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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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The others look around no one speaks up, finally Ser Durendal does. With a nervousness in his voice that is seldom heard. "We have not heard anything. We have talked about it, but we have not been able to find anything out. It worries us quiet a bit."

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Karrwin shakes his head. "We have to know. Have some of the men go to the taverns Redwyne's men haunt. Men, especially soldiers, talk when they're drinking. See if they can find out anything. Have the guard here increased and make sure everyone is ready for something. I will be very surprised if we make it to the wedding with nothing happening. Is there anything else we need to be concerned about?"


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Ser Durendal looks up "The last few times Lord Redwyne has come at us has been rather direct. He has used knights and guards in his service. I would imagine the next time he comes he will use allies, mercenaries, and men that cannot be connected to him."

Tyler nods. "Lord Redwyne is not a fool. Dense at times and arrogant to the bone, but not a fool. Ser Durendal's assesment makes sense. I have another recommendation. Instead of sending loyal and known men out, I know of some people in town who provide a service that will provide us with such information far better than your men can. They are expensive, often requiring favors instead of gold. But they are the best."

Eon's face shows nothing but contempt at the mention of espionage, but after a few moments it lessens as he realizes the sense of Tyler's words. "I will make sure the men are alert. I do have some concern. The men are starting to chafe a little at the constant need to be put on alert. They are good men, but soon we will need to allow some relaxation. I would like your permission to allow a few of the men to take wives, a few have asked."

Tyler smirks "They are men after all. Not trying to be mean, but this maybe where Redwyne may try to infiltrate us."

Maester Jeremiah looks over "I have a few ideas that may help. If I maybe given some leeway in regards to the men." Eon looks over and nods.

Feeling the meeting has ajourned the men leave. Leaving just you and Thom Snow.

One of the few times Thom speaks to you about things. "The men feel that something is going to happen. There is some concern about everyone's safety. They do not know what exactly is going on, but they know things are coming to ahead. Ser Durendal does not tell you everything. He is quite busy. He has been making arraingements for the men to be dressed as commoners the night of the wedding. I think he has arraigned for a ship to take us North. I am sure when he has things figured out he will tell you. It is a shame. I was starting to like this place." Thom shows one of his sly grins.


"I'm not sure I want to rely on someone outside of the house for something like this," Karrwin tells Tyler. He realizes almost as quickly what he just said. "No offense, Tyler. You have more than earned my trust. Let's not use these people you know unless we absolutely have to.

"As for the men, I know I've been asking a lot of them. If some of them want to marry, they are more than welcome to do so." Karrwin smiles, his thoughts drifting to Tanya.

When he is alone with Thom, Karrwin nods as his bodyguard speaks. "I trust Durendal. He doesn't need to bother me with all of the details of what he does. I, for one, will be glad to be gone from here.

"The morale of my men is bothering me, though. I should see them."

Karrwin spends most of the rest of the day walking around the the manor. He will walk patrols with guards, watch them train, and talk to them offering suggestions and reassurances.


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Tyler looks at Karrwin with some concern "I understand the hesitation, but I think you should know, your men are going to stick out like a sore thumb. They maybe okay at what they do, but the information you are seeking you cannot find with untrained men."

The others nod at Karrwins decision to allow the men to marry.

When alone Thom nods at your decision. "I would advise you to take a few days and stand with the men. One thing your father said was 'he would never send a man to do something he would not.'

"I also assume I will be guarding you at the wedding. It is only four days away. With your leave I would ask permission to get a new wardrobe for the event?" Thom states.

Most of the men are happy to see Karrwin amongst them training and walking the guard. There is some grumbling and unhappiness. But things seem to be okay. Word has started to reach the men that they will be leaving soon.


"I'm not expecting them to be trained spies. I just want them to listen for anything Redwyne's men might slip while drunk," Karrwin tells Tyler.

Karrwin nods at Thom's suggestion. "I can't imagine anyone trying something at the wedding, but I suppose you should be there to make Eon and the others happy. Get whatever clothes you need for the event."

As long as nothing else occurs before the wedding, Karrwin has no plans other than being very visible for his men and trying to keep their morale up.


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Thom leaves you to walk amongst the men. Over the next few days you stand with the men on guard shift and train with them. Overall spirits are decent, but below normal. As the last few days passby men slowly start packing.

The night before the wedding Ser Durnedal approaches you. "I have made arraingements for the men to travel North. The plan is somewhat complicated, but the men are ready. Of the 250 men we have here most will be leaving tonight. They will head out in groups of 5-6 making there way for harbor. There is a ship there that will take them to White Harbor. It will set sail before dawn."

