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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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It takes a few minutes to sneak away. Crowds of people are milling about. Many wishing to meet "Lord Stark", others are looking for idle chat while things get organized. Thom slowly makes his way out first. Leaving Karrwin to fend for himself for a few minutes.

The King stands and the crowd dies down. "I have an announcement to make. I would like to congradulate the new couple. A roar rumbles through the crowd. I would also like to announce as my wedding gift to my new brother a position on the small council. Lord Yunis Martell is my new master of laws." Karrwin immeadately realizes this is the postion held by Prince Daemon.

Karrwin tries to look for Prince Daemon but the crowd is too large. The King continues to speak but Karrwin continues to look for the Prince.

Finally musicians start playing and the wedding guests make there way to the center of the room. Karrwin is able to slide out a side door and out into the afternoon.

Thom is just coming from the stables with the horses. He waves for Karrwin to stop. He gets the horses nearby and walks over with a dark blue cloak. "Put this on, so no one sees you leaving."

Soon the two of you are off to the docks. It is a slow and teadious journey. Thom often doubles around or loops into areas not needed. Rarely he looks over his shoulder. It is almost an hour before you are finally to the dock.

Ser Durendal stands nearby on one of the docks in his typical mood his sits motionless waiting for you. At the end of the pier you see a small sleek vessel that appears more than ready to sail.

A few men mill about the docks. Finally Ser Durendal stands "Good horses, too bad what a waste." As the two of you dismount and start getting your things organized Ser Durendal slaps the horses and they go running off.

The three of Karrwin, Thom, and Ser Durendal make it to the ship. It takes only a few minutes for the ship to set sail. Soon Karrwin is leaving King's Landing. The sun is in the middle of the sky. Shining onto to huge city. In the distance bells can be heard ringing. Tyler walks up to Karrwin. "It is down. We have left and the King's sister is married. Prince Daemon no longer sits on the small council. It has began."

When Karrwin looks over Tyler states "Thom told me. It will be the beginning and end for one side. Are path is now set for us."

As the two of you speak Eon walks over. "It appears we are not as sneaky as we thought." Eon points to two large galleys that block the ship from leaving the harbor. Karrwin looks and see that they are flying the colors of Lord Redwyne.

The Captain yells out "It will be a fight prepare yourselves."

It takes only a few minutes before the ships unite. The Captain attempts to out distance and then out turn them. Finally one of the galleys falls behind, but the other is within grappling distance and soon the ships are being pulled together.

Intiative please.

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[sblock=Initiative]Initiative: 8[/sblock]

A steely determination settles over Karrwin. I will not be taken as easily as Redwyne seems to think. "Men of the North to me!" he cries, drawing his sword. "Cut through their grapple lines if you can! Eon, get an archer to take out their pilot!" Karrwin moves up to the edge of the ship, sword raised, prepared to cut down any man coming over.

[sblock=OOC]I took some liberties with how much I could say in one round, but I assumed I started talking before initiative began.[/sblock]


First Post
The men gather around drawing weapons. Swords, axes, and other weapons appear. Eon tosses Karrwin a set of chain mail. "Put it on lad, we are about to get bloody."

Two men climb the main mast, short bows in tow to attack the men from a distance. The twang of the bows sound a few seconds later.

The men cheer and yell at your announcement. As Karrwin looks over to the galley approaching he realizes there must be close to twice as many men on that ship as on his.

The first set of grappling lines appear and hook the ship. Men start attacking the rope.

[sblock] You can take a free round as you are more than likely ready for there grapple lines. [/sblock]


First Post
Karrwin hack through one of the thick hemp ropes splitting it into two preventing some of the actions of the boarders. But as Karrwin looks around he realizes there are just too many. Soon the men will be boarding.

As Karrwin finishes that thought a burly man jumps up on the railing. He is wearing a boiled leather breastplate and carries an axe. He gets the jump on Karrwin (literally). He attempts to jump down on top of Karrwin. But at the last second Karrwin brings his sword up in defense. With skill or luck, maybe a little of both Karrwin's blade blocks the axe but his sword cleanly cuts through the haft of the axe. The man stands there holding a handle with no axe head.

[sblock] You are one lucky sob. I rolled Karrwin defense roll. It was 18 higher than the guys attack. I deamed that as something special. Hence the destruction of the weapon. Lucky. [/sblock]


First Post
The man crumples to the ground. Unable to defend himself. He does little but die. Karrwin get a quick chance to look around. While things seemed to be fine at the moment. The attackers are gaining momentum. There are just to many of them. As more men board the ship, more lines are being attached and more men are coming aboard.

Karrwin glances around. Thom is fighting three men to his left. Ser Durendal is fighting off four men. Eon has taken a nasty wound to the thight but fends off two men. The archers continue to rain down arrows at the other ship.

A man slowly and confidentally come walking over the railing. Karrwin does not recognize the man, but he wears a shining silver breastplate and carries a silver sword as well. "Karrwin Stark, I am Vyman Velaryon. Today is your day to die." Karrwin recognizes the man name. He is a member of the Kingsguard.

He jumps down and presses the attack. His sword comes gleaming in. A quick slash passes by Karrwin's defense and stabs into Karrwin's left leg. A sharp searing pain can be felt. The pain dissappears when the sword is removed.


Karrwin feels a flash of fear. This isn't some poorly trained guardsman. This is a true knight. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus. He cannot beat me if I do not let him. I am Karrwin Stark and I will not lose today. He counterattacks with a calm assurance. "I am Karrwin Stark, ser knight, and you will find me no easy prey."


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Velaryon easily blocks Karrwin's counterattack, but his own attack comes slow and wide. Karrwin is easily able to side step the attack. The sharp pain in Karrwin's leg dissappears but a dull ache has started to grow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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