Then don't try to shut down other posters when they want to discuss "the release schedule" here.
In fact, this is the place I've went to for precisely that type of discussion since June 2003.
Thing is, "the schedule" discussion has been beaten to a bloody pulp for YEARS.
Since 5e released, we've had this repeated conversation every month or three for five years now.
You asked the question about why aren't we getting more books. The question was answered in the clearest way possible - we aren't getting more books because WotC's current business model is the most successful RPG business model in the hobby's history. At no point, even in the fad days, have we seen this degree of growth, and these levels of consistent sales. Let's not forget, by this time in AD&D's run, PHB sales had crashed and they rushed out the Unearthed Arcana in order to jump start the hobby sales again giving rise to what we'd now view as a half edition.
You have not provided a single piece of evidence to indicate that WotC should do anything different. You might want them to do something different, fair enough. But, at the end of the day, when you have a record selling product, year on year, you're doing something very, very right. I mean, good grief, when almost EVERY publication you have banged out for the last 5 years is STILL in the top 1000 on Amazon, why on earth would you change a thing?