"A second group will leave at dawn heading for the ship that will take us after the wedding. They will secure the ship and be prepared to organize a rescue, if need be." He looks up at you on the last part.

"A third group will maintain the image that we are still here. They will leave just as the wedding bells sound. They are our best horseman. There are only a dozen of them and they will make there way North to Moat Caitlin by land." Ser Durendal finishes.

"You will need to leave during the wedding reception and make your way to harbor. I will wait for you there. We will take that ship north. It is fast and will make it there many days ahead of the other ship." Ser Durendal states.

"On to other business. We have not been able to find anything out. The men we have sent out have not been able to locate any information on the Redwyne's. We have not even been able to see any of there men out. I placed a few men near his manor. Things are quiet. He comes and goes often. Travelling to see the King or the Hand. Otherwise we are blind to his actvities." Ser Durendal finishes.

- - - -
It is a restless night. Karrwin does not sleep well. It is not the men leaving in the night that bothers his sleep. His mind is full of thoughts of Tanya, her father, the wedding, home ...

After laying in bed for sometime he finally drifts off. A short time later, seems only minutes, Thom is waking Karrwin up. "My Lord, it is time to wake. A bath is drawn."

An hour later after a warm bath, a small cold breakfast (The staff has all left), and dressing into your new outfit. Thom has the horses ready to go. The manor looks deserted. The few remaining men are making preperations to leave. What has been home for so a short while is now a skeleton of itself.

Tyler and Ser Durendal come out to see you off. "Things are different then they have been. I have recieved word that the men near Duskendale are safely away. The ship with the men from here left on time. I will see you at the Harbor."

Tyler steps up "I wish I was going with you to the wedding, but it is best I help here. Eon and Maester Jeremiah are already on the ship preparing it." Tyler looks around "It is a shame I really liked the place."

Thom looks over at Karrwin "We should go." He starts to ride to the door.

As Karrwin nears the Great Sept the crowds start to grow. The commonfolk are starting to gather to witness the event. Vendors, musicans, jesters, mummers, and others wander about entertaining the people. The colors of Orange and Red line the streets.

The horses are given to a young stable boy. Thom stops you pretending to straighten his uniform. In reality he watches to see what stall the horses are in. He nods to Karrwin.

The two of you are escorted into the Great Sept. Light music sounds through the temple. The smell of jasmine candles burn throughout the temple. The two of you are seated near the front on the brides side, a position of honor. The two of you are only three rows back from the front. Karrwin sits next a man he recognizes, Ser Devan Lannister.

He nods at Karrwin. He appears to be in his finest. He wear black that marks him as his nickname the black knight. The only Lannister red and gold is on the Lion of his cloak. "It has been too long." He says extending his hand.

A short time later the ceremony begins. As per standard etiquette of the Seven Faiths the ceremony takes place. The King gives away his sister. Seated only a few seats from the King is Lord Redwyne. A special ceremony of Dorne takes place as well. The whole things takes well over 3 hours. Finally the bells ring. People cheer and the crowd outside roars. As the bells ring and the people stand to greet the new couple an usher of servants rush forward and start rearranging the great hall. Within a few minutes the hall is set up for the reception.

People start to mingle allowing the servants to setup. The couple is met by many Lords and Ladies. The King is not far off. As Karrwin stands watching the events. A man appears next to him, it is Lord Redwyne.

"I expected my daughter show up next to you here today. I see she has not. Where has she gone now?" He says in a low and civil tone, trying his hardest not to offend you. He watches the people move and mingle. "I know she left on a ship a few days ago."


For a moment, Karrwin considers lying or dissembling to Redwyne. Then he decides against it. He would know it. Stark takes a deep breath. "She is still very upset with you and didn't want to see you. Tanya is...she is safe now."


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Redwyne finally looks at Karrwin. "I hope you realize what you are doing. I will ask you just this one time. Afterwards I will take her." Redwyne looks at Karrwin for a few moments. And then walks off. Normally Karrwin would have figured he would have been upset, but Karrwin thinks for a moment he saw a smile on Redwyne's face.

Thom walks over and stands behind Karrwin "Why do I get the feeling he knows exactly what was going on and he wanted it to happen?" In a hushed tone Thom whispers "I think it is time to leave."


Karrwin stands there for a moment, silently. "Hmmm...I think you're right, Thom. I don't know what is going on, but I think we will be better off leaving. Let's go." The Stark youth tries to leave the wedding without attracting too much attention and will make his way back to his manor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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