All that glitters...


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The battle getting the best of him (and the blatent attack of his teammate Percy), Thokk unleashes a rage on the armored gnoll!

Incumbering in his battle rage only allows the Half-Orc to let out a scream as he pulls his axe overhead with both hands like a steel worker making a sword.

OOC: Thokk uses his rage to attack the gnoll with the armor on.
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CyberVenom said:
OOC Question: This is just so I know. Since there's a rock there, can a character pick it up and throw it as a weapon?

[It´s a BIG rock, enough to impede movement and give cover! :) However, don´t give up lateral thinking. That would have been great, say, defending slope or wall.]

However, Thokk doesn´t need any rock having his trusty axe. He steps towards the gnoll with a roar and the axe splits the gnoll´s head in two: brain and bone bits fly everywhere!

[Great damage roll, and the poor gnoll had only 1 hp. Thokk is now north of Soma and just right of G3]
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OOC: there is a problem with me using bardic music.... this was my first bard, and only after I posted my character I completely read the bardic music charts, so I did not put 4 ranks in perform like I was supposed to, but I did not ask to change it because i figured it was my mistake and I had to live with it. But if you will allow it, I will change it.

Percy again uses his trusty longsword to smash at the opposing gnoll (g2).


First Post
OOC: If Seba can make it around and get in a sneak attack he will. I assume the Gnolls would be preoccupied with melee conflict going on right now. If this isn't possible then he will get into a better position and continue to fire his crossbow.


Shaff, you can change your skill points (I asked you to change them anyway, since bards in 3.5 have more skills points, and you didn´t, or I missed it) To use bardic music in 3.5 you only need 3 ranks in Perform.

Anyway, the gnoll blocks your blows with the shield and prepare to counterattack. Remember that you can now move 5 feet without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Cule said:
OOC: If Seba can make it around and get in a sneak attack he will. I assume the Gnolls would be preoccupied with melee conflict going on right now. If this isn't possible then he will get into a better position and continue to fire his crossbow.

Seba can move just next to Mirdor and draw a melee weapon; he´ll be ready to move to flank G2. Remember that you can make sneak attacks if you catch your opponents unaware, but also if you manage to flank them. Confirm if that´s what you want to do.


First Post
OOC: I added more skill points, you must have just missed it. And I realize I COULD move... but I better stay put.... I'll go switch my skill points around though.

After finishing the spell the cleric openly thanks St. Cuthbert and draws a menacing looking mace with 10 flanges and the symbol of St. Cuthbert scrawled into the wooden handle on one side and "JUSTICE" [St. Cuthbert is the god of retribution] on the other. He then moves to be between Percy and the gnoll that was attacking him.

"Your judgment has come foul beings!" can be heard as Mirdor advances.

[This movement is to be done in appropriate turn order. Unless I can draw the mace as I advance.]


jacquesdespiques said:

[This movement is to be done in appropriate turn order. Unless I can draw the mace as I advance.]

In a round, you have a move equivalent action (move, pick up things, open doors, etc) and a standard action (attack once, cast an spell... or you can do another move acion with hat standard action) Drawing a weapon is a move action; however, you can combine that with a normal move if your base attack bonus is at least +1. That means that at first level only Fighters, Barbarians, Paladins and Rangers can do that.

So, at second level you´ll be able to move towards the gnoll while drawing your mace, and then strike.

However notice that you have more options. You could, for example, cast a Inflict Light Wounds spell on the gnoll, or heal Percivillus. The next round you can then move 5 feet (you can always move at least 5 feet, no matter what you do) draw your mace and start bashing.

Cule: I´ll explain you (all) how flanking works with a diagram so you can decide how you want to do it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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