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[Adventure] Trouble in Moonwatch (Judge:TwoHeadsBarking)

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[sblock=ooc]Which daily? Horrid Whispers only targets enemies and I think I can make a save with my channel divinity power against sleep. I'm dazed right now, if I move, I'll draw a bunch of OA.[/sblock]

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First Post
Pok feels the divine presence and interprets it for an enemy attack, he shuts Arawai out mistakenly.


Fails save horridly with a natural 1

Forgot that Evo, don't worry about moving!



Gorlin Harlox

Gorlin also fails his save miserably.
Will save vs. Mage's spell (1d20+2=4)

[sblock=Stat Block, Gorlin]
Gorlin Harlox
Dwarf Cleric 4 of The sovereign Host (But evidently he thinks he's a fighter)
HP 41/41
Bloodied: 20, Healing Surge Value: 10
Healing Surges per Day = 9/9
Str 17 (+3)
Con 15 (+1)
Dex 12
Int 10
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 11
Armor Proficiency (Scale) (1st)
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword)(2nd)
Armor Proficiency (Plate) (4th)

Dungeoneering (+3 trained, +2 racial)
Endurance (+3 trained, +2 racial)
Insight (+3 trained)

At Will Powers:
Priest’s Shield 1 (PH 63)
Righteous Brand 1 (PH 63)

Encounter Powers:
Numinous Shield 1 (Divine Power 31)
Light of Arvandor 3 (Divine Power 33)

Daily Powers:
Avenging Flame 1 (PH 64)

Utility Powers:
Cure Light Wounds 2 (PH 64) (Daily)

Gorlin is a member of the Dragonmarked House Kundarak (warding), but he has not manifested a Dragonmark yet.


First Post
Don't forget even dazedd you still can take 1 action (whether that is a standard, move, or minor)


First Post
Valahad lets his quori spirit take control for a moment, giving it access to his consciousness after the dizzying blow from the mace wielder. His heritage doesn't help, the blow was just too great.
[sblock=Dual Soul Save]dual soul save (1d20+2=9) Fail. [/sblock]
The paladin steps toward the mace wielder, his intial swing is blocked by the metal haft of the mace, but he gains leverage and force and is able to thrust the tip of his glowing blade towards the chest of the of the man, drawing blood.
[sblock=Actions]Since I'm dazed until my turn all I can do is one action. I attack with valorous strike again(mace wielder). I hit with a 29 for 8 damage, which becomes 11 with the radiant vulnurability. No longer dazed. I get a +2 to saves TENT and mace wielder gains vulnurable radiant 3 TENT. valorous strike vs mace wielder (1d20+10=29, 1d8+5=8)

Passive Perception: 16 Passive Insight: 27
HP: 38/51 Surge: 11/11(12)
AC: 23 F: 15 R: 16 W: 18
AP: 1
Valorous Strike
Enfeebling Strike
Ardent Strike****
Valorous Smite
Righteous Smite
Oath of Enmity
Divine Mettle
Bastion of Mental Clarity
Call of Challenge
Acidic Longsword
Majestic Halo
Dwarven Plate
Acidic Longsword


First Post
Seeing his foe retreat from him, Lanharath matches his foes steps. Thrusting forward with his sword, he pierces his foes armor and leaves a nasty gash it its side. Motioning to Valahad, he mentally instructs his team-mate in where to attack his foe, showing him mental pictures of where to attack.

- Move: Shift one square west to get adjacent to the mace-wielder.
- Standard: Attacks Valahad's foe with Leading Strike and hits AC 28 for 16 damage. Because he hit with Leading Strike, Valahad gains a +3 bonus to his next damage roll against the mace-wielder.
- Minor: If the 16 damage from my attack kills the mace-wielder, use minor action to put my Oath of Enmity on the nearest foe.

VALAHAD: The +3 damage bonus from Leading Strike will stack with my Divine Distraction feat, so if I am still next to the mace-wielder on your turn, you gain a total of +4 damage against the mace-wielder!


Lanharath d'Medani XP 3750Male Kalashtar Avenger 4 Medium natural humanoid Initiative +2; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 27
HP 45/45, Bloodied 22, Surge Value 11, Surges 8/8
AC 19 (21 while bloodied); Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 19
Saving Throws +2 to all saving throws while bloodied (Bloodthread Cloth Armor +1) Resist 10 Force Speed 6
Melee Basic Attack with Vicious Longsword: +7 vs AC; 1d8+3 damage
Ranged Basic Attack with Repeating Crossbow: +4 vs AC; 1d8 damage

Powers: Bond of Censure, Leading Attack
Bastion of Mental Clarity
Abjure Undead/Divine Guidance
Oath of Enmity
Pass at Arms
Fury's Advance
Loyal Sanction
Strength of Many

Bloodthread Cloth Armor Bloodied Property - Not in effect at this time.
Brooch of Shielding Daily

Note: Due to Lanharath's Divine Distraction feat, if Lanharath is adjacent to his Oath of Enmity target, all allies gain a +1 bonus to damage against Lanharath's Oath of Enmity target. You do NOT have to be adjacent to the Oath of Enmity target to gain this bonus, but it is appreciated (see below for an explanation of why)!

Second Note: Due to Lanharath's Censure of Unity class ability, he gains a +1 bonus to damage (against his oath of enmity) for every ally that is adjacent to his oath of enmity. PLEASE get adjacent to Lanharath's Oath of Enmity as much as possible, thanks!



First Post
The force holding the tent taut, and providing cover for Pok suddenly drops! The man with the staff looks just in time to see the small smile on the face of his gnome enemy turn ugly.

Suddenly with lightning speed the man with the staff catches a tent stake dislodge from the ground and hurtle toward his eye-socket! He dives out of the way, only at the last moment noticing he is diving INTO the way?! The tent pole passes through the eye, just as he falls into the fading illusion of the dark dragon.

The tent is suddenly Taut again after the flurry of casting is over...


Minor Sustain mage hand

Free drop the tent to negate cover for staff man

Phantom Bolt on Staff man, 24 vs will, for 9 psychic damage and slide him to M4 (includes combat advantage from Phantom Echo's)

Move for minor, use mage hand to pick up tent again (DM's discretion as to wether Cover is regained from this...)

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Gorlin Harlox

Gorlin, uncertain of what even hit him, tries to clear his head by shaking it side-to-side. All he succeeds in doing is losing his balance and sitting down rather suddenly on his backside.

[sblock=stat block, Gorlin Harlox]
Gorlin Harlox
Dwarf Cleric 4 of The sovereign Host (But evidently he thinks he's a fighter)
HP 41/41
Bloodied: 20, Healing Surge Value: 10
Healing Surges per Day = 9/9
Str 17 (+3)
Con 15 (+1)
Dex 12
Int 10
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 11
Armor Proficiency (Scale) (1st)
Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword)(2nd)
Armor Proficiency (Plate) (4th)

Dungeoneering (+3 trained, +2 racial)
Endurance (+3 trained, +2 racial)
Insight (+3 trained)

At Will Powers:
Priest’s Shield 1 (PH 63)
Righteous Brand 1 (PH 63)

Encounter Powers:
Numinous Shield 1 (Divine Power 31)
Light of Arvandor 3 (Divine Power 33)

Daily Powers:
Avenging Flame 1 (PH 64)

Utility Powers:
Cure Light Wounds 2 (PH 64) (Daily)

Gorlin is a member of the Dragonmarked House Kundarak (warding), but he has not manifested a Dragonmark yet.

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