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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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Tyler looks over at Karrwin and grins "I am pleased to see you enjoy my company. But as before I have sworn an oath to Lord Fossoway, I am his man. It would take something very serious for me to leave Lord Thommas. Besides it seems our paths are crossing often enough." He grins at the last bit.

"As a friend I will try to find someone to replace me, not that is possible." He chuckles at the last bit.

"I have learned the meeting will begin shortly. Everyone will come down and introductions will be made. I have no idea what sort of plans Prince Daemon has. But he is taking a huge risk by doing this. If there is any counsel I can give please let me know. Oh yes, your guards can come but they cannot sit near you. They can stand in the back with the rest. There is only limited room." Tyler finishes.

There is a knock at the door. "It is time."

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Karrwin defers to Tyler and follows him to the meeting. He asks Eon and his guards to stand in the back and he grabs a chair, watching and waiting.


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As Karrwin steps into the Great Hall he sees the walls are still made of wood logs. The logs diameter is larger than a tall man. The walls look to be thicker than some stone walls and could withstand a powerful siege.

The Great Hall seem large enough to sit 100 men comfortably. But with all the bystanders and lords it is quite tight. The area near the fireplace is avoided as the heat from it blasts the men sitting there.

As Karrwin sits Tyler sits next to him. Karrwin counts 32 chairs seated at the front where Lords and Knights can sit. Karrwin recognizes many of the sigils of various houses. A short slender man walks up to Karrwin. He wears the twin towers of House Frey, Karrwin recognizes him as Ser Walton Frey. "A message from your uncle, Lord Mallister." The wax sigil is still intact. Ser Walton nods and sits a few chairs away.

Your father has wrote me of the happenings in the realm. I am glad you are there represent us and the North. Please speak for House Mallister and my bannerhouses (Vance's and Paeges). I stand with your father and you.
You Uncle,

A number of Lords and Knights start entering. Lord Thommas Fossoway sits a few chairs the other way. He nods and speaks as he sits "It is good to see you Karrwin."

Finally as all the Lords are seated Prince Daemon enters his half-brothers and twin sons follow him. It is easy to see they are all family members. Two men follow behind they wear wooded cloaks, Karrwin cannot tell who the men are. They seat near Lord Thommas.

"Good Afternoon. Lords and Good Sers. I am glad you have chosen to attend. I know the dangers of all of us meeting here. But the risk is worth the results. I have good and bad news. We make introductions in a minute. Will Lord Caswell and Ser Redfort please come forward and recognized." As Daemon speaks Karrwin sees the power and nobility of his bloodline appear.

Karrwin recognizes Lord Caswell from the tournament. He was the ambitioius young Lord who helped host the Tourney. Karrwin also recognized Ser Redfort from his youth when the slightly older Redfort would travel to Winterfell.

Daemon has each man stand to either side of him. "These two men are to be commended for there sevice and diligence. They have served House Targaryen loyally and steadfast. Unfortuneately they are spies for my half-brother." At the mention of the last bit Bittersteel and Fireball, Daemon's bastard half-brothers, draw there swords and run them through each man.

There is a air of shock amongst the assembled lords. Both the men lay dying. Convulsing and reaching for the holes in there chests. Guards round up the two mens entourage and escort them from the room. Other guards grab the two dead men and drag them away.

Daemon looks mad and has a fire in his eyes. "I will stand traitors or spies. I did not do this act lightly or without thought. We all depend on each other. All our lives are at risk. I hope I have proved my point."

He steps back and the calm returns to his face. He takes a deep breath. "Now on to business. Please stand." He says turning to the two cloaked men. "May I introduce our newest members."

He pulls down the hood of one man who has the look of a Baratheon. "Ser Jon Baratheon (Heir to Storm's End and House Baratheon)." He pulls the hood from the other man, Karrwin recognizes him instantly. "Ser Devan Lannister, the Black Lion."

Ser Jon steps forward "House Baratheon and its houses stand behind Prince Daemon Blackfyre. I speak for my father and the House on this matter."

Ser Devan steps forward "House Lannister and houses stand with Prince Daemon. I act his representative on this matter. And might further announce the recognition of the berthoment of Gowen Baratheon (Ser Jon's younger brother) to my younger sister Tya. Let this act and our decleration in support of Prince Daemon stand us united."

Many of the Lords and Knights are shocked by the news of the support and bethroment. There is some hushed speaking and nods.

Prince Daemon steps forward. "Lords, quiet please. We now have three Great Houses standing behind us. House Baratheon, House Lannister, and House Stark." Daemon says point to each house representative. "Half of House Tyrell stands behind us. The recent death of Lord Leo has complicated matters. But with the announcement of House Martell and House Targaryen joining, the Tyrells and Baratheons have joined against my half-brother."

"Things move faster everyday and the lines are drawn longer and deeper as well. I suspect within the cycle (month) the fighting will start. Therefore I wish to have a plan in place and a people set to react. When the time comes I shall declare my self as contender to the Crown and rightful King. I will explain more in a minute."

