D&D General AI isn't all that great when it comes to D&D

Yeah, it looks like the first prompt gave us types of zombies, whereas the second gave us individual zombies (with style).

What I really wanted was some short descriptions of four zombies so my players and I can keep track of them in combat.

What could we do to achieve that goal?

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GPT3 Prompt: Describe four human zombies for a dungeons and dragons game, each in ten words or less.

1. Cursed Warrior: Strong and driven by a dark magic.
2. Undead Priest: Driven by religious fervor to spread death.
3. Risen Miner: A mindless worker from the depths of the earth.
4. Reanimated Soldier: Always ready for battle with no fear.

It keeps trying to be more creative that what I it to be.

But, I think I finally found the right question.

GPT3 Prompt: Describe the physical appearance of four human zombies for a dungeons and dragons game, each in ten words or less.

1. Pale, skeletal figure with sunken eyes.
2. Rotting corpse, limbs missing.
3. Decaying skin, long, wild hair.
4. Disfigured face, tattered rags.

It can't read my mind yet.

...yet. 🙃


GPT3 Prompt: Describe four human zombies for a dungeons and dragons game, each in ten words or less.

It keeps trying to be more creative that what I it to be.

But, I think I finally found the right question.

GPT3 Prompt: Describe the physical appearance of four human zombies for a dungeons and dragons game, each in ten words or less.

It can't read my mind yet.

...yet. 🙃
This seems like a problem with a much simpler solution: creat a set of 3 tables with 1d10 features each and roll.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Try to get it to write a 5e psionics system that satisfies everyone.
write a 5e D&D psionics system that satisfies everyone
Creating a psionics system for D&D 5e that satisfies everyone can be a challenging task, but it is definitely possible! Here are some tips to help you create a psionics system that everyone can enjoy:
  • Focus on balance. Make sure that the psionics system is balanced with the existing magic systems in 5e and doesn't overpower or outshine them.
  • Brainstorm ideas. Gather feedback from players and DMs to get a better idea of what they would like to see in a psionics system.
  • Keep it simple. Aim for a system that is easy to understand and doesn't require a lot of extra rules or mechanics.
  • Incorporate elements of existing systems. If possible, try to use existing systems as a base for your new psionics system. This will make it easier for players and DMs to understand.
  • Test it out. Once you've finished your system, you should test it out with a group of players to make sure it works. This is the best way to ensure that everyone is satisfied with the results.
Good luck!


I asked ChatGPT to "write a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game":

Here is a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game:

The party has been hired by the town council of a small village to investigate strange occurrences in the nearby forest. Several villagers have gone missing while gathering firewood, and there have been reports of strange noises and lights coming from the forest at night.

As the party begins to explore the forest, they encounter a group of goblins who are causing the disturbance. The goblins, led by a powerful sorcerer, have been using dark magic to terrorize the villagers and gather ingredients for a ritual to summon a demon.

The party must fight their way through the goblin camp, facing off against the sorcerer and her minions, and stop the ritual before it is too late. Along the way, they may discover clues about the source of the sorcerer's power and the true nature of the demon she hopes to summon.

As they delve deeper into the forest, the party will encounter traps and puzzles, and may encounter allies and enemies among the forest's inhabitants. Can they stop the goblin's sinister plan and save the village from the demon's wrath? The adventure is up to the party to decide.

That's actually pretty good. I bet I could make it a lot better by asking for more details, giving a level range, etc.


New prompt: "Write a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game for a level 5 party, and include a frost giant and winter wolf."

Here is a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game for a level 5 party, featuring a frost giant and a winter wolf:

The party has been hired by a wealthy merchant to retrieve a valuable magical artifact from a remote mountain temple. The merchant has received word that the artifact is guarded by a frost giant and a winter wolf, and has offered the party a generous reward for its safe return.

As the party makes their way up the mountain, they must brave treacherous winter weather and navigate through frozen tunnels and ice-covered cliffs. Along the way, they encounter a group of frost giant raiders who are searching for the same artifact.

The party must use their skills and resources to outwit the frost giants and evade the winter wolf, who is said to be able to track its prey through the snow. As they approach the temple, they discover that the frost giant guarding the artifact is actually a powerful cleric, using the artifact to channel the power of an ancient god of winter.

The party must confront the frost giant cleric and her minions, and decide whether to take the artifact for themselves or return it to the merchant as promised. Will they be able to defeat the frost giant and winter wolf, or will they succumb to the icy dangers of the mountain temple? The fate of the artifact is in the hands of the party.

Not gonna lie: if I read that synopsis at the beginning of a published adventure, I wouldn't assume an AI wrote it in 10 seconds.


I asked ChatGPT to "write a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game":

Here is a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game:

The party has been hired by the town council of a small village to investigate strange occurrences in the nearby forest. Several villagers have gone missing while gathering firewood, and there have been reports of strange noises and lights coming from the forest at night.

As the party begins to explore the forest, they encounter a group of goblins who are causing the disturbance. The goblins, led by a powerful sorcerer, have been using dark magic to terrorize the villagers and gather ingredients for a ritual to summon a demon.

The party must fight their way through the goblin camp, facing off against the sorcerer and her minions, and stop the ritual before it is too late. Along the way, they may discover clues about the source of the sorcerer's power and the true nature of the demon she hopes to summon.

As they delve deeper into the forest, the party will encounter traps and puzzles, and may encounter allies and enemies among the forest's inhabitants. Can they stop the goblin's sinister plan and save the village from the demon's wrath? The adventure is up to the party to decide.

That's actually pretty good. I bet I could make it a lot better by asking for more details, giving a level range, etc.

New prompt: "Write a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game for a level 5 party, and include a frost giant and winter wolf."

Here is a scenario for a Dungeons and Dragons game for a level 5 party, featuring a frost giant and a winter wolf:

The party has been hired by a wealthy merchant to retrieve a valuable magical artifact from a remote mountain temple. The merchant has received word that the artifact is guarded by a frost giant and a winter wolf, and has offered the party a generous reward for its safe return.

As the party makes their way up the mountain, they must brave treacherous winter weather and navigate through frozen tunnels and ice-covered cliffs. Along the way, they encounter a group of frost giant raiders who are searching for the same artifact.

The party must use their skills and resources to outwit the frost giants and evade the winter wolf, who is said to be able to track its prey through the snow. As they approach the temple, they discover that the frost giant guarding the artifact is actually a powerful cleric, using the artifact to channel the power of an ancient god of winter.

The party must confront the frost giant cleric and her minions, and decide whether to take the artifact for themselves or return it to the merchant as promised. Will they be able to defeat the frost giant and winter wolf, or will they succumb to the icy dangers of the mountain temple? The fate of the artifact is in the hands of the party.

Not gonna lie: if I read that synopsis at the beginning of a published adventure, I wouldn't assume an AI wrote it in 10 seconds.
These are extremely generic, but that's a complement because it means they read like what millions of actual DMs and adventure writers would come up with. You could drop either in a game and no one would consider them to be in anyway out of place for D&D.

Voidrunner's Codex

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