All D&D trolls are male?

Yeah it is amazing how many unintelligent DnD creatures just 'happen' to have a loin cloth or equivalent... not that I am complaining ***troll weenie shudder***
I guess (going onto a different topic) we often don't fight female things 'cos of our in build non-PC'ness (the other PC, no not computer, the other PC!). OK to slaughter men but not the women. Or maybe it is just me! Mostly this is the case, but not always..succubus etc.
I am sure I can remember an image of a female troll, dressed in armour but I just can't think where....
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BTW, about troll boobs: World of Warcraft's female trolls are lovely ;)
They were not always that way. In the Alpha tests they were much more accurate to their male counterparts. Players of both gender complained that their female troll (and tauren as the image shows) were just not cute/sexy enough so they changed them. Now they have a huge amount of sexual dimorphism:

Back on topic: I don't think D&D has ever had one speicific answer. I read
in 2ed that they reproduce through budding (severed limb grows a mouth and eats till it grows into a new troll). I've seen adventures and settings where there are female trolls, or hags are female trolls (and or female ogres depending on the adventure). There are half-trolls who have ether come about through mating OR only by magical means, and so on. Every author has their own spin, and none seem to agree.


Just struck me: all D&D trolls are male?

I can't remember a single female troll image at this moment...

I can't say I ever even thought about looking ...

So I can't think of any female troll images either (nor could I identify male troll images, I just have "troll images of gender unspecified or explored" in my memory banks).

Unless you're referring to trolls, as in message board trolls, then that is a whole other story. ;)


Definitely Not! (Minor spoiler for D1, Descent into the Depths of the Earth)

Just struck me: all D&D trolls are male?

I can't remember a single female troll image at this moment...

EGG had a tribe of trolls in D1, Descent into the Depths of the Earth, that was led by a matriarch ... and it was the fiercest, strongest of the bunch.

(If I remember correctly)


Paizo's Classic Monsters Revisited gives details about Troll females. Basickly, troll females live throw out the males from society as soon as they're old enough to take care of themselves. Males are as such left to wander the countryside.


First Post
Just struck me: all D&D trolls are male?

I can't remember a single female troll image at this moment...

Hmm... we had an NPC female troll whose (neutral on the Good and Evil axis) tribe was inadvertently wiped out by our party (who knew their were non-evil trolls?); she ended up briefly the cleric's cohort (until the rest of the PCs got too annoyed with finding ways around the problems she presented in town).


I never liked the 2e matriarchal spin on trolls, nor was I a big fan of the 3e take -- just green regenerating giants -- I like my trolls asexual and fairly alien; bestial creatures with no culture or society.

In fact, if I were to rewrite them for 3.x I'd make them Large aberrations that advance by HD


First Post
There was some mod I played that had a BBEGirl troll...Gates of Firestorm Peak, I think.

She may have had two heads and psychic powers, but I distinctly remember her having some chesticles, definitely.

EDIT: Actually, it may have been something with The Night Below. My memory's a bit lax.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
EGG had a tribe of trolls in D1, Descent into the Depths of the Earth, that was led by a matriarch ... and it was the fiercest, strongest of the bunch.

(If I remember correctly)

Hmm... we had an NPC female troll whose (neutral on the Good and Evil axis) tribe was inadvertently wiped out by our party (who knew their were non-evil trolls?); she ended up briefly the cleric's cohort (until the rest of the PCs got too annoyed with finding ways around the problems she presented in town).

Just remembered, this is how Pathfinder does it as well. The matriarchs pretty much run the clan.

Voidrunner's Codex

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