Age of Worms (Act I All Quiet on the Western Front)

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Unleashed: About to run some errands, but just wanted to let you know that both goblins are now unarmed, as all their spears are in Chryse, and his is in the dead goblin at his feet.

Don't know if that will edit your attack thoughts any, but just wanted to make sure you knew the situation fully.


*taps intercom* Is there a doctor in the house?

Ahh...the joys of good and bad dice rolls all in one combat. And even when I switched to an online dice roller while I am helping my buddy, you still got a good roll. Will the luck last? Or will this be the curtain call for the young priest of Apollo?

Join us next time on Age of Worms continues!!!


Seriously guys...I want Unleashed and Hippocrachus to send me some lotto numbers...this is getting spooky over here.

Healing post to follow in a minute...


First Post
Don't know why the'd work for you when they don't work for me. :lol:

On a side note I think you've been missing my +1 damage from point blank shot for the two bow attacks in this combat...I wonder if 5 damage the first attack instead of 4 makes a difference. ;)


First Post
Okay just wondering as you added up the greatsword damage in the OOC section. :cool:

What do I know about the building? General layout? Does it go down into an underground section? Some of this info would really help with my next decision. :)


Orin:[sblock] You know the office is two story structure with most of the second story being an unfinished attic of sorts. The first floor has a central room by the front door, dining area, kitchen/pantry area, and foreman's office. You know that the foreman's office is behind the door the goblin is sitting beside and the eating area/kitchen is through the open door at the other side of the central room.

The basement is a partially collapsed celler, but enough room for some people to fit down there and is accessed through the trapdoor in the kitchen, a trapdoor that has long since been removed.

It has been a few months since you were last here, and as such you aren't 100% sure of what could be here if there are goblins in the office now.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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