All D&D trolls are male?


First Post
Just struck me: all D&D trolls are male?

I can't remember a single female troll image at this moment...

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Who really wants to see troll boobies? Not me, I can tell you.


Who needs sexual procreation if it can reproduce by budding?

Given the trollish regeneration capabilities, it would sort of fit that they just bud off new baby trolls.

Cheers, LT.

the Jester

Trolls don't have obvious sexual characteristics, but they do have gender. In fact, according to 2nd edition lore, she-trolls are the leaders of troll groups. Heck, back in 2e, I had a female troll evoker as a BBEG (part of a BBE party, actually!).


Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, I have always run D&D trolls as matriarchal with one uber-strong female ruling a tribe of males. So, while you most often encounter males, the females are the ones to be REALLY scared of.


First Post
Yeah, I have always run D&D trolls as matriarchal with one uber-strong female ruling a tribe of males. So, while you most often encounter males, the females are the ones to be REALLY scared of.

Good to know, troll mamas on the way on my games...

BTW, about troll boobs: World of Warcraft's female trolls are lovely ;)


Just struck me: all D&D trolls are male?

I can't remember a single female troll image at this moment...
Thanks for making me spend a small part of my workday trying recall if there were illustrations of troll weenie in any edition of the Monster Manual.

Voidrunner's Codex

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