Age of Worms (Act I All Quiet on the Western Front)


First post is up for the first three lucky contestants...

Working on next three now...

Sorry to be heavy handed in the beginning, but wanted to get you guys in the mix of things, and Elocin, hope you don't mind me taking some liberties with Shadow like I did.

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First Post
Don't allow the boldness in his first address to confuse you. He is only a confident speaker and means to uphold the customs due to the travel-weary and homeless :)


Majin: Just wanted to let you know that your game of Rings took place during the evening around 8pm or so, and when you left it was around 10pm ish. If you want to go to Lazare's there will still be betting to be had, but wanted to let you know there would be no work required if you went home.


First Post
Gotcha. As long as there's at least some action to be had, that's reason enough for him. :cool:

(Edited post to correct that.)


Glad you guys have enjoyed your success thus far..*L*

Majin: Just to give you a head's up, it is 10pm the night before the carnage takes place, this fact will come into play with the upcoming post. Stand by to stand by and pray these dice still favor you guys over me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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