But to be ready I therefore shall now name my Wardens. These Wardens are to act with my authority in there said regions. Ser Bryren Flowers as Warden of the South, Ser Jon Baratheon as Warden of the East, Ser Devan Lannister as Warden of the West, and Karrwin Stark as Warden of the North."

"Also I shall name my Small Council. Ser Ken Serry Master of Ships, Ser Damon Lannister as Master of Coin, Lord Alesander Baratheon as Master of Whispers, and Lord Edward Stark Master of Laws. As my Hand I name Lord Thommas Fossoway. I will wait on the Kingsguard and Grand Maester."

"I plan is to call for each Warden to return to there region and conduct the fighting that is to occur there. I shall maintain control here or as needed." He continues.

"As I mentioned before, I have recieved infromation that my half-brother the King may not be the rightful heir to the throne. I am trying to gain more infomation to confirm this but it seems Daeron is actually the son of my uncle the Dragonknight." He finishes.


Karrwin makes a note to ask Tyler about the Baratheon alliance. I thought they were firmly behind the King.

Karrwin is shocked to hear the Prince name him Warden of the North. Even hearing his father named Master of Laws doesn't blunt it. Me? Not father or Artos? Me? I'm...going to have to be a man.

After the meeting, Karrwin approaches Prince Daemon. "My lord, you honor me. House Stark will not let you down."

After he speaks with the Prince, the newly appointed Warden looks for Tyler. "Tyler, I want to ask about the Baratheon alliance. How secure is it? I thought the Baratheons stood with the King."


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Prince Daemon clasps your hand. "I need good men that I know and can trust. I spoke with your father on the matter, as well as Lord Fossoway. Just so you know I was going to name your father. But he felt you a better choice. I trust you Karrwin, I am pleased that your father was happy enough with sitting on the council. Most of the men will be leaving soon. I need the Warden's to stay, we have plans to develop. I must talk with a few lords, I will meet with you soon." Prince Daemon states.

You find Tyler milling about. "My Lord, it seems you are moving up the social ladder rather quickly." Tyler listens to your comments. "While normally I would have taken this as a suprise, in this situation I do not. Both the Tyrell's and the Baratheon's have little care for the Martell's or the people of Dorne. I think with the King choosing the Martell's, the Baratheon's feel slighted. The Baratheon's have been loyal to the King. It will be interesting to see how the bannerhouse for both the Lannister's and Baratheon's follow."


"Thank you, my Lord," Karrwin says to the Prince.

"Interesting," Karrwin says to Tyler's analysis. "I just hope that the bannerhouses don't split with their House. That could make things difficult."

Stark has no other plans and waits for Daemon to call on him.


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Tyler nods in agreement. "I hope so to, but I feel the issue here will split the Kingdom no matter what."

A short time later Prince Daemon calls the Wardens together. Present are the Wardens, the Prince, and Lord Fossoway.

As everyone settles into there seats Tyler walks over. "It seems your wish has been granted. With the Lord Thommas serving the Prince, I have been granted to serve you. It seems Lord Thommas will be busy and does not need my services for the near future." Tyler says with a fair amount of sarchism.

The great room has been transformed into a war room almost. A large table now sits with a map of the Kingdom.

"I have need of the Wardens to return to there regions after my sister's wedding. Once in place I would ask you to start raising troops and arms. The fight will becoming. Overall from what I am told the general strategy is this; In the South the Martell and Tyrells will push to the Baratheon's and Targaryen forces loyal to me. We are hoping to counter with some Tyrell forces. But the King will push out from King's Landing. He will try to push us so we cannot siege King's Landing."

"In the West I am afraid things may be worse. We do not know where the Tully's stand. With the Greyjoys raiding the coast we have little chance, therefore the Lannisters will be hard pressed. The Lannisters, Mallisters, and Lord Serry are the only ones with any type of a fleet. The Redwyne fleet will press north."

"In the North things will be different. I still feel that the Arryn's will push North. The Starks need to hold Moat Caitlin and defeat the Arryns. Once that is done you will need to push south either to attack the Tully's or help the Lannisters."

"This is the general stratgy men. I would like to take King's Landing, but as you can see we are the defensive until we gain some momentum."

A little while later the Prince meets with Karrwin. "I know you have a lot of men nearby. I need you to take those men North. Start sending them as soon as possible."


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After the meeting Ser Devan finds Karrwin. "It is good to see you again Karrwin." He says as he puts his hand out to shake.

"I am suprised to see you here, but I shouldn't be. It seems we all have our secrets. I am glad though you are here. After meeting you at the tournament I cannot think of many people I would rather have on my side."

"I wanted to talk to you before you left. As Prince Daemon said we are in need of you help. The Lannisters are going to be surrounded. You are the only one that I can see that can help us. What do I have to do to convince you to help us?" Ser Devan says turning to you to look at you, waiting for a response.


Karrwin gives Ser Devan an appreciative handshake. "You don't have to do anything to convince me, Ser. The Starks will be there to help you if you need it."


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Ser Devan looks somewhat relieved by the news.

The meeting is soon over. Tyler walks over "The horses are ready."

It is a long ride back to King's Landing. It is well after dark when you arrive. Ser Durendal meets you when you make it back. "What news?" A few stable boys start getting the horses for you.

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