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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge: THB) - Part II


First Post
My apologies to the players, but my workload has ramped up approx. 100% in the last three days. I've been here since 8am EST (nearly 11pm) now. I should be able to get to on Sat at the latest. [/sblock]

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First Post
River bless the group with Arawai's Protection. He then wait a moment, wanting to stay behind the line of figthers.

A halo of light surrounds Valahad as he whispers a prayer to Il-Yannah. The light expands and surrounds his companions as well, filling them with confidence and determination to end this battle quickly.

The paladin's acid blade is in his hand and he squints as he moves through the smoke, holding his breath. Standing still, in a fighting stance he levels his blade at the dragonborn, ready for them to approach.

With a nod to Sheeva, Kortauhk plows through the trees and smoke.

"Hey dragon peoples! Sharp stick be thrown like girl! Kortauhk come show dragon peoples how fight!"

With the enemy in sight, the goliath charges his enemy, easily blasting through the dragonborn's defenses and giving his foe a slice across his torso.

Don't forget –5 Penalty to Attack Rolls: You have a –5 penalty to attack rolls until the start of your next turn. when you run. Doesn't affect things here, but for future reference [/sblock]

Once he's been fortified, Feall slips behind River and then into the smoke.

The dragonborn growls in pain as Korthauk attacks him, he rears back and unleashes a gout of acid that strikes the goliath, but River's spell protects him from the worst of it. The warrior slashes at Korthauk, but it's blocked by the warden's shield.

Another dragonborn moves around and breathes fire at him, although this time it is avoided by Korthauk, although it appears the fire was just to distract him as the dragonborn's blade slashes what would have been a painful blow to Korthauk's flank.

The final dragonborn moves up and a blast of cold rolls over Korthauk, but he's tougher than that and ignores the frost. The enemy follows up with a slash, but again its turned aside by the goliath's shield

A figure appears at the broken window of the building, a tiefling by the looks of it, and he speaks "Fools, I am the herald of Khyber, you shall pay for your interference!". He points a rod at Valahad, the paladin his very essence sap for a moment, but his faith is strong and he fights back, removing the taint from him.

The smoke from the fire creates concealment unless you are west of column 11.

DB23 - minor dragon breath - vs ref; acid (1d20+6=19, 1d6+2=6), hits for 1. Attacks Kor - vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=15, 1d8+3=6) miss, uses Martial Recovery - vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=20, 1d8+3=6) miss again
DB12 - moves up, uses dragon breath - vs ref; fire (1d20+6=10, 1d6+2=3) miss, attacks Kor - vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=28, 1d8+3=11) hits for 6
DB18 - moves up and breathes coldvs ref; cold (1d20+6=11, 1d6+2=8) miss. It attacks and misses, misses with Martial Recovery also

Herald moves to window, fires at Val with Soul Flaying - vs will; necrotic (1d20+13=17, 4d6+7=20) swing and a miss, strike 1, minor, drops prone

Feall: 37/37 hp - resist 5, +4 to damage until the end of the encounter
Sheeva: 43/43 hp - resist 5, +4 to damage until the end of the encounter
Korthauk: 58/65 hp - resist 5, +4 to damage until the end of the encounter
Valahad: 63/63 hp - resist 5, +4 to damage until the end of the encounter
River: 49/49 hp - resist 5, sustain minor (Moment of Glory), +4 to damage until the end of the encounter.

DB12: uninjured, used Martial Recovery
DB18: uninjured
DB23: 9 damage, used Martial Recovery
Herald: uninjured, prone, no LOS to him


Feall - 22
Enemies - 11
River - 5 <- you're up
Valahad - 5
Korthauk - 9
Shava - 10

init (1d20+6=11)
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First Post
River maintain his prayer of warding over his friends and move next to Valahad.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Double Move: Walk to U13[/SBLOCK]
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"Keep them occupied Korthauk." Sheeva says as she blasts two of the Dragonborn.

Sheeva stops delaying after the enemies go, but before River.

Minor: Activate Stoneskin Armor for 5 temporary hit points.
Move: Move to Y17
Standard: Blazing Starfall on S8, DB23 and DB12 in that order, includes +4 damage from Val.

Blazing Starfall vs. Reflex: DB23 22 to hit, DB12 22 to hit, 18 radiant damage

[sblock=stat block]
Sheeva - Female Drow Sorcerer
Advantageous Conditions:
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +6 Passive Insight: 17 Passive Perception: 12
Senses: Low Light Vision
HP 43/43
Bloodied 21
Surge Value 10; Surges Per-Day 6/6
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 17 Will 20 Speed 6
Action Points: 1
Second Wind: Not Used

At will:
Blazing Starfall
Lightning Strike

Bedeviling Burst
Thundering Gust
Cloud of Darkness

Howling Tempest
Deep Shroud
Thunder Leap

Trained: 6 Arcana, 12 Bluff, 7 Insight, 12 Streetwise

Untrained: 6 Acrobatics, 2 Athletics, 7 Diplomacy, 2 Dungeoneering, 2 Endurance, 2 Heal, 1 History, 9 Intimidate, 2 Nature, 2 Perception, 1 Religion, 8 Stealth, 6 Thievery

Mark of Storm
Weapon Focus (Light Blades)
Dual Implement Spellcaster

Magic Items:
Stoneskin Cloth Armor +1
Magic Dagger +2
Cloak of Distortion +1
Magic Dagger +1
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First Post
Both are hits. [/sblock]

I don't believe you can target without LOE/LOS to the Herald. [/sblock]


First Post
The herald is out of LoS(prone in the cottage). I dont' think you can target him with Bane.

Edit: Ninja'd![/sblock]

Valahad moves forward, looking back at Feall, as if signaling him to go for the tiefling. The paladin speaks in the mind of Korthauk, "I will keep this one at bay, leave him to me." A spark of divine light appears over the shoulder of one of the dragonborn. Valahad swings his acid blade through the air, and a stream of hissing acid arcs toward the dragonborn near the water, striking in the shoulder and arm, burning through flesh.

Move forward to U12.
Minor: Divine Challenge Dragonborn18: marked and takes 10 radiant(vul included) if not attacking me.
Standard: Acid longsword encounter power for Virtuous strike at range. acid longsword virtuous strike vs DB18 (1d20+12=29, 1d8+8=13)I gain a +2 to saves and dragonborn 18 gains vulnurable 3 radiant until end of my next turn. Duh, forgot my +4 again, so that's 17 acid damage, not 13.

Passive Perception: 17 Passive Insight: 28
HP: 63/63 Surge: 11/11(15)
AC: 24 F: 16 R: 17 W: 19
AP: 1
Valorous Strike
Enfeebling Strike
Ardent Strike****
Valorous Smite
Righteous Smite
Oath of Enmity
Divine Mettle
Bastion of Mental Clarity
Call of Challenge
Acidic Longsword
Majestic Halo
Name of Might
Wrath of the Gods
Dwarven Plate
Acidic Longsword
Githyanki Silver Longsword

[sblock=Tactics]Dragonborn18 is divine challenged by me. It either will have to go around, Kor, taking an OA, to get to me or attack Kor and take 10 radiant damage. Keep this in mind when moving and such.[/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=r1g]I had Feall in U23 rather than V24.[/sblock]

Feall draws on his connection to the ShadowRealm, pulling some of its essence around him before he strides with purpose toward the hut and its occupant.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Cloak of Shadows (Concealment from All, Invisible to All outside Five Squares TEMNT)
Double Move: To Q13.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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