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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


A flurry of weapons fly towards the spider, but it dodges most of your blows, and those it doesn't are repelled by its tough carapace. Aredal moves into the room to be on hand for aid, holding his shield up defensively, while Mulnock creeps into the room sticking close to the walls so as not to provoke an attack from the monster.

The spider continues to snap at Dolan, hissing and dripping saliva. Its fangs bite down hard on Dolan's shoulder and it stings, but when he finally shakes it off, it is clear there is no penetration--barely!

OOC: Brachna, remember that you take a -4 penalty when firing a ranged weapon into melee. Even though the spider is 5 feet in the air, it is still within threat range of several of your allies. Your modified roll was 11, which is why you missed. A 15 might have done it. :)


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[sblock= Airwalkrr OOC]
Oops, right! Sorry Airwalkrr, completely forgot about that. I guess I wasn't thinking about figuring threat ranges in 3-D. Darn absent-minded elves! :)

On Initiative 21 (Party Initiative +4) of Round 2:

Drynethael (shieldless) AC 17 (Dmg. Conv. 3) HP 2/8 (3 lethal, 3 non lethal)

Thankful that his reckless shot did not injure Dolan, Dryneth draws a bead again on the spider, this time taking more careful aim. He waits until the dwarf moves slightly out of the way of his bow shot, and looses an arrow as the spider rears up to sink its fangs into his steel-clad comrade.

[sblock=Combat OOC]
Dryneth takes a standard action to fire another arrow at the spider (this time taking into account the penalty for firing into melee)

Attack Roll: 1d20-4+5 = AC 19
Damage: 1d6= 6 HP



As Vicroar's arrow sings harmlessly by, Dolan's hammer appears as if it will fall just short of the spider, but Aredal moves in with a quick swing of his mace, causing the spider to duck right into Dolan's hammer! The spider lets out a terrifying sound reminiscent of a wounded cat and a tea kettle boiling. Dryneth meanwhile takes careful aim and lets an arrow sail true towards its mark. The spider reels from the blow that strikes it directly in the head. Daonil dashes into the room with the others, thrusting his trident at the spider only to have it deflect off the creature's carapace (AC 13). However Mulnock ducks out of the shadows behind him to thrust his kukri up into the monster's abdomen, spilling a green ichor over the gnome's hands (AC 21; 3 points). The spider hisses and crumbles to the ground, one of its legs coming to rest over Mulnock.

After cleaning spider gore from your blades and persons, you give the room a more proper inspection. You make sure to go over every nook and cranny so that nothing is missed (i.e. take 20 on Search checks). When you are done, you have a small pile of coins, but the bigger prize is an ivory box about the size of a large book. Putting your heads together, you estimate its worth at 50 gold coins. You have just claimed your first treasure!

OOC: 50 XP each for defeating the spider. 71 cp and 38 sp were found. Determining the value of the ivory box required an Appraise check. I assumed everyone would attempt to aid Aredal's check, since he is the nominal leader and also has ranks in Craft (jewelry), which is the closest related skill. Decide now whether you wish to rest in the tower, continue to investigate the moathouse, or do something else.

Note: I use AD&D Greyhawk coinage values. 200 cp = 20 sp = 2 ep = 1 gp = 1/5 pp.


Vicroar pulls his arrow out of the wall. "Ruined" he muttered to himself. A sudden smile crossed his face, "A fine companion I turn out to be! My arrow misses it's mark and I start to act like a dwarf! Let us rest for the night, guarding one door is much easier than patrolling all around us."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I agree with you my elven friend. It would do us good to rest for a while, although it is not that late yet. He walks to Daonil with a conserned look. Let me see that wound, I'll try to heal it further.

OOC: Convert Shield of Faith to CLW, CLW (1d8+2=9) That was a bit better :D .


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Dolan looks around the room. Hmph. A spider and a few frogs. Not exactly the head-bashing I had pictured, but it'll do. It's almost like home in here, but too much air.

Voda Vosa

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"I would wanted to go to the moathhouse itsefl but, Oh no the tower first, well there you got, a huge bottomed spider is what you get!" Mulnock says, before packing his savings in his backpack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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