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Anyone get Fable yet?


I'm thinking of picking it up over the weekend, but would love to hear some "real people" first impressions of it first. I not a big console guy, but I like the idea of lounging on the couch and playing a great fantasy crpg.

Does Fable fit the bill?

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Playing Fable.....

Drengy said:
I'm thinking of picking it up over the weekend, but would love to hear some "real people" first impressions of it first. I not a big console guy, but I like the idea of lounging on the couch and playing a great fantasy crpg.

Does Fable fit the bill?
There are several things happening...1. people are playing it and too wrapped up to talk.

Demon Stone (for PS2...ugh) is also out, and again, people are tied up in playing

2. When they are taking a break, their minds are game mushed...depending if they have both console systems and are taking turns in playing each game (some nuts are known to do that)

3. They want to see how far they can get with 3,4, 6, or maybe 10 hours of play, before making any comments what so ever...

4. I HIGHLY recommend getting it, READ the manual first...4 times(I have heard it is a thick one), then get comfortable in whatever clothes you are wearing, have plenty of water on hand(I have notice that for some reason, playing console games tends to dehydrate me...strange) and oh, turn ringer for cell, beeper, doorbell and telephone to very low, so that you WILL not be interrupted while playing.

5. if married or living with girlfriend, make sure they are taking care of first, before you commit yourself to playing...I don't need to explain that, do I;) .

6. Now play...and play, and play...to the end...


First Post
I have it, since Tuesday, and I like it. My only spoiler free gripe is combat is a bit wonky- I keep hitting friendlies when I dont want to. And the game seems a bit easy, but the game is fun.

My slightly spoilerish gripe:
I hate escort missions!

Im only officially in game 6 hours,but Ive backtracked and reloaded a couple of times for fear I missed something, or wanted to try a different path,and I didnt save when I should have. But it seems that my fears of a repeat of Black and White are safely to rest. And the game still has alot of the Peter Molyneax-ish touches.

Apart from that, Ive heard complains on other boards that the game is short. I think the main quest is pretty short ( 10-15 hours?), but theres alot to do along the way that you can really wander around interacting with NPCs, etc and supposedly stretch that out to 40-100 hours. Kinda hard to explain-the game isnt the typical type rpg.
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I just finished a four hour session, so hopefully that tells you something :) If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd still be playing.

I have about six totals hours in (bought it yesterday), so I haven't advanced too far, but for the most part I like it. Lots of cool little touches (expressions, reactions from NPCs, etc.) that make it fun. I don't like the fact that you can't do a "world save" (i.e.; save the entire state of the game) in the middle of a quest. You can save your stats/equipment/etc. but you have to start at the beginning of the quest when you re-load if you didn't finish it. Maybe this is a common thing for console RPGs, I don't know. The only console RPGs I've played are Morrowind and KotOR, and both of those allowed you to save anywhere, just like a PC game.

I'm not sure where it stacks up yet against my favorite computer/console RPGs (the two I mentioned above), but so far it's good.


First Post
MythosaAkira said:
I don't like the fact that you can't do a "world save" (i.e.; save the entire state of the game) in the middle of a quest. You can save your stats/equipment/etc. but you have to start at the beginning of the quest when you re-load if you didn't finish it. Maybe this is a common thing for console RPGs, I don't know.
It's not. It's unique to Fable, and has been a considerable (and appropriate) source of criticism.

Fable isn't bad... but it's no Star Ocean.


I played a friend's copy. I didn't play more than a couple hours, but I like the game so far. It reminds me of a Zelda game a little bit. I really like the combat system, it feels pretty natural. I also like the depth of the game, how your character changes over time, and the good vs. evil thing with your characters alignment. I highly suggest getting a copy, I know I will when I get some money.


arnwyn said:
It's not. It's unique to Fable, and has been a considerable (and appropriate) source of criticism.

Fable isn't bad... but it's no Star Ocean.
Nor is it anywhere near to:

Planescape: Torment
Baldur's Gate II
Suikoden 2
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX, X
Wild Arms I, III

The closest thing I can compare it to is a MMORPG without real people. If that floats your boat more power to you, but personally I'd rather spend money on a real single player RPG which isn't so easy and short I'm forced to spend chatting with repetitive NPC's for more than 70% of my time (It took me 16.5 hours from start to finish without rushing and with most sidequests done (if I can believe some listings I've seen)) to get any value for money.


First Post
Fable has been the first console rpg that has held my interest for long enough to get me into the meat of the game. I've just gotten tired of a lot of the typical crpgs. I'll admit, most of the appeal in the game is the in-depth character evolvement and how he changes over time and that sort of thing. It's also aesthetics. Very nice art. It's not just the quality of the graphics, but the design theme involved. It really feels fresh and sort of "classic" at the same time. Well, that's just my opinion. I love it. I'm counting the hours until I can get back to playing it.


**Very Addictive**

Just got it on Friday and have been playing it a lot.

Graphics are nice and watching your character age, change
his hairstyle is pretty effective and cool to see in in-game cut scenes.
Had a massive battle at one point and now my character has
a scar across his face. Some good dramatic cut-scenes too.

Interactions with other people in the game are nice - you can be
rude and obnoxious to commoners or polite and flirty.

The save game is, IMO, the worst feature, but the only bad one {so far}.
You could be playing a quest that lasts 45 minutes and come 99.9%
close to success, and then have to start all the way at the beginning
again -- shameful on the games part. Would've been nice to have
a save point 5 minutes before the big battle at the end of a quest -- in
fact, that's the only reason I've put the game down is that after
2 tries, I don't want to go back and kill the same monsters again.

Big negative ... but other than that, a really enjoyable game.

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