Age of Worms (Act I All Quiet on the Western Front)


I am also going to slow things down a bit until we hear from Ozmar, Saterus, and give Elocin a chance to decide if he is going to try the back door or come around the front.

I don't want to discourage the others from chiming in due to the initial pace, but sometimes when things kick off, they really kick off. I will wait until tomorrow am before advancing the mine office plot to give everyone a chance to check in.

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First Post
Fair enough, means I might have some help anyway. :D

I'll leave my next action posted, but reserve the right to change it as necessary, okay?


That is fine, but barring something major, I doubt there will be much need to edit your post greatly.

Also, I want to stress to the others, please don't get put off by the speed in which things kicked off. I am just really excited about getting the game going and when I saw I had three people at the office, I jumped on it.


First Post
Verbatim said:
I am also going to slow things down a bit until we hear from Ozmar, Saterus, and give Elocin a chance to decide if he is going to try the back door or come around the front.

I don't want to discourage the others from chiming in due to the initial pace, but sometimes when things kick off, they really kick off. I will wait until tomorrow am before advancing the mine office plot to give everyone a chance to check in.

Just a quick note: Sorry about being incomunicado the last two days. Been sick. Got better. Should catch up tonight.

First order of business is to get back to my regular computer and post those NPCs I wrote up... :)

Ozmar the Absent Gamer


No problem Ozmar, as I know how it is when you get sick and can't post. Just didn't want you to think was never going to start, and when it did that I was trying to leave you in the dust.

Also, if you could get the char sheet in the RG thread that would be cool. I will trust you if you say the NPCs are on the way and you use the full gold that will be given for making them.

Verbatim the trustworty DM


First Post
Cool, thanks.

PC is there. I made some cool NPCs, and darn it if I didn't lose them. Where could they be? I guess the gremlins got 'em. So I'll try to re-create them from memory now.

Three NPCs:

Jon Ox: Jon Ox is a huge bulky brute of a man. He is on the militia in the service of Captain Trask, and has become fast friends with Jorun. Jon is a very simple man, and is very trusting and loyal. The other militiamen poke fun at him, but everyone likes him, and protects him from being duped by townsfolk as he protects them with his strength in battle. Since meeting Jorun, he's become a quick "convert" of Heironeous (although truthfully, he doesn't really understand or have a deep commitment). He's come to see Jorun as a "holy guy" who seems to have the ear of the god, or at least their priests. He has a young daughter who works at the stables in town.

Fern: Fern is a young (10-11 year old) human girl who works at the stables. She attracts little attention, with plain clothes and a dirty complexion that hides her pretty face. She seldom talks to the patrons and dislikes people, but she loves horses and knows how to care for them better than anyone else. Jorun met her through her father and admires the way she silently takes excellent care of any horses brought to her.

Cog (Cogglesworth Barrelbottom): This gnome is a cobbler and cheese-maker who makes just enough money to fund his gambling addiction. He's a master player at five-dragon ante, and spends most of his time in local taverns cleaning up. Although he wins a lot at the tables, he is also over-talkative and arrogant, and is frequently beat-up and robbed. Fortunately (for him) he has little real interest in money and is only to happy to give up his wealth to protect his skin. His real passion is for the game, at which he excels. Jorun has played with him on occasion, and is dismayed by the frequency with which he is the victim of crime. Jorun wants to do something to help him, but isn't sure what. The gnome seems to be so cheerful, and many of the criminals he plays with might have long ago killed him if they didn't know they could steal back their losses later in the evening.

OK. I think that's what I recall. Anyway, make of it what you will. :) And he lost or donated his excess cash anyway. (See the character sheet.) Now to hop over to the IC board and see what I've missed...

Ozmar the Returned


First Post
Woah....I crashed at one of my friend's houses last night. I should have got on here while I was there and checked. I've apparently gotten a bit behind. I suppose though its only fair to say that I can't check during the day while I'm at school. I'll post my character sheet shortly and try to catch up with all that has happened in the IC thread.

Eh, before I read a bunch of stuff, do we all read everyone's posts? Or just our own? (for the moment..)
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First Post
I assume it is all "open" info, although of course play your character with the info that he has, not the full picture that you have.

I've just skimmed the others myself. This game is overwhelming with info, so I try to get what I need, and then read the rest in my spare time. :)

Ozmar the Speed Reader


Lurker (sort of)
I read everyone's post and I try and stay away from the hidden info but I am pretty good at not metagaming and play my character with the info he has.


My philosopy is this on the spoiler material. I do not mind you reading it if the others do not, but please try to keep what you know seperate from what the chars know.

Damien may know that Tirra plans on slipping a dagger into Jorun's heart over supper, but Jorun may think the elvish woman simply wants to come over for a bit of late night converting. However, if he suddenly throws her into jail the next time he posts for attempted murder and I haven't written anything, I might get ticked pretty fast.

We are all adults and want to have fun, so we will leave it at that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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