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After Earth - Episode II - Beyond Colonial Space.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Continued from http://www.enworld.org/forum/playing-game/203739-after-earth-22.html

Unity Main Complex - Black Hole

Two weeks of debriefing, or more like interrogation had pushed the nerves of Mel, Damon and Cnosos but now it was over. Faris had joined the Unity Security again, giving the usual bull about secret assignment or something and Michael had been given a research on the virus. With a mind that placed knowleadge above anything else it really wasn't a surprice he had taken up on the offer.

What you had learned was that outside Unity, the universe is even more rough place, and so you decided that another gun wouldn't hurt. Luckily you knew just the guy for the job. Pierce, one of the kids that you used to hang with around the Black Hole. He's big, he's mean, and he sure as hell knows how to put up a fight. Damon could still remember the pain in his jaw from a punch a few years back. Now the four of you sat in the Black Hole and waited for Steve. He told you he had something to talk about.

Not much later Steve walks in, this time wearing a business suit. There's two others with him. A young woman, even smaller than Mel, with flaming red hair and a tall young man. You're pretty sure you've seen the guy sometimes around Unity but he wasn't part of the posse you hanged with.

Hey guys. Mike popped by the other day with his resignation and I thought you might need a replacement. I asked Solly here to cover for him. Steve says motioning toward the tall guy. And mr. Angel has asked that I put a company rep on the ship so this is miss LeRouge, your new liaison for Angel Industries.

[sblock=OOC]Well, I suppose Damon got promoted to Captain ;), unless Mel seriously wants to...

So, new characters.
Pierce is ethandrew's muscle man and old acquintace of the original characters. I'll let him describe better himself.

Solly, Dr. Simon's medic who's been working on another Far Star ship, but had some friction with the captain and since Gold Greed needed a medic, Steve transferred him.

And miss LeRouge, Relique du Madde's business woman. She is infact the grand daughter of mr. Angel but this is not widely known on Unity so the others are still oblivious to this.

Stuff. Things you got onboard since the mission:

-The Vanadium Cargo. You still need to deliver it to the Japanese Imperial Base...
-The Android. You made a deal with him to keep his existence secret and deliver him back home and in return he gave back your ship controls and promised a good compensation.
-The Big Gun. Looks sorta like a big ray-gun rifle... Not tested yet.
-The Rifle. A more traditional looking rifle with a counter on the side reading 99.
-Two pistols. No idea how many shots they have and you haven't tested shooting them yet.
-A Lemon Tree. Small lemon tree that might grow a fruit or two...[/sblock]
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First Post
Melara looks up from her mug of steaming hot...whatever the heck it is...and gives the newcomers a noncommittal nod that recognized their existence as human beings, and not much more. She focused on Steve though.

"So...he's 'covering for' Mike? What's that mean, covering for? He's just here until we get a permanent doctor?" Her eyes flicked to the redhead. "And what exactly does a 'liason' DO on a ship? Just keep an eye on us, or does she earn her oxygen like the rest of us?"

She'd been in a sour mood since Mike and Faris left, and didn't mind letting people know it.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The usually silent technician rubs his bald head with his left hand. "I'm Cnosos" he says short and dry. He remains silent, occasionally taking a look between Melara and Damon, as asking them something. "I'm the gear head." he notes.


First Post
With his legs propped up on a nearby chair, heavy boots which added an inch to his already tall and muscular frame, Pierce ran his hand through his thin goatee, cropped short just like his brown hair. He stares at the two newcomers hard, "One of 'em better cook good cause I aint too fond of going out there without proper food." He crosses his arms over his chest and rocks his chair back on its two legs, his jaw clenched and an unwelcoming frown across his face.

Relique du Madde

Gaetanna LeRouge was dressed in an somber, but revealing, dress suit as she approached the crew. As she glanced at the crew, she began to wonder what was about to happen. Was she supposed to learn some lesson in humility, or, as she feared, was her grandfather's intention merely have her vanish into the depths of space and never be heard from again? The thought that her own grandfather would eliminate a family member like they were common folk gave her the chills.

Gaetanna returned Mel's cold gesture with a spiteful look. "For your information, I..." What was she supposed to do again? Gaetanna quickly thought and came up with the conclusion that she should have listened to her father when he was getting lectured that morning about her responsibility as an Angel.

She then closed her eyes and began to blurt out the first thing that came to mind, while making it seem as if she was reciting it all from memory, "... ensure that Angel Industry's property and interests aren't damaged, destroyed, or accidentally plundered as a result of your cavalier actions. I am to interface with Angel Industries on a timely manor to report and offer feedback on your crews 'job performance'." She made sure to quote with her fingers. "Lastly, I am also charged with making sure that any association between your crew and Angel Industries goes unrecognized should there by any egregiously heinous atrocities committed by your crew."

"AAaaannnnddd, if, by 'earning my air', you actually mean can I shoot a gun, then my answer is yes."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Too talky. I don't want you messing your nose in my workshop, also known as the engines room. If we are clear on that, I will say no more."the technician replied, quickly and stoically. His black piercing eyes fixed on the beautiful woman in front of him.


First Post
Melara leaned her head back and muttered a curse. "In other words, you're an albatross."

She looked at Steve. "I don't get it. What did we do wrong that they're making us take someone like this on?"

Relique du Madde

She laguhed. "You know, you're funny, you're very funny." Gaetanna glanced around at the Black Hole's patrons and smiled mischieviously. Time show off some of her 'assets' while making a few instant friends. "Bar keep? I'll buy the next round for everyone here. I'm pretty sure my credit is good for a few hundred thousand rounds."


First Post
"Easy Mel," says Damon, holding his mug paused halfway to his lips. "Just remember that an albatross is a ship's good luck charm until you go and shoot it." He offers the pilot a wink, and takes a slug of his drink.

"And I've always said a medic is a medic, and we'll probably need his services. And I can well vouch for the strength of Peirce' arm." He raises his glass to his old acquaintance.

Damon Knight

Dr Simon

Solly seems unfazed by the hostile 'welcome'.

"Solomon Gancz," he says, holding out his hand to Damon. "People call me Solly, it's less traumatic for them to say." He gives a grin. "Hopefully I'll be enough of a 'proper' doctor for your needs, I've not killed anyone yet. Oh, and I can whip up a mean zabaglione, or would if I could ever find any eggs."

Voidrunner's Codex

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