AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…


That basically only lets corporations be able to do AI and remember they are evil.
If corporations actually had to pay the going rate for the art they used, I think they'd just opt out. It's all about showing profit literally tomorrow, for what you've done today.

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That's basically what Adobe did, puling the stunt of acquiring the rights for free through unclear ToS or photobucket does right now. So basically it's no longer a concern for them. It's not "price it out of existence" it's "let a few major players get it for nearly free while preventing competitors to emerge". Even better deal for megacorps.

Edit: also, at this point, hiring mechanical turks to take photographs of things they need and write a detailed caption for it would be probably within the means of even AI start-ups, if they needed to complement open source art database (which remains to be proven).

Well for my part: I'll continue to insist that all companies be forced to disclose whether or not they use AI images or text. That way, if I see a product that uses AI-generated images or text, I can block them and shop elsewhere. I suspect that if enough people do likewise, AI will become very unappealing.
snark So burger king no longer gets your business if you ever visited them? :p


B/X Known World
I would say that they did that to themselves.
It’s really great when someone just straight up admits you’re right but doesn’t seem to quite get that’s what they just did. “Pay a fair wage.” “So price it out of existence.” So you don’t think it could survive without illegally profiteering off other people’s work either. And yet you’re still advocating for it. That’s nice.

It’s really great when someone just straight up admits you’re right but doesn’t seem to quite get that’s what they just did. “Pay a fair wage.” “So price it out of existence.” So you don’t think it could survive without illegally profiteering off other people’s work either. And yet you’re still advocating for it. That’s nice.
Who decides what a fair wage is?

I've commissioned pieces ranging from 25 dollars to over 100. So please tell me what a fair wage is.

Because I'm sure the artist and the evil corpos have a differing view on "fair wage" hence the "price it out of existence"

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