Age of Worms (Act I All Quiet on the Western Front)

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When you guys reach a consensus on what to do with the door, I will press from there, but just to let you know IC in an OOC context, nobody opens the door up.


Unleashed: Rolled the Listen check for you, wanted to give you a chance to work that in before I finished Ozmar's attempt at breaking the door down. Unless you want to hold that little nugget of info in for yourself...:)


Saterus: Just checking to see if you were waiting on me to move you to the office or if you wanted to do it. I had held off waiting for you to post after Ozmar's last post, but wanted to make sure you didn't think I had forgotten about you.


First Post
Eh, I had some internet problems. I lost internet for a day or so, it made me mad since I had to do some homework from a printed encyclopedia instead of using wikipedia. I'm gonna read over what happened since I posted and then you'll know what I'm doing. ;) Sorry for the lack of posting, things just keep popping up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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