D&D 5E Ancient Adventures is Another Option for D&D Ancient Greece

Adding to Theros, Arkadia, Hellenistika, Land of Myth, Odyssey of the Dragonlords, and the Scarred Lands is another setting book for 5E inspired by the myths of ancient Greece.

Adding to Theros, Arkadia, Hellenistika, Land of Myth, Odyssey of the Dragonlords, and the Scarred Lands is another setting book for 5E inspired by the myths of ancient Greece. This one is called Ancient Adventures, and is by Michael Tresca (who is also a columnist here). In this book there are 12 new races, 50 monsters, 20 subclasses, nearly 40 magic items, and more!


Here's the press release:

Stamford, CT, May 3, 2020: Mal and Tal Enterprises proudly presents 5E RPG: Ancient Adventures!

“This supplement was written over a decade ago for 3.5,” said Mike Tresca, Creative Director. “But due to a change in editions it never saw the light of day. Now that I have my own publishing platform, I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to share it for 5E.”

This guide includes everything from an overview of life in Ancient Greece to new species and classes, from changes to how skills work to new arms and armor, from a guide to the Greek pantheon to dozens of new magic items and monsters.

If you’ve ever wanted to play a one-eyed arimaspos, crab-shelled cabiro, or a snake-tailed cecrops, this setting is for you. It also includes familiar species like amazons, centaurs, gorgons, minotaurs, nymphs, pans, sirens, and more. And finally, over 50 new monsters that remain true to their roots—the Ancient Greek basilisk (basiliskos), griffin (gryphus), manticore (mantikhoras), and unicorn (hippomonokeros) are much deadlier than their fantasy counterparts!

So grab your xiphos, strap on your linothorax, and set sail for strange lands to bring honor to your city-state. Ancient Adventures await!

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This is funny...can't stop laughing.

When I said it was over a decade in the making I meant it. But it was older than I thought!



Nice, but will there ever be any 5e source books for ancient Mesopotamia, India, or the pre-Roman Celtic lands? Egypt isn't exactly well-served either.


I'd note that Hellenistica isn't ancient Greece in the Homeric to Classical swath of popular imagination/these other settings. It's set during the relatively cosmopolitan and multicultural Hellenistic period (post Alexander the Great/pre Roman Empire).


Nice, but will there ever be any 5e source books for ancient Mesopotamia, India, or the pre-Roman Celtic lands? Egypt isn't exactly well-served either.
It looks like the Mescalaro kickstarter will have a mesoamerican 5e flavor to it. It was just higlighted in the weekly crowdfunding update by @Egg Embry , you should make sure to check that out if your looking for new settings.


I've read through a lot of Dragonlords and find Theros to be very intriguing, so I've gathered steam on the idea of running a Greek-inspired game.

But to be honest though... the reason I have never up to this point run one is that I keep having a hard time visualizing in my head what I could do that would make any potential game I run actually seem "Ancient Greek-ish". It's basically a deficiency in my own skill as a DM... do I know and can I accomplish what are the stylistic changes necessary in both description, monsters, and quest presentation to make it all feel actually Greek, rather than just the standard D&D style that has included all manner of Greek myth running through it since the game was created? What would I have to do to make going to an oracle or slaying a gorgon/Medusa more Greekish, when PCs have done that over and over again in my regular D&D games? Dragonlords helped a little, and I'm hoping Theros might be able to answer more of those questions.

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