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Another day in the Tavern


Lord Tarran

I've been fine Mai. Thank you.

He accepts the gift, no, the peace offering kindly, before shooting Vash a dirty glare that said very loudly, yet not aloud, "HER!" He examines the gift then, finding that not only was it of impecable craftmanship, and wonderous magic, but it had the ability to shape into a fully sized gold dragon. His pride in owning such a blessed artifact of Bahamut almost made Draz get up and hug the girl. Trying to appear unphased, he looked it over again, before realizing something that he felt he should have seen earlier.

You stole this didn't you. A stone like this is priceless. I couldn't afford this with my father's, and all of his ancestor's hoards.

He puts away his whetstone and begins to tap his large foot on the ground, his arms crossed.

The last time we were together we discussed this, Valentine. You said that you would give up stealing, if I gave up taking Dragonwing. Search my bags, I have none on me, and have been grounded since we parted.

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Vash Taklore

*Looks at both Mai and Draz, as they seem to have various emotions running through each of their faces.*

"Draz, I wouldn't get to upset at the girl. May I see this little artwork?"

*Reaches across the table and carefully takes the statue and examines it very closely.*

"Let me just check something else..."

*Vash's hand turns green with smokey energy as he waved his hand over the artifact, which lets off a little blue smoke. Vash's eyes open wide.*

"Did you see that reaction Draz? I've never had that reaction before. We've never found anything this potent. This statue is packing some serious magic behind it. Unfortunitly, I don't know what it does. Surely you must know, right?"


Lord Tarran

Know what it is? OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS! Every cleric of Bahamut knows what it is! It's a summoning stone. It's keyed to one of Bahamuts gold dragon servitors. It is also, just as a statue, worth more than my life. Add the magic, which involves power beyond that of a Gate, and you have an artifact that is near priceless. and considering that all of them are owned by Heirophants and high priests of Bahamut's temples, and his allies temples, there is no way that Mai got it legally. What I want to know is who she stole it from so I may return it, and her, to that city. She promised me she would give it up, but no, that would just be to easy. Just see the dragon of his drug use, and then continue her own little dirty secret.

He reaches into his pack, pulling out a small, round, sealed sack, filled with what sound like either sand, or beans. He begins to knead it in his left hand, while he drums his fingers on the table with the right.


Mai Valentine

*Reaches behind her and pulls out a small hand crossbow, pointing it at Draz. She seems to have fire in her eyes that was never shown before. Even in their previous time together.*

"I'm not going back to that city. I took this so we can defeat his brother."

*Gives Vash a dirty look, keeping an eye on Draz, then looks back at Draz.*

"We lost to many lives last time. This time we have this. I'm not going to spill the blood of so many in a fruitless attempt. Either you will be our summoner, or I will find another to take your place."

*Moves her finger tighter on the trigger to the crossbow, not enough to fire it, but tighter none the less.*


Vash Taklore

*Reaches behind him and points a small hand crossbow at Mai*

"What's wrong with you Mai?! Put that thing down."

*His eyes dart frantically from Draz to Mai, as Vash begins to get very nervous*

"He won't turn you in. Don't worry. This statue is going to help us, but not if you kill him. Snap out of this."

*Vash's eyes dart back to Draz frantically*


Lord Tarran

The last time you threatened my life, Mai, I broke your arm. I'm the only one who could use this item who is willing to help. But stealing it will get us in a great deal of trouble as well. I have means of summoning that don't involve using my god's artifacts. I'll be lucky if this damn thing works, it having left the temple ilegally. And I will remind you, that it was not fruitless last time. We were able to weaken him and I was able seal him in. I will also remind you, that of those living, I gave up the most. Or do you not remember how I had to put my spark, my divine spark, my OWN GODHOOD, into the spells to seal him in. You speak to me of fruitlessness and of loss, but you do not know the level of mine. I watched most of our friends die, as I tried to heal them. I watched as their souls were sent far beyond where anyone could bring them back. I watch as we slowly cut down Vash's brother. I remember laying down the magic sigils I was going to seal him in with. I remember that as the two of us fought, me trying to contain him, how I had to sacrifice my spark. I remember it well. You will never know the feeling. Imagine having your soul stripped from your body. Imagine the constant feeling of a pain symbol. It's something like that, but worse. Don't speak to me of loss, I know the feeling well.

His draconic eyes seem close to tearing.

The reason I took up Dragonwing after we defeated him was to drown out the pain. To get away from it. When you may me quit, I did so because I knew it was for the greater good. I haven't touched a drag in years. So I suggest you remove that crossbow, because since you stole from the church, I'm allowed to kill you.

He broods, but watches her none the less.


Mai Valentine

"Whats fruitless is his brother is back! You may have sacrificed your spark, but it did no good after a few years time. Simple hexes weren't enough. Your spark wasn't enough. This trinket still works. You saw what happened when Vash detected magic on it. We've all given up so much, had so many friends died. You can bring forth those of a god to help us end this. Why won't you do it?!"

*Mai is near tears of rage but holds her crossbow steady*


Lord Tarran


He fumes after he had roared, before continuing, some what quieter.

It will bring forth a gold, that's true. But it is nothing more than an great wyrm, nothing special about it. Our chances are slim without the power we used to have. You two, and all the others that lived, grew in strength. I have grown in strength only from my state right after the banishing. Until my spark is recovered, I am nothing more than a mere cleric. Mai, I am sorry, but the item, though strong, is nothing in this fight. I will not betray my god in its use until he ordains so. And he knows EXACTLY how it is to be done. I suggest you sit and put the crossbow down. We need to worry about recruiting those still alive, as well as finding a way for me to at least get some of my power back.

He is calmer now, but still upset.


Vash Taklore

*While Draz shouts at Mai, Vash slips around Mai. From behind here he casts a quick Sleep spell. Having her fall back into his arms and back down and into her chair. Afterwards he looks at Draz with a stern look on his face*

"Somethings not right about this."

*Picks up the little gold statue and looks at it again*

"There is a way to summon Bahamut himself to finish off a foe. It is extremely diffacult to finish casting without getting disrupted, but it can be done. You need a powerful sacrifice and some other components."

*Sits down, a little pale, and takes out a small book*

"I have spells in here that can summon beasts from many different planes. My brother has never been slain by any of them, however I have never been able to summon a god succesfully. My oldest friend summoned an amazing grace from his god which, although incrediably powerful, was not enough. I need you to summon your god. I can get you whatever components you need to perform the rituals, but I need this done."


Lord Tarran

Bahamut will not come into our world, no matter what we give him.

Draz is solid on this.

We can, however, use the stone to possibly restore my godhood. We will need to bring this to the temple it belongs in first, though. The high priest will know what to do.

Voidrunner's Codex

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