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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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I missed last nights episode, but I'll catch in on Hulu tonight. I went in with low expectations and have been pleasantly surprised. It's not the Whedon Family's best work by a long shot, but I find it very entertaining. And the opening scene in last week's episode with all the masked couriers in Stockholm was television genius.

I've got no interest in any other of the Acronym Techno-thrillers (C.S.I, N.C.I.S) that have been so popular over the last decade, and I wasn't an Alias fan, either, but I'm digging Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


I'm liking the show so far (in the UK, so a week behind the latest US episode). The characters are currently the only weak point - they're a fun group dynamic, but so far established only in very broad strokes.

We had two episodes of Coulson's old life coming back to haunt him, which is fine, but what we could really do with is some individual character-establishing episodes for the rest of the team. They would all benefit from some fleshing-out.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I'm two episodes behind, at the moment. So far, the show and characters don't have a lot of depth. I expect my wife is close to ready to give up on it, for that reason.


I'm really enjoying it. I like the fact that they're building on their previous plotlines, like the fact that the Project Centipede guys from the first episode are taking steps to fine-tune their process. And the episode with the gravity scientist looks to have been an origin story for a future recurring villain.



First Post
It has it faults that people have mentioned but I'm enjoying it. It helps that there are not a lot of shows on that I enjoy so I have plenty of time to watch it.


First Post
Haven't watched the most recent episode yet. It seems pretty much what one would expect: like the Avengers but watered down somewhat for TV. It's picked up a bit; maybe it'll get more substantial and maybe it won't, but as it is it's a mildly entertaining action piece.


I'm two episodes behind, but the three episodes I watched were interesting enough I plan on watching the others when I get around to it.

Nothing amazing, but enough.

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