20) +5 = 18
Zardi: 19(1d20) +2 = 21
Ants: 18(1d20) = 18

Since the ants are distracted, everybody gets a surprise round.
Then Sound of Stone, Zardi, and Tyris take a normal round.
Then the Ants.
Then combat proceeds with everyone.[/sblock][sblock=map]

Brush (green areas) provide cover and concealment.
Trees (big brown circles) are impassible, and can provide cover.
The river is flowing from south (bottom of map) to north.[/sblock][sblock=status]Pharodeys J41 36/36, surges 9/9, second wind unused
Sound of Stone F34 39/39, surges 8/8, second wind unused
Spider G38 45/45, surges 10/10, second wind unused
Tyris M34 34/34, surges 7/7, second wind unused
Zardi I31 54/54, surges 11/11, second wind unused

Sven I41 36/36

Small Ant 1 J12 No Damage Taken
Small Ant 2 H12 No Damage Taken
Small Ant 3 J14 No Damage Taken
Small Ant 4 H14 No Damage Taken
Small Ant 5 J16 No Damage Taken
Small Ant 6 H16 No Damage Taken
Bulky Ant 1 H21 No Damage Taken
Bulky Ant 2 J21 No Damage Taken
Big Mandible Ant 1 H10 No Damage Taken
Big Mandible Ant 2 J10 No Damage Taken
Big Mandible Ant 3 H18 No Damage Taken
Big Mandible Ant 4 J18 No Damage Taken

Bridge Status12/12[/sblock][sblock=Controlling Sven]Any PC can take a standard, move, or minor action to have an NPC perform an action of the same (or a lesser) type. E.g., if you want Sven to use use his crossbow, you spend a standard action. If you want him to move, you spend a move action. An NPC is limited to the usual number of actions each round (but those actions need not all be granted by the same PC). An NPC who has an immediate action can likewise only use it if a PC has an immediate action available to use on his/her behalf.

NPCs can take free actions and opportunity actions normally, without the direction of PCs. They are always considered to have their weapons in hand and don’t need to spend actions unsheathing them.

If Sven has used his crossbow and has any actions left he will, without prompting, use a minor action to reload. If he is out of range of any targets, and has not been given any orders this round, he will move so that he is in range.[/sblock][sblock=Sven]Sven
HP 36/36, Bloodied 18, Surge value 9
Str 10, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
AC 15, Fort 15, Ref 16, Will 14
Skills: Nature +7, Perception +7
Speed 6
:branged: crossbow +10 vs. AC; 1d8+6 (range 15/30)
[/sblock][sblock=Bridge Challenge!]The ants are trying to destroy the bridge. It is up to Our Heroes to stop them. If an ant spends two standard actions to attack the bridge, it will do one point of damage to the bridge. Our Heroes, in addition to killing ants, can repair the bridge by using the following skills/actions:

Spot the Weak Points
Nature 14 or Perception 14 (Minor action)
This does not directly help repair the bridge, but will provide a +2 bonus to the next check to repair the bridge.

Tie Off Loose Ends
Nature 14 or Thievery 14 (Minor action)
You must be adjacent to one of the sides of the bridge to perform this action.
Putting a knot in a frayed rope will keep the bridge standing a while longer, repairing 1 point of damage.

Hold it Together
Athletics 14 (Standard action)
You must be adjacent to one of the sides of the bridge to perform this action.
Grasping the broken strands, a feat of strength pulls them back, repairing 2 points of damage.

Instant Knot
Athletics 21 or Nature 21 (Minor action]
You must be adjacent to one of the sides of the bridge to perform this action.
Tie an ugly not, quicker than the eye can see, repairing 2 points of damage.

Get the Gang Involved
Bluff 14 or Intimidate 14 (Minor action)
Direct the cart drivers to help shore up the bridge supports.
This can only be done once for the upstream side of the bridge and once for the downstream side.
NB: the cart drivers are entirely virtual for this purpose, taking up no space and suffering no attacks. The action can not be done if an ant is adjacent to the post on the side where the cart drivers are going to work (G25 or K25).

When the bridge is down to half its damage capacity, it is easier to fall off the bridge.
When the bridge has taken 12 damage points, it collapses into the chasm.[/sblock][sblock=Falling off the Bridge]If forced movement would take you off the bridge, the following happens.

