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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame


Having served his role in maintaining etiquette, Husam assumes his place at the lowest seat and takes the salt and tea as they are offered to him.

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The older of the boys, Na'im, looks guilty for a moment before chastising his younger brother. "Don't stuff your face like a squirrel," he says teasingly even as he finishes chewing himself. Naji sheepishly puts a handful of dried meat back into the cloth bundle wrapped around the rations.

[SECTION]Just as matters turn to the raid which befell the oasis, Usqual rises with a gesture to Sinjin, who bumps his head on a hanging lantern and steadies it sheepishly with thick hands. "I will show your servant to the cistern, sha'ir." Again, Usqual does not address Sinjin directly, only speaking to the one he views as the tasked genie's master. Motioning to a passage, Usqual gestures for Sinjin to follow him.[/SECTION]

[SECTION]Hadia raises her brows at Amina's question before setting her tea down. "Magic? There was certainly magic. The guardians of Hakim Oasis may not have been vaunted mamluks like those in Huzuz, but they were skilled men of House Thawr, Children of the Bull, strong like their birthright. We all felt secure in their presence." Shaking her head, Hadia gazes at one of the lanterns momentarily, "It's hard to believe any force could overwhelm them without magic."

"The raiders seemed to come out of the night itself, slipping past the guards. They started fires to cut off our escape routes, lighting the canyons red. I was securing meager supplies and leading our families to seek shelter in the caves, so there was much I didn't witness firsthand. Malsoor is the only one who survived the fighting, and may know more about the raiders, though he is still recovering from his wounds."[/SECTION]


First Post
Amina glanced at Akilah. It was forward of her, but this was important.

"Perhaps we could assist with that recovery. May we see him?"


[SECTION]Squinting her eyes at Amina, then looking downward, Hadia begins to speak but stops short, rolling the cup about in her hands and glancing back the way Usqual has led Sinjin. "He is a... private man... already the strain of being confined in the caves has been much for him. I'd... feel better tending to Malsoor myself... he has been a loyal friend to my family for a long time. This must seem strange to you, but you must understand... During the raid, there was a saboteur hidden among our guests, a man pretending to be a physician. It has left us wary of offers of help that seem too good to be true."[/SECTION]


Dusty Dragon
Lal looked at Akilah too, and noted her silence. Very well.

Instead he spoke. "I'm tremendously sorry to hear that. I am not a physician, but I have studied medicine, and the notion that a physician would act in such a way... " His eyes briefly flashed with anger "... If I meet this so called physician, there shall be a reckoning." His features became softer "The real reason why traitors are so despised is not just because of their act of betrayal, but also because they damage the trust between the honorable. In their wake, suspicion blooms"

"I am not sure what guarantee we can give you so that you accept our offer of healing. As I said, I know a bit of medicine, and some of my companions have great healing powers. If it reassures you a bit, our offer is not purely out of Charity. We need to hunt down these raiders and deal with them, and to do this we need more information, information that Malsoor can provide. Help us deliver Justice to these raiders. Do not let that act of treachery shield the one who made it"


[SECTION]Though Hadia seems resolved to protect Malsoor, she is gradually won over by Lal Qalandar’s sensible argument. ”You speak true, generous traveler; we cannot let the betrayals of the past shroud our way forward. Two of you may come with me to see Malsoor. The rest must wait here. I do not wish to overwhelm him.” Placing her tea cup down she rises with some effort, reminding her two sons Na’im and Naji to serve you tea and be good hosts. She waits until Sinjin and Usqual return from the cistern before gesturing to Lal Qalandar to follow her down a different passage.[/SECTION]

[SECTION]Sinjin bows as he reenters the main chamber of the caravanserai, as much out of respect as to avoid clipping his head on the ceiling. ”The cistern remains low, but better than before.” Moving to Salahuddin’s side, Sinjin smirks at the two gawking boys. Leaning into Salahuddin, he whispers, ”The jann is a Shakari. I was blind not to see it before. The Shakari are a coalition within the House of Sihr that opposes urban civilization…and make their opinion known with violent raids.” He looks meaningfully at Salahuddin before drawing quiet when Usqual flashes multi-hued eyes in Sinjin’s direction as the jann joins you on the carpet.[/SECTION]

Voidrunner's Codex

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