First Post
"Ha! You think you can scare us, Mr. Dragonman? You are fighting Ignus the Hero! Eva the Mage! and Graven the Protector!"
Stepping forward, Merri confidence bolsters her allies, she stabs the dragonborn. Ignus feels protected by Merri's boldness.
Reminder for dimsdale: Merri is back down to 2/2 surges.
Movement: Shift to F-1.
Standard: Energizing Strike vs. M1: 1d20+9, 1d8+5 → ([11, 9], [3, 5]) Roll. Hit AC 20 for 8 damage, Ignus gains 4 THP and Merri gets DR3 vs. M1 TENT.
[sblock=Merri's mini-stats]Merri- Female Human Hybrid Ardent/Vampire 3
Status: DR3 vs. M1 TENT
Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC 18 For: 15 Ref: 16 Will: 18
HP: 28/34 THP: 0 Bloodied: 17 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 2/2
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Common, Elven
Action Point: 1
Power Points: 2
Energizing Strike, Ire Strike, Taste of Life
Surefooted Stride, Ardent Surge, Second Wind, Sympathetic Agony, Blood Drinker
Lingering Fury, Brooch of Shielding, Onyx Dog
Notable Effects:
Resist Force 10. Vulnerable Radiant 5
Allies within 5 squares get +2 to Diplomacy, Intimidate and +1 to OA damage rolls.
Gains regeneration 4 if bloodied.
Merri has DR3 vs. enemies she hits w/ ki focus. [/sblock]
Stepping forward, Merri confidence bolsters her allies, she stabs the dragonborn. Ignus feels protected by Merri's boldness.
Reminder for dimsdale: Merri is back down to 2/2 surges.
Movement: Shift to F-1.
Standard: Energizing Strike vs. M1: 1d20+9, 1d8+5 → ([11, 9], [3, 5]) Roll. Hit AC 20 for 8 damage, Ignus gains 4 THP and Merri gets DR3 vs. M1 TENT.
[sblock=Merri's mini-stats]Merri- Female Human Hybrid Ardent/Vampire 3
Status: DR3 vs. M1 TENT
Initiative: +4, Passive perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12
AC 18 For: 15 Ref: 16 Will: 18
HP: 28/34 THP: 0 Bloodied: 17 Surge value: 8 Surges/day: 2/2
Speed: 6 squares, Languages: Common, Elven
Action Point: 1
Power Points: 2
Energizing Strike, Ire Strike, Taste of Life
Surefooted Stride, Ardent Surge, Second Wind, Sympathetic Agony, Blood Drinker
Lingering Fury, Brooch of Shielding, Onyx Dog
Notable Effects:
Resist Force 10. Vulnerable Radiant 5
Allies within 5 squares get +2 to Diplomacy, Intimidate and +1 to OA damage rolls.
Gains regeneration 4 if bloodied.
Merri has DR3 vs. enemies she hits w/ ki focus. [/sblock]