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[Adventure] Trouble in Daunton (DM: Nebten, Judge: Currently Looking)


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Many of the tavern's patrons quickly look towards the door in reaction to the woman's scream. Some rush outside, but soon stop as they see the half-orc branish his blades within the main hall. One woman becomes overwhelmed the the commotion that she faints, falling off a nearby bar-stool. This causes some another commotion as people go and attend to her. The other patrons part for the ranger, rogue, cleric & changling to make their way outside.

The shadows grow long down road as a small crowd of people at an intersection of the main street and a wide alley surround a crying middle-aged woman. She is dressed in artisan's clothes that are stained red from the dripping gash across her forehead.

She cries out again for help, but not for her . . .

OOC: although the character sheet is public its not common knowledge in game that vanessa is a changeling. to this point she has revealed her nature to no one :) although it's likely someone in the party will learn the truth, lets keep the mystery for just a tad longer

Vanessa listens closely to the woman's story. The anger within her boiling closer and closer to the surface as she hears tale of another kidnapping by what appears to be the brutal criminals she has heard tell of. Her adopted home and its people are under attack... this cannot go unpunished.

Vanessa uses the confusion and commotion to slip out of sight and into the shadows, using an unlit alley for cover. <stealth check>

Once under cover of darkness she quickly changes, her form melts and shifts, becoming taller, leaner, more muscled. Her figure becomes more voluptuous and curved, looking like something from a sailor's fantasy. Her body now fills our her plain, frumpy clothing in a much more flattering way, making them seems almost like different garments. Her hair fades from light brown into a dark, crimson red as it grows in length. <using Changeling Disguise>

In mere moments both her appearance and demeanor have changed drastically. She now appears as a smoldering red-head with an intense emerald gaze. She pulls her hood close over her head to conceal her new features, and moves to keep her eyes on Howler, Nave, and Joe, following them presuming they move to help the merchant's wife. She allows her vampiric senses to flare to life, feeling strength and agility flow like fire through her hungering veins.
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OOC: I'm sorry, I've listened to the audio clip numerous times, but I just can't make out what the woman is saying. Modus, you seemed to get it, can you or Nebten fill me in?


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GM: Sorry Modus, edited the text above. Sorry Pentius, I'll transcribe what she says below.

Seledina: My husband has been kidnapped. They leap at us from the shadows and struck me across the brow and they dragged him off into the alley.

Man 1: I know you, your the wife of Juster Dainworth, the silk merchant on Import Street.

Tis I am.

Man 2: Another kidnapping on Import street . . .

Fetch the Baron's guards . . .

They'll never get here in time. Someone please go rescue my husband.


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Howler listens to the woman's story. As he does, his head starts to spin a little. "Flyin' off to stop crime? What was I thinking!? I don't stop crime, I start it. I have got to stop flyin' with this dove. She's got me compass all buggered out." Collecting his thoughts, he looks around for his companions. He sees the two lads quick enough, but Vanessa seems to have vanished. "Ah, Hell," he thinks, "I've come this far, and I'm sure as nails not gonna turn tailfeathers in front of that peacock Nave. These thugs better have some seed on 'em, so I can just say I was looking to shake 'em out."

Shaking his head, Howler heads off into the alley.


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After hearing the sad tale from the bloodied woman, Nave raises his nose even higher in the air and mutters to himself. "In the Imperium, we didn't have lowly crime like this happening in broad daylight..." After letting out another "Hmph!" in disgust, he notices Howler stomp toward the alley, intentions to beat down some thugs written all over his face.

Half-running toward him, he calls out. "Ah, Howler? Howler!" He makes his way toward the mouth of the alley, glancing around him, feeling a little uncomfortable to be heading straight into trouble.


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Howler listens to the woman's story. As he does, his head starts to spin a little. "Flyin' off to stop crime? What was I thinking!? I don't stop crime, I start it. I have got to stop flyin' with this dove. She's got me compass all buggered out." Collecting his thoughts, he looks around for his companions. He sees the two lads quick enough, but Vanessa seems to have vanished. "Ah, Hell," he thinks, "I've come this far, and I'm sure as nails not gonna turn tailfeathers in front of that peacock Nave. These thugs better have some seed on 'em, so I can just say I was looking to shake 'em out."

Shaking his head, Howler heads off into the alley.

From her concealed position behind the group, Vayne smiles as she listens to Howler berate himself. 'Perhaps there is hope for this one...' she thinks silently to herself.

Taking this as her cue to move the group along she slides up next to Howler, head low, hood still concealing most of her face, with only a few strands of crimson hair filtering down across her cheeks.

"This way. I know these streets. Come on before we're too late. Or are you scared of a little action?" she goads her less anxious cohorts in a sultry, velvety voice.

Not giving them a chance to think and hoping their egos will prompt them to action, the takes off down the alleyway, her cape flaring out behind her, revealing her tantalizingly curvaceous figure as it trails behind her.



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Thank you, oh thank you. Please save my husband. Without him . . . (crying)

Seledina was sure the kidnappers dragged Juster into this dusty alley, but it looks dark and empty now. The surrounding buildings blockout what ever remaining sunlight for the day. All the doors -- which appeared to be rear exits to various businesses -- are closed. Suddenly a small torch flares up in the shadows to your right, and a man appears. he shuffles forward cackling softly . . .
[sblock=Old Stritch]


[sblock=Read After Audio] Mid-way into the alley, you all can see faint drag marks and several sets of footprints leading down a small flight of stairs to a closed door.[/sblock]


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OOC: I have returned from the distant land of daughter-matriculation and the swirl of emotion that comes from all that.

"Perfect! I'm sure the Iron Ring will be happy to just hand over the silk merchant" the young human says, sarcasm dripping from his words like venom. He too will pull up his cloak and take to the shadows as the party approaches the door, staying observant to the surrounding area, including rooftops.
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Vayne feels a rush of anticipation flow through her as the party moves forward at the prompting of the old beggar.

As the group moves past, she surreptitiously slips a gold coin into the beggars palm. She allows him a glimpse of her face a flash of her pearly whites as she smiles. Vayne has come to learn that the downtrodden of the city are allies to be cultivated...

"Let's go. The Iron Ring thugs have messed with my town for long enough. Time to send a message boys."

Vayne motions for the men to follow.

Approaching the door she cocks an eye at it, then looks over her companions.

"Open a door for a lady?" she croons towards Howler.


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Howler shakes his head, barely listening to the old beggar. His mind stays on the situation, wondering whether or not this red-headed newcomer is laying a trap for him, whether or not he impressed Vanessa enough for her to be angry about him taking the bait, but most prominently, wondering about the finer implications of how well she filled out that dress.

By the time Vayne asks him to open the door, Howler has settled on the idea that if Vanessa is angry, his smooth charms will get him out of it, that if this is a trap, he can muscle his way out of it(or at least bully Nave into using some of his fancy pants magic healing), and that if just possibly it isn't a trap, then he's in a position to enjoy a good scrap while simultaneously showing off for a pretty redhead that seems to be excited by danger.

Howler gives Vayne a mock bow. "But of course." he says in his suavest voice, and seeing that both his hands are full of deadly weapons, squares up and kicks the door with a small, wordless snarl.

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