Adventure Time Book For D&D?

Adventure Time is a US cartoon for kids created by Pendleton Ward and which appears on Cartoon Network. It stars a boy, his best friend, and a magic dog in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo, and started in 2010. It is inspired by games including D&D. Why am I mentioning this? Because the creator, Pendleton Ward, is in Seattle at WotC's offices right now collaborating on a project of some kind. WotC's Chris Perkins says "Pendleton Ward, creator of ADVENTURE TIME, is in town this week, collaborating with us on a future D&D story. That's all I'm allowed to say!"

As far as future scheduled D&D stuff goes, nothing has been... errr... announced. However we do have at least two future hints:

  • "Story after EE is already being developed and also different in tone. Alice in Wonderland is mentioned as one spark...."
  • "Allusions to a giants based story influenced by a Shakespearean play."
Whether this is one of those or its own thing is anybody's guess!


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Rampant speculation, he is helping with the adventure book project Perkins has mentioned he is doing, the one rumored to be inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

Adventure Time is really a perfect setting for D&D-style adventures. Little civilization, lots of weird random stuff and a couple malevolent creatures and a deep history that the players can investigate over the length of a campaign, or not.

I am all kinds of juiced for this if it's real. Also truly thrilled if this is the type of direction they want to go for building the D&D brand: not just licensing their own content, but producing licensed content for other popular brands. Awesome! Awesome. Awesome.

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