Am I being too optimistic?

That is a problem, isn't it? What if the players don't pick up the adventure hooks I'm putting down? I don't foresee it, but some of the adventures I have planned simply assume that "of course the players will help, why wouldn't they? What are they, jerks?" lol.

So far they already threw me for a loop in one respect, when I realized I had an all-caster party! I'd been so careful to make sure there was a good spread weapons and armor available for melee types, and none of these guys want to be anywhere near melee combat! o_O
Contact made: plan derailed, everything proceeding as normal.

Lost plothooks ban be offered again with different bait.

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With Session 2 a week away, I'm getting ready for session 2, which will involve a crazy Paladin, a friendly Half-Oger (his spelling, not mine), and, presumably, Jermlaine, Giant Rats, Harpies, Not-Wererats (yeah, I don't want to deal with were-rat-ism, thanks), and Duergar...

Unless they make a wrong turn somewhere, and instead will have to deal with a ghost and bandits!

Also, there's an opportunistic Wyvern flying around somewhere.

Adding things the players will like is mostly being pushed into future adventures, though there is a magic firearm much later in the adventure, should the players do sidequests.

The party so far (a lot of Kobold Press options were used)-

A Dau Druid 3 (Circle of the Land-Forest). Owns a magic javelin that returns to his hand when thrown. Custom Background.

A Night Whisper Trollkin Cleric 3 (Black Powder Domain). The resident gun nut. Guild Artisan (I think).

A Shadar-Kai Warlock (Hexblade) 2/Sorcerer (Aristocratic) 1. Their bloodline is unknown in the setting, which will be interesting once they encounter other Sorcerers! Sentry Background: basically, they've worked as a guard in the past, either for a town or caravan, and other guards recognize one of their own, allowing him to get information from gate guards and the like.

A Changeling Witch 3 (Coven of the Hidden Moon; I honestly can't recall which implement they chose with their Spirit Binding feature). Urchin background, has chosen the dubious disguised form of a little ragamuffin girl. The other party members are constantly accused of being her (?) parent!

EDIT: forgot the Warlock/Sorcerer changed their race before the first session!

My total prep time is pretty constant. But most of it is spent making and moving frames for overarching plots, developing fun NPCs with depth, and further nestle webs of conspiracy, mysteries etc - ie longer term stuff that is in constant change depending on the party's latest shenanigans.

For actual session prep, it's not a lot. I may do a couple of maps, stat up a few opponents and create a set piece for a likely combat. But most of the session prep is mental - moving the world in consequence of the partys actions during the latest session.

Oh, and I spend WAY too much time writing villain monologues for sessions where I can fit them in - it's the price my players have to pay for me being a perma-GM!

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