1) Roll to avoid being pushed over the edge as per normal. If the bridge has taken less than half its damage capacity, take a +5 bonus to this saving throw.

2) If you are pushed off the edge, make a DC 14 Athletics or Acrobatics roll to hang on. If you hang on, you are dangling from the bridge in the space into which you were pushed. As a move action, you can move up to 2 squares along the edge of the bridge, or you can climb back on as a move action. You grant Combat Advantage, and are at -5 to attacks while dangling.

If the bridge takes enough damage to break, everybody on the bridge must make a DC 14 Athletics or Acrobatics roll to hang on. Other things will happen then, which I will not go into detail on at the moment.

Anyone who does not hang on in either case, takes 2d10 falling damage from landing in the water, and is swept out of the fight.[/sblock][sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate "combat stats" block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs. The blocks with the skill names on them are for monster knowledge checks.

Small Ants
[sblock=combat stats]AC: 16 Fort: 14 Ref: 15 Will: 13
HP: 1
:bmelee: Bite +7 vs. AC; 5 damage[/sblock][sblock=Nature 13]Red Ant Worker
Small Natural Beast
Level 2 Minion[sblock=Nature 20]The Red Ant Worker has no special attacks[/sblock][/sblock]

Bulky Ants
[sblock=combat stats]AC: 15 Fort: 17 Ref: 15 Will: 13
HP: 46
:bmelee: Bite +8 vs. AC; 1d10+8 damage[/sblock][sblock=Nature 13]Red Ant Forager
Medium Natural Beast
Level 3 Brute[sblock=Nature 21]The Red Ant Forager has two encounter powers. Acid Squirt, which is a ranged area burst attack, and Skitter, which allows the Forager to shift 4 squares as a move action.[/sblock][/sblock]

Big Mandible Ants
[sblock=combat stats]AC: 17 Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 13
:bmelee: Bite +8 vs. AC; 1d8+6 damage, +1d6 damage if the ant has Combat Advantage[/sblock][sblock=Nature 13]Red Ant Harvester
Medium Natural Beast
Level 3 Skirmisher[sblock=Nature 21]The Red Ant Harvester has an encounter attack power: Snap, which allows it to shift two squares, then make an attack which does damage and pushes the target one square.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
Better map below. It's too big for the thumbnail to show up properly. When you get off the carts and into combat, I'll shrink the map area.
Capadecol Bridge Combat Start.gif
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First Post
Pharodeys jumps off the cart (almost falling on her face again) and moves toward the bridge.

[sblock=actions]Surprise round: Move to K36.[/sblock]
[sblock=Pharodeys]Pharodeys Female Human Living Statue Shaman 3
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:15, Will:16; Resist 5 psychic
HP:36/36, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
:bmelee: totemic javelin +4 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
:branged: totemic javelin +4 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage
Call Spirit Companion, Spirit’s Wrath, Spirit Infusion, Word of Battle
[o] Scorching Sands
[o] Sly Fox Spirit
[o] Dimensional Scramble
[o] Cast Fortune
[o] Shard Swarm
[o] Speak with Spirits
[o] [o] Healing Spirit
[o] Second Wind

[o] Spirit of the Healing Flood
[o] Spirit of the Great Cat
[o] Skald’s Armor Daily


Full sheet: Pharodeys[/sblock]


First Post
Tyris moves toward one of the large trees to get out of sight of the ants.[sblock="actions"]Move: to P28[/sblock][sblock="Stats"]Tyris Male Shade Executioner
Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 18, Passive Insight: 13, Senses: Darkvision

AC: 19, Fort: 13, Reflex: 16, Will: 16

HP: 21/29, Bloodied: 14, Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 5/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused


Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Rapier 1d8+4
Ranged Basic Attack: +8 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+4

At-Will: Garrote Strangle, Poisoned Dagger, Quick Lunge, One With Shadow, Silent Stalker
Encounter: Assassin's Strike
Item: Id Moss Powder (0/0), Bloodroot Poison (0/1), Skald's Leather Armor

1 Rapier: 1d8 (Main Hand)
6 Daggers: 1d4 (Off hand)
1 Garrote: 1d4


Attack Finesse: 1/turn deal 1d8/2d8/3d8 (by tier) extra dmg with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun, or shortbow.
Quick Swap: 1/turn draw or stow a weapon as a free action, then draw another weapon
Two-Weapon Defense: +1 bonus to AC and Reflex when holding a weapon in each hand.
Multiclass(Cutthroat): Bluff check to cause diversion to hide is a minor instead of a standard action.[/sblock]


First Post
Jarro moved up next to Sound of Stone, ready to fight. "Ya ready, 'alf amazin?"

[sblock=Action Block, Mini-Stats]

[sblock=Action Block]

to E34

  • Target:
  • Attack: 1d20+14=
  • Damage: 1d12+12+1d8= (+1d12 +1d8 on crit) (+2 damage if enemy bloodied)
[/sblock][sblock=Spider Stat block]Jarro 'Spider' Sarak - Male Half-Orc Slayer 4
Initiative: +5, Passive Perception: +11, Passive Insight: +11


AC: 21, Fort: 21, Reflex: 18, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6 (+2 Charging, +2 stance)

Superior Fortitude Feat: resist 3 to ongoing damage

HP: 45/45, THP: 0/5 Bloodied: 22, Surge Value: 11, Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: not used

Basic Attacks:
:bmelee: Basic Melee Attack: +11 vs AC - Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12+12 (Crit: +1d12 +1d8)
:ranged: Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs AC - Dagger 1d4+10

MBA, Charge MBA, RBA, Berserker's Charge Stance, Poised Assault Stance, Pass Forward (Move)
Encounter: Sweeping Blow, Furious Assault, Power Strike, Half-Orc Resilience
Daily: Vanguard Weapon Daily, Bestial Hide MBA

1 Vanguard Fullblade +1 1d12
1 Dagger 1d4

[/sblock][sblock=Spider's Journal]
[sblock=Adventure: Get Me to The Church on Time]
1. Lord Adelin Mallaby recruits me and some other adventurers from the Tavern. He asked for protection, on a trip to Allaria. He is to be wed to Elena of Terconis, daughter of the Count of Terconis. According to tradition, the wedding must take place at the ancient chapel of the Terconis family, and the chapel in Count's Crovale lies in the high hills of old Allaria. The lady and the Count are already there.
2. The adventurers board Starlight's Veil, Mallaby's brig. The ship is built for speed, not cargo or battle.
3. Intended Path: Land at Ristaren (100 miles south of Fromish), and make our way up the old highway to here. A mile or two off the highway is the village of Achirem, which is still thriving in the midst of rough country, so they say. From there we cross Derianis ridge, and then down to Crovale. The last part through the hills may be dangerous.
4. We land at Ristaren, and it is a small, poor town.
5. We killed a bunch of spiders.
6. We arrived at Achirem, where Kelvan told us to watch out for:
a. Bramble scar: some kind of trap/pit thing we can't avoid.
b. Hzaka Raiders
c. Ismene: Local robin hood bandit type. Lady, with a band of rugged ladies.
7. Get Jumped, or try to Jump, some Hzaka Raiders.
8. Meet up with Ismene's band, but managed to talk our way through it.
9. Encounter: Angry Bear, Angrier bees, and a hungry frog. Graval got eaten by a frog, but Spider saved him.
10. Meet with Ismene and convince her to give us safe passage if we help her take on a local Goblin raider.
11. Launch surprise attack on Goblin tower. Climb to roof and take out archers. Jump in the tower, and find more hobgoblins.
12. Run in to some creepy mushroom field. Attacked by big mushrooms.
13. Stop to rest in an abandoned (?) charcoal burner's hut.
14. Get to Church: wife/father-in-law sent Lord M on a wild goose chase, and don't want to marry him after all.
15. Find out true love Ismene is kidnapped, and we go to her rescue. Fight a bunch of goblins.
16. Rescue Ismene from dirty goblins, give lord mallaby a chance at true love, and collect rewards.

Mista Magi
Lor' Malabee
1. Returns to the Tavern.
2. Lord Mallaby returns to the tavern and recruits Spider for a mission to return to Allaria. Need to escort a supply convoy of three wagons down the northerly road from Ristaren. Wagonmaster is named Sven. Map:
http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss315/randomlinenoise/Three Queens/InitialMap.gif

Lor' Malabee
Sven - Wagonmaster
Sound a Stone - 'alf mantis 'alf amazin
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