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Another day in the Tavern


Khylorn the Shifter

((OOC: I'm back for now, and I'll be able to use a computer, but it won't be frequent.))

Khylorn reenters the tavern, seeing the woman in leather asleep on a chair and Vash holding a gold dragon statue. Two scimitars are strapped to his sides that were not there before.

"What is going on here? What's she doing? And what's that statue?"

He pauses.

"And who were you yelling at, Draz? I could hear it as I came in, and you have a very loud voice."

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Captain Binkle

Under New Management: The Half-Pint

Thran Binkle, son of the imfamous Captain Waldo Binkle, looked at the tatered scrap of parchment and sighed when he saw the rundown tavern. He wished that Jarl had come with him instead of returning to Icewind Dale. Thran could really use the strong arm.
"Well, I might as well start," the little gnome said to himself. He hired on several locals to help rebuild the tavern. And within a tendays Thran was standing behind the bar of his tavern, the Half-Pint.
It was the beginning of another boring day at the Half-Pint. Thran stood absently wiping a glass mug out. He was lost in memories of his life with his father aboard theSea Talon. Thran was the appointed scout becuse of his unique eyesight. He was the first to identify enemies or landmass. When he decided to leave Captain Binkle, Hale and Marius all presented Thran with tokens. Hale gave his Ring of Spider Climb, Marius gave Thran an Earring of Haste, but Captain Binkle gave his most prized possesion to his son. The ring that had caused the gnomish sea captain so much trouble. The ring had a tendency to cause strange occurances. Thran wondered how these item might prove useful in his recent endevors.


First Post
A gnome bard walks into the tavern, approaching the counter

Quite the day we're having? Henneways, can I have a mugginsworth of brandy? Jolly stuff, you have here, friends.

Gurney Halleck

First Post
The tavern door swings open as a muscular young human male walks into the room, a rapier bouncing at his side, as he strolls to the tavern's counter. As soon as he takes his seat, he unstraps the hopelessly broken baliset strung across his back. He looks down at the broken instrument, a grim look on his face, then looks up to order his drink.

I could use your strongest, biggest, cheapest drink.

He looks back down to his baliset.

Well, looks like i'll be hanging up the title of Bard for a while, at least until I get enough money to fix ye. Just hold on a little while, me friend. Don't matter who i have to kill to get the money!


Captain Binkle

"Welcome, welcome," Thran said a bit too excitedly. "A brandy for my kinsman and a mug of orc-draft for the tall one," he quickly serves the drinks and patiently waits behind the bar. A wide grin plastered on his small face.
"What busness does two famed bards such as yourselves around such parts," asked the gnome.



Out of no where a drunken and disorderly elf stumbles through and collides with various people and objects on his way to the door which opens just as he places his hand on the handle. This causes him to fall flat on his face as the person outside jumps aside.

This other person steps inside, looks about, and is waved over by a group of his friends. The door swings shut and the last image of the drunken elf the tavern is left with is him laying face down in the dirt. The other man joined his friends and becomes just another face in the crowd.


Captain Binkle

PsionScribe said:
Juss lookin' for a place to share my musical talent...

"Well it just so happends that I am in need of some entertainment for my patrons. I do not have anything I could offer as payment," Thran said to his kinsman.
"Let's see biggest, strogest, and cheapest? Are you sure, friend? I only have this for such requests," the gnome holds a bottle marked with a orc skull. "This is called: Orcslayer Draft. It's the strongest and the cheapest for only 3 silver. Though beware of the side effects. This drink has been known to kill even the strongest of battle-hardend warriors," Thran warned.


Lucian Frost

A New Arrival....

He appeared through the doors, the man in the gray cloak. With his head hung and the hood pulled up over it, his features were quite impossible to make out. What the casual observer would undoubtedly detect most about him would be the relative slightness of his build, and the way in which he moved.... a casual, almost lazy gracefulness that seemed to make him almost float.

The basket hilt of a fine looking weapon protruded from under the cloak, and if one were to observe just a little more closely, one could trace the length of a slim rapier that hung from his belt almost casually. A more intent observer would see the fine nicks and scratches on the hilt and basket that indicated frequent use.

A fine coat of road dust seemed to hang on the stranger, and one would be unable to tell whether his head was hung from weariness, ore merely a desire to remain anonymous.

Without word or passing glance to any of his fellow patrons, the stranger made his way across the floor toward an empty table, an out of the way table, and took his seat. Placing his hands on the table, the stranger carefully removed a pair of soft leather gloves and placed them beside himself, out of the way. With a casual slight wave of his hand, he would signal those that serve the tavern.

Voidrunner's Codex

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