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And the mystery race is...hated


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Rechan said:

No MMO has gargoyles, to my knowledge. "Trolls adventurign together with human knights" doesn't happen either; in WoW, there are two factions. The demi-humans, and the Monsters. The Monsters cannot adventure with the demihumans - the game even scrambles their communications so that one side can't even talk to the another.

So no, there's no "humans and trolls co-existing in a happy sing along".

Can you imagine the half-orc? After all. He's half orc. The Orcs, who ravage the land and rape the women and are evil incarnate, and yet here's one of the half breeds sitting in a tavern with farmers and craftsmen who've likely lost relatives to orc raids. How do they not kill that orc? He's got ORC BLOOD. Woe, how can they tolerate him?!

Gargoyles should have existed in Uo2 (or Ultima X)... And if you're taking WoW as the demihuman paragon, please consider the non pvp server: you go to the same spawn points, do many quests that are same for horde/alliance and adventure in same places.
Oh, did someone say Shattrath?

But apart from that, let me remind you that HALF Orc have some form of human legacy... they maybe considered different from the other humans but still are part of the community.

I'd appreciate if you answered my question of dragonborn, no need to point the poor green guys.

Wormwood said:
I expect the stereotype to change.

edit: The stereotypical D&D tavern already has an open door policy on guys in Demon Armor with flaming, corrosive greataxes, animated shields and constellations of ioun stones. A bloke with scales and a tail shouldn't be too far fetched.

Of course much, if not most, depends on the campaign and the DM... yet you have a point :D
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.:avatar:. said:
Gargoyles should have existed in Uo2 (or Ultima X)... And if you're taking WoW as the demihuman paragon, please consider the non pvp server: you go to the same spawn points, do many quests that are same for horde/alliance and adventure in same places.
Just because they're adventuring in the same areas and taking the same quests does not mean that they're adventuring together.

But apart from that, let me remind you that HALF Orc have some form of human legacy... they maybe considered different from the other humans but still are part of the community.
And supposedly these dragonborn and possibly the tieflings have their own human ancestory too!

The point is that if you wanted to be strict, you could say that the half-orc wouldn't be allowed in the tavern, so casting stones at the dragonborn is pointless.

I'd appreciate if you answered my question of dragonborn, no need to point the poor green guys.
Yes, I do. If the necromancer and the guy in just a tunic with a dire wolf can walk into the tavern, then a guy with scales shouldn't be an issue.


What people forget is that dragonborn didn't suddenly appear a few days ago. Humans and the other PHB races, including dragonborn have known each other for hundereds, maybe thousands of years. So when a dragonborn comes into town the reaction is not "Ahh, what is that for a monster!!!" but more like "Uhh, don't see one of those often in this area".

There can and probably will still be the usual racism against people from other races but no panic like some people say there would be.
If a dragonborn is not allowed into a tavern then a dwarf or elf also won't.

Merlin the Tuna

First Post
Rechan said:
Yes, I do. If the necromancer and the guy in just a tunic with a dire wolf can walk into the tavern, then a guy with scales shouldn't be an issue.
Well, I mean, except that the tunic guy with the dire wolf probably has armor made of scales, too, thanks to silly Druid restrictions. I can see that going over either really well or really poorly depending on his choice of color.

But then, if you're willing to accept a group of superheroes just happening to converge on a tavern where the barkeep just happens to know about a lost temple full of swag and increasingly difficult monsters, well, I'm not sure why "guy with scales" is entirely too ridiculous to accept. Doubly so if you're dealing with a place like The Smoldering Corpse Bar.


First Post
Derren said:
There can and probably will still be the usual racism against people from other races but no panic like some people say there would be.
If a dragonborn is not allowed into a tavern then a dwarf or elf also won't.
The beauty of Points of Light setting concept.

My PoL1 can be about a human setlement, with only humans allowed. There are no monsters around, just wolves and other natural (ocasional) predators... But south of there, unknow to the humans, there's a small PoL2 comunity of dragonborn worshiping Bahamut, and to the north there's a dwarven tunnel leading through the mountains to a PoL3 merchant town near the ocean, where every race coexist pacifically. If I don't like eladrin or tiefling, there's no need to be something like that nearby - they'll be nothing more than a bed time story told to children... If a players wants to be an eladrin (wich I'd advise against, even though he could be from the far far away PoL 52), he'll have to come up with a story as to why he's the only eladrin around and I'll need to aprove it. The reaction whenever he enters an inn or a town will depend on where he is entering. as it should be: the humans will be weary, the dragonborn not so much, but the merchant town will not even notice his pointy ears.

Isn't that what happens in our own world? Certain countries are still uneasy about foreigners and some even forbid women (of their own race) to stay at some places... It was stronger before, but sadly racism is still a part of the world. It could be different in a fantasy world, but no one said it should be.


First Post
Derren said:
What people forget is that dragonborn didn't suddenly appear a few days ago. Humans and the other PHB races, including dragonborn have known each other for hundereds, maybe thousands of years. So when a dragonborn comes into town the reaction is not "Ahh, what is that for a monster!!!" but more like "Uhh, don't see one of those often in this area".

There can and probably will still be the usual racism against people from other races but no panic like some people say there would be.

Exactly. Just because there are points of light with wide stretches of darkness doesn't mean people are completely ignorant. Sure, your village might not have dragonborn, but you've probably at least heard of them; yeah, you might have some bias against them or have heard outrageous tales and legends of them, but if they've been around as long (or longer) as elves, dwarves, etc. and have been known to be at least somewhat civilized during that time period, it's no different actually.


Baby Samurai said:
So, no "Hulk smash!" race in the PHB I, eh?
Or, more appropriately, thog rage!

I'm hoping the Dragonborn will be strong without necessarily being dumb, seeing as people seem to like that